Friday, April 28, 2017

Signs of Spring

 The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom here in New Hampshire..
And my daffodils are out.
 And there's still a few crocuses left too.
Today felt like summer here. It was warm and humid. Out came the shorts. :)
 So here's this weeks spread in my calendar journal . 
 Here's a cropped view of just the left side. Its my last entry for Hazel's great challenge at Art Journal Journey this month. The theme is Magical Mystery Tour, and when I think about butterflies, it certainly is magical how the caterpillar turns into a gorgeous butterfly. And to me, the biologist, it is such a mystery why they go through such physical changes from the caterpillar to the butterfly. 
It been a great challenge Hazel. Thanks for fun.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Love the butterfly pages. I once heard a story about someone who saw a butterfly struggling to get out of the cocoon and decided to help it. When he did he discovered it was not yet fully formed. It was the struggle that enabled it to become a butterfly. I always looked at that as a sign that our struggles in life help us be stronger. (Not always easy to see that when we are going through the hard times, though.)

  2. Wasn't today just gorgeous? And your butterflies would fit perfectly. For Spring Break, your week was sure busy. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. I admit the butterfly page is wonderful, but I actually like the other side better. It has more of a collage feel to it, and layering, too.

    My daffs never bloomed, and I don't have any cherry blossoms around, but I LOVE your photos of spring that is finally arriving in New England and New Hampshire.

  4. Love your beautiful butterfly page, and I can imagine how happy you are to have warm weather and lots of spring flowers and blossoms - enjoy! Have a great weekend. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Beautiful flowers in springtime - we still have cold, rainy and snowy weather here!
    Your butterfly page is fabulous!

  6. A wonderful last spread for the Magical Mystery Tour theme Erika!
    And so good to see the spring on the photos!
    We had at least sun today and most of the new load of snow melted down already.. tomorrow will be also warmer -- we will see what we get!

    Happy weekend to you and thank you for all the fantastic support for AJJ again this month.
    oxo Susi

  7. Beautiful photos and journal page. The daffodils really pop, as do the butterflies off your page. Happy weekend 😊

  8. Beautifully done Erika! Love your pictures.
    sandy xx

  9. great journal page! So glad you have flowers now instead of snow . It seemed your winter would never end. I have lots of flowers blooming now but it's been raining too much to get out and take photos. It is April though so it's supposed to rain. RIGHT? Have a great weekend !

  10. Lovely flowers and a gorgeous art journal page!
    Love the words Erika...did you write them, too?
    Perfect post for Hazel's challenge~


  11. Isn't it wonderful when all these signs of spring appear? It always gives me new energy. Your art journal page is lovely. I especially like the background to the butterflies.

  12. I know you're glad to see those Spring flowers. We've been seeing them for a while now, and even when the weather is chilly, it _feels_ warmer once these flowers bloom :) Lovely photos.

  13. It's springtime everywhere in your world -- in the yard and on the page. Don't you just love it? To me butterflies are such a wonderful sign of the weather and spring.

    Happy Weekend!

  14. I love your butterfly page - it's beautiful. We've been getting a lot of spring sunshine here but it's still cold. I'm glad you enjoyed my challenge, thank you for taking part, I loved looking at your pages.
    xxx Hazel.


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