Friday, April 21, 2017


I woke up listening to the rain falling this morning. Sometimes that is a wonderful sound. Like today. I know when the sun comes out it will help bring on the green. :)
Plus the day before vacation, it MIGHT keep the kids calmer as they'll be half asleep.
Or at least I can hope. :)
Thought I would send all you wonderful readers in blogland a little spring bouquet. today.  I don't know what the Asian letters say, but hopefully its something kind and wonderful.
Happy Friday everyone.


  1. Wowser! this is really beautiful Erika and one I can imagine framed up on a wall - love it!
    I'm trying to catch up with your posts (might take a while ha ha)
    Thanks for the lovely comments on my last page - genealogy is fun isn't it - except for the amount of files and paperwork I have -
    Good luck with yours :)
    Hope you have a great Friday and lovely weekend.
    Gill xx

  2. This is just a beautiful spring bouquet - the wonderful tulips on that great background - fantastique! I like your header too!

  3. Your tulips brighten up this grey morning. Have a good day!

  4. Your bouquet of flowers is so beautifully done. Very, very nice. I don't know what your characters say either. I have a Japanese friend and she has trouble sometimes with characters. There is not a word for word translation for Chinese and Japanese characters. They convey ideas. Hopefully, you have something nice written there. But in any case, it may be hard to interpret so it wouldn't really matter! Hope all is going well with you and your family.

  5. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous flowers! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  6. So beautiful and colorful Erika! The Asian Characters are lovely touch...
    have a lovely Day~

  7. INCREDIBLE spring bouquet. I adore it. I also really like the spatters in the background.

    I hope you enjoy your last day of school and possibly for the year. I know you are looking forward to it.

    Have a lovely day and happy early Earth Day, too.

  8. A wonderful tulip bouquet - the burst of colors in the background is brilliant!Just great your painting - really expressive!
    Happy start of your weekend Erika!

  9. I don't have tulips, so I welcome this spring bouquet. Thx :)

  10. Lovely bright red tulips in a spring bouquet! Lovely.
    I hope the kids were all half asleep and that you had a really good Friday.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  11. It is a beautiful vase of tulips they look so pretty. I hope you have a good weekend as well.
    Yvonne xx

  12. So true about the rain! I think I am equally in love with the rain, that's the Irish in me! As long as it doesn't last too long! It definitely helps with the green, a perfect kind of sentiment for earth day! I love love the ☀️ to shine warm upon my a hug from the sky! Your tulips are beautiful, so vibrant! Happy Earth Day and hugs to you! Enjoy vacation!

  13. Oh, how fun to anticipate vacation! I think red rulips are a terrific way to celebrate!

  14. Cheery bouquet, glad you are finally on vacation. xox


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