Friday, April 7, 2017

Exotic Blooms

Happy Friday everyone! This week has flown right by. I think it is the more spring like weather and the melting snow that has put everyone in a little cheerier mood in my neck of the woods. We've had a lot of rain this week, but its not snow! It is exciting to finally see more bare ground than snowy ground.
And I want to give a big thanks to all those lovely hostesses over at Try It On Tuesday for their top 5 pick on the Lady in Red challenge.  You ladies are wonderful artists and I appreciate the chance to participate.
So I'm still painting flowers, and today my journal page has a bit more exotic feel to it. I did some stamping, added some printed acetate , as well as using some watercolor crayons too. The image is from Postmodern Design, and I stamped it twice. The first time I stamped on tissue paper and used matte medium to attach it to the page, and then I stamped it the second time on white paper. I cut the figure out and added it over the matching figure on the tissue paper. I like how it left the lines in the background which is more transparent from the tissue paper.
I am linking up to Hazel's cool theme at Art Journal Journey, Magical Mystery Tour. I think going some place exotic right now would be a really interesting thing to do. I can image being in some beautiful garden, maybe at some wonderful old home or other building. It would be exciting, and certainly magic and a mystery. Its always exciting to have some type of adventure.
Any big weekend plans? I think tomorrow my daughter and I are going to walk for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in one of their spring fund raiser walks. The group  I advise at school is working at the event and also have a walking team, plus one of my teacher friends has MS, so it seems like a good cause to support.  I just hope the sun comes out to make it really beautiful day to walk..
We heard the other day that my husband also passed his tests for kidney surgery, so now we are just waiting to hear confirmation on a date. As long as the hospital doesn't come up with some other things they want us to check off. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you have a great weekend.


  1. This page makes me happy as well as the post of Elke, the participant I visited beforehand! It speaks to my heart and is magical and I am so proud to have such deeply thinking artists as blogfriends! That really amazes me! I thank you another time for participating and always supporting AJJ, MMM and TIOT!
    What a beautiful entry for TioT as well! Well deserved to be at top five Erika!
    I hope you will enjoy the event - a really good cause to support - you are right! Wish you good weather for this. We have had rain since yesterday again- but it's o.k. - nature needs water I think!
    Absolutely fine to hear about the good results for your hubby!
    That makes me happy!
    hugs and love from

  2. The rain as stopped, the sun is shining, and you're bright, tropical flowers make the day brighter. Can't wait for the warmer weather next week. The weather sounds good for the walk-a-thon. Have fun and a great weekend.

  3. So pleased to hear the good news that your husband has been cleared for the transplant. Good that the weather is slowly turning in the direction of spring. Love the beautiful and colourful journal page, and congrats at being chosen over at TIOT! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely flowers piece. Looks like you had lots of steps in creating this beauty. Bet it was such fun to make. Good luck on your MS walk. I hope the weather is good for you. And that the ground stays bare - no snow. That's wonderful news about your dh. I hope they can arrange the surgery soon. It has been a long wait for you.

  5. A post filled with loads of good news! So glad your husband passed his test -- onward! And great about the MS walk. And finally, I love your page. It IS exotic (and yes, exotic sounds very good right now!)

  6. Gorgeous vibrant blooms, yes I can think of exotic and warmer places just by looking at them. Its a fabulous page
    I hope the weather will be kind for you all during tomorrows walk.
    Its looking positive for your husband, I hope all continues well and you get a date soon.
    Yvonne xx

  7. My blog is on meltdown. I got to your blog from Valerie's blog. Right now I'm a mess. In case you want to leave a comment, if you scroll to the VERY top of the page when you get to comments, the word "comments" should underline. Other than that, everything is messed up.

    Congrats on your TioT win. I actually saw it earlier in the week. I love the flowers and art you have created today. It's AWESOME.

    You have a full weekend planned, with your walk and everything else you always do on the weekend. SO glad to read about your husband. Now let's hope for May, so you can get out of school early this year!!

  8. I'm glad your snow is going and hopefully the rain will go and you'll soon get some lovely spring weather. Another wonderful page - I do love your flowers.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Congratulations on the tip 5 pick.
    Today's post is so bright and colorful!
    sandy xx

  10. A lovely page, I love your painted flowers.

    Have a wonderful weekend


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