Thursday, April 20, 2017

Art Inspiration

So I recently read a book about Vincent Van Gogh.
This is the story about Vincent Van Gogh and (mostly) about his life in Arles, France. Van Gogh moved to Arles towards the end of his short life and besides creating many of his most famous paintings, he tried to create an artist colony. Paul Gauguin was the only artist he attracted, and that did not last very long.
But this book is also the story of Bernadette Murphy and how she discovered the actual story of the famous cutting off his ear story. It was a fascinating piece of detective work, and the author's style was quite readable. I really enjoyed this book.
Besides reading, I have also been doing some stash cleaning lately, doing a little here and a little there. To my surprise, I came across a couple of Van Gogh stickers that I had bought several years ago the Art Institute in Chicago and forgotten I had.  What a great art museum that place is, but I won't get off track.
So I decided to use those stickers to make  a page in my calendar journal.
I stamped the sunflower, painted it and added it to my page, and then I wrote in a Van Gogh quote.  
No fancy backgrounds, but I still am happy with the page. 
So we're getting closer to the weekend. The weeks been flying by but it always seems to slow down right before a vacation begins. We shall see.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day-and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. My mouse pad is of this exact same bedroom in Arles. I have at least six art books on Van Gogh, two books on his life, and dozens of canvas reprints of his art. The fields over the cornfield was so shocking to me when I first unrolled it from the mailing carton, I almost didn't frame it. For some reason, it really affected me. Now, not so much.

    Yes, Chicago's Art Institute has some incredible art. The stories we could share, I'm sure. Great stickers. Too bad I never saw them in their gift shop. Your art journal entry is fabulous.

  2. I actually like this as much as all or any pages you have made because of its simplicity, clear message and beautiful color. It's just lovely and I think it really captures his essence.

    There was a documentary on Van Gogh's Ear on PBS -- either "NOVA" or "Secrets of the Dead." Probably on video. I suspect the woman they followed was Bernadette Murphy but I saw it awhile ago and can't remember. Worth finding on netflix, or PBS Passport if you haven't seen it!

  3. I think van Gogh might be my favorite painter. I especially love Starry Night. He was also the subject of a Doctor Who episode: Vincent and The Doctor. Was one of the 11th Doctor's best stories. So sad Vincent took his own life never realizing the wonderful legacy he left behind.

    The sunflower and the quote are perfect together in your journal. Only 2 more days and then vacation for you! Have a good day!

  4. Wonderful journal page, Van Gogh is always one of my BIG faves, and your page does his work justice. Just got home from the clinic, so off to put my feet up! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Van Gogh is a fascinating subject as well as a great artist. Many didn't really like his art back when he was alive.
    Your page is gorgeous!!! I love it without a fancy background!!!

  6. This book is for sure brilliant - at least it sounds very interesting!
    I love Van Gogh's style and I love your page .... just amazing - great that you had a clean up and found that super stickers - that was good fortune!
    This poor man, he suffered the same illness as I - but they had no medicine at these times. Another reason that I am so happy to live today.
    Happy Friday ahead der Erika!
    It's still so cold here, and yesterday they had snow chaos near Vienna -
    happily we got no more snow here - but it is all frozen again ....brrrr.

  7. A fabulous page and quote. Love how you created your page and the wonderful sunflower looks beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Another book to go on my to read list. I love books about artists and their works. I have never been to Chicago, maybe someday?! I have heard the Art Museum is amazing...Maybe you will write about in on another post. Would love to hear your thoughts. Love Can Gogh's paintings, especially for the colour and texture. Great journal page. Love the quote!

  9. I think I saw a tv documentary a couple of months back about this new evidence/book about Van Goghs ear and it was really interesting. Would love to go back there in my time machine and follow his adventures and watch him paint (and so many others)...
    Love your page - your stash cleaning resulted in a great find - the stickers are fab.
    Gill xx

  10. What a wonderful page and I cannot tell you how much I love Van Gogh! Try reading LETTERS TO THEO - one of the best books about Van Gogh you will ever read. All letters to his brother Theo before he died.
    What is the name of the book you read?
    Sandy xx


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