Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Magical Mystery of Family

Hi everyone. Its the middle of the week already and testing day at school. Almost all of the kids have to take exams of some sort or another so my morning is going to be all about proctoring SATs for the juniors. The younger kids are taking the PSAT's and the seniors don't have to show up at all. For those of you who may not know, SAT's and PSAT's  are tests that many of the kids take for college here in the US. 
So today I have a page for Art Journal Journey. This month Hazel is hosting and her theme is Magical Mystery Tour. I think its a really cool idea.
So lately I've been playing around with my family tree on I haven't gotten very far with 3 of my grandparents family trees, but with my grandfather on my Dad's side I've made it back into the 1600's. What's been amazing to me is how many members of that family there are now and how many of them have done family trees. I've gone back and had 10 family trees to work from in some generations. The fact that all those people are distantly related me is pretty amazing. I've never thought about that before. Right now I am back to my 10th great-grandparents in some lines. However you look at it, I think going back to the 1600's is a really long time ago.
I really wonder what these people were like. I wonder how they looked. Since I look like my dad I wonder if I share any traits with them. I try to image what were their lives like too.
(Probably pretty hard I image.)
I will say working on my family tree has been a magical mystery tour for me.
So my page today began as various ink pads which were rubbed onto my background paper. I doodled the family tree boxes and painted the flowers. The kids are NOT my family but a TH found relative card. I decorated it up a bit and added some various bits and bobs from my stash. I also used some pencils on the flowers to make them pop a little more, as well as an older B Line Design cube stamp that had the words on it.
Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. What a marvelous family picture, and that botanical background is gorgeous. I have been wanting to do my family tree, but have to many irons on the fire these days. Good luck with the testing. I did special accommodations for some 5th graders taking the STAAR last week, and they're long days. Blessings!

  2. What a wonderful page!. I'm also on Ancestry and found distant cousins on my Dad's side of the family. I'm stuck on my mother's side of the family. Like doing a giant puzzle where a lot of the pieces look the same. Have to be careful about following leads because one can take you down a rabbit hole only to find out you've been working on the tree for 6 hours! Too fun.

  3. Sounds fascinating, I've thought to do it too and got back as far as great grandparents, but no further. just through google searches. You'll have to let us know where all your influences hail from. Love the page. Wonder and wander. xox

  4. Wonderful page, good idea to use your family for your magical tour. Most of my family was a mystery to me, and not really a good one! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. This is a wonderful page Erika! So interesting to play with the family tree
    and a great idea with the TH realitive card. Seems exhausting all that testing at school! Wish you power for the rest of the week!
    Thank you very much for such a super page linked to Art Journal Joureny!
    You are simple the best!

  6. It sounds like you're getting interesting information. It's fascinating to think you've traced some back that far. Now, if only folks had taken family photos back then ;)

  7. Its a fabulous memory page Erika, and good for you being able to trace your family tree back so far through one of your grandparents. 1600 is, as you say a good way back in time.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Wow. This is a great AJJ entry. The idea of a family tree is impressive, and I really like how you portrayed it.

    BTW, I am positive I took the ACTs, not the SATs.


  9. Great beautiful journal suits perfectly to the topic with the family photo!

    Happy Day

  10. Your page is magical and wonderful Erika!
    Super colors and design. The assorted dots look really great too.
    How very cool to step back in time to learn about 1600 relatives!
    WOW really fascinating.
    The spin cycle on our washing machine went out the other day with Mr Magpie's heavy work clothes sitting rinsed but dripping wet. My thoughts immediately went to the days when laundry was done all by hand.
    Renewed appreciation and respect for having to wring clothes out.
    Doing laundry is a favorite thing of mine too.
    Oops sorry I went off on a laundry tangent LOL.
    Happy Thursday oxo

  11. I love the colors you have used - fantastic background.
    I want to get into my family history sometime but when. I don't have the time as it is!!!
    Sandy xx

  12. Oh my, I love your page and hearing about your family tree! You have done a brilliant job tracing your family back to the 1600s, WOW! Your background looks fabulous with the family tree boxes and pretty colours. Happy Thursday and enjoy the rest of your week! J :-)

  13. That must really be a fascinating mystery tour as you uncover more and more.
    I like your "found" family among the painted flowers.
    I often wonder when I see these "found" people if anyone recognises them.

  14. A wonderful magical tour into your family's past, I would love to get into ancestry but don't really have the time. Your botanical background is beautiful and the photo is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Ancestry IS a journey so this is a perfect page. I've wondered what they looked like too -- I think finding that out would be harder than imagining how they lived, at least in general.

    It's a lovely page and I look forward to hearing much more about this!

  16. Your page is absolutely wonderful


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