Monday, April 3, 2017

Watching the Snow Melt

Tuesday again. It can't possibly be Tuesday, can it? Boy, this past week went fast!
So we've had some wonderful weather the last couple of days and the snow has been melting at record rates. I am loving that too. Maybe by the end of the week it will  be just about all gone. 😊
Sunday was so nice the hubby and I pulled out our beach chairs and sat on the deck for an hour soaking up some sun and watching the snow melt. 
I think the only ones who will miss the snow are the dogs.

 Especially Pete.

But Sunday was so beautiful the chickadees were out singing loudly and flitting about,even with us sitting 7 or 8 feet away.

Even the trees were loving the weather. The buds are actually starting to get really big.
And the snow was melting and the melt was dripping like crazy.
I don't think this lawn ornament is going to be casting this snow shadow for very long.

We haven't had a lot of this warm weather the whole month of March so it is really welcome, especially after lots of snow fell all day Saturday.
I know, no one wants to look at snow any more. Me either, but sorry, spring is only just arriving here in New Hampshire.
So it is Tuesday, which means it is T Day. Join us over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  for T is for Tuesday and share a drink and maybe some food to go with that drink. 
Today I am sharing my Saturday night dinner. The hubby and I were so fed up with the snow Saturday that we said the heck with staying home. Even though the flakes were still falling we headed out and went to see Beauty and Beast at the movie theater.
I know some of you aren't fans of Disney, and I get it, but I will say I liked the movie. I've always loved the animated version too. And I have seen the theatrical version too, which I also enjoyed. I mean, any story of a girl who loves books is OK with me, even if it is Disneyfied. (OK, so maybe I am making up that word.)
Oh yes, my dinner Saturday night was at the movie theater.
I bought the tickets; the hubby bought the popcorn.
The hubby and I had a big bucket-no butter- and we each had a soda.  I had my naughty drink, a diet coke, and you can see the straw and lid here.
By the way we never finished the bucket during the movie. We brought the rest home and had some on Sunday (while watching the snow melt) and shared it with the dogs who love popcorn too.
Oh yes, and I wanted to mention that I passed all my tests last week and I am good to go as a kidney donor to my husband. That was good news. And the hubby just took his last today, so hopefully later this week we will have a surgery date all scheduled. May sounds like a good month for that to happen. Thanks to all of you who kept your fingers crossed and asked how things went. :)
Hope everyone has a fantastic T day.


  1. The dogs are acting like pups in the snow. It was fun to see them frolic. There's nothing prettier than virgin snow, and that angel casts a lovely shadow.

    We have tons of chickadees in KS. They are protected here. Your photos are magazine worthy.

    Somehow that popcorn looks more like butter than no butter! Photo must be deceiving, or it could be the oil they popped it in.

    Thanks for sharing your weekend and diet coke with us for T this Tuesday. Hope the snow melts into spring for you. It rained here most of the day.

  2. So glad the snow is finally melting, it's about timw, although the doggies seem to love it. Glad you got a good evening at the movie, with lots of popcorn and coke, yummy. Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  3. AMAZING inpressions of the last and now leaving snow.. I so love to see how much fun your dogs have with the snow - beautiful photos! Looks like they are just happy dogs - even popcorn - what needs a dog more than this?!
    I was right - spring has sprung in New England now!
    I had forecasted that!
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    Happy - rest of the work week!
    Our sunny days are now over again- yesterday- Monday it was even a bit of sun and dry - but rain today. But I think rain is good for the nature now.. so it must be o.k. to me.
    oxo Susi

  4. Happy T Day and thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs. We haven't had any snow this year and I must say I miss the brightness it always brings with it.

    Love the popcorn and soda. There is nothing nicer than that combo whilst watching a film
    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. surprised to see snow here, but well, it is only beginning of April...
    don´t tell me crazy... when i see such awesome rust figures i always would love to wrap them in White Cotton for a few days to get a fabric print of them:)
    hope the flowers under the snow will soon Show up! happy t-day!

  6. Lovely photos and your dogs look like they are really enjoying the snow.
    Glad you got to see the film, you have mentioned it before and I am pleased you enjoyed yourselves.
    It was good news as well, April looks a promising month for you both.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I'm glad your tests were OK. Now it's just waiting for a date. Waiting games are always hard, but you've both waited long enough. Bring it on!
    I love the photos of the dogs frolicking in the snow. But I can totally understand you are now fed up with all that whiteness.
    I love going to the movies. Unfortunately movies in Spain are dubbed and it is no joy to see american actors speak Spanish. And I don't understand all of it. But when we go to the UK we always find time to go to the cinema. We love animated films, even if they are aimed at children (we are children at heart), in the same way that I read books aimed at teens and YAs. The popcorn bucket always astounds me. I have been to the USA and that will always be one of my memories. We went to see The Sting (remember that one?) with Robert Redford and Paul Newman in the early seventies. An experience I won't forget.
    Happy T-Day,

  8. I'm glad someone enjoys the snow. I won't be sorry to see it leave. chickadees are pretty bold birds, and you got a good shot of that smart fellow on top of the shepherd's hook. Haven't see our trees bud yet. We need several days of sunshine. Not happening this week. Lots of friends have enjoyed Beauty and the Beast. I'll pass as I'm not a fan of musicals. Why does movie popcorn taste so much better than what you make at home? Though we usually skip buy snacks at the movies, too expensive, and I'd rather go out to dinner. Glad you got good news about the kidney tests. Will keep you in my thoughts. Stay dry today and Happy T Day

  9. first of all I am so happy for you and hubby knowing you will be his donor. I figured you got more snow:( We got tons of rain instead but thankfully we don't have to look at snow anymore as it all melted away. I hear the Disney movie was really good. Nice to get out and see a good movie with popcorn. Love your happy dogs romping in the snow-my favorite pics today! Happy T day!

  10. As much as I enjoy snow I can see where it might not be as welcome this time of year.
    LIving up north I guess you get used to it?
    Your pups sure are making the most of it.
    I have never been much of a Disney fan either (Disneyfied sounds like a very descriptive word to me!)
    But I am hearing great things about Beauty and The Beast.
    Every now and then Mr Magpie and I have popcorn for dinner at home BUT we do have butter since it's dinner and all LOL
    Great news about your test results and getting closer to a transplant date for your husband.
    Continued prayers for your family dear Erika.
    Happy T Day and happy snow melting too! oxo

  11. Erika so glad to hear the good news for you and your hubby... I have been a fan of Disney my entire life... I remember watching the Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday evening and Wild Animal Kingdom on Sundays too...I love the animated version so much of Beauty and the Beast i've been hesitant to see this new movie... if i do it will be on video but i sure appreciate your review... all the reviews i have heard have been positive..And SNOW!! thank you for the pictures of all that snow.. how fabulous! The dogs remind me of ME in all that snow! They look so happy.. Happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  12. Chickadees! I love seeing them.

    I'm not a fan of the Disney fairy tale re-tellings, but I think most people are. And movie theater popcorn can't be beat :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  13. Great photos of the dogs in snow. You still have quite of bit of the white stuff left! I wish I knew how to get narrow depth-of-field photos like the ones you took of the chickadees.

    I'm glad to hear about your test results and wish you both the best of luck with the surgeries. Sending hugs and prayers.

    Happy T-day, Erika! Eileen

  14. So glad the snow is beginning to melt and spring is finally on it's way :-) . The dogs look like they are having so much fun and I love your lawn ornaments too! It sounds like you are a big fan of Beauty and the Beast and Disney in general like me :-) . Glad to hear the good news about your tests! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)
    p.s. thanks for your lovely comments and wishes. The Nepalese food was amazing and there was so much choice at the buffet that you wanted to try it all - I think that's ok on your birthday too ... lol! Thanks again J x

  15. I love watching dogs in snow! They can have it, too!

    I want to see B&B. And I think I might just have to make some popcorn today -- that looks good.

    Meanwhile, congratulations on passing the tests. Keeping my fingers crossed that all continues to go well!

  16. What fun to see your dogs playing in the snow! I am still hoping that I can take my Granddaughter to see Beauty and The Beast! Such good news about you and hubby - fingers crossed! Happy T day! Chrisx

  17. A happy post in many ways... the melting snow is always a happy time and then to get the positive results from your test is fantastic. Praying all goes well with the husbands test and you can get the surgery going. THanks also for stopping by my blog. The rotted wood at the bottom of the raised beds provides a porous fiber like soil that will help to retain moisture for the plants but not stay soggy. Our natural soil here is dense clay base which doesn't grow much but weeds. Having the beds raised so high is for my benefit.. I'm not as flexible as I used to be :)

  18. Sat in a lawn chair in the snow watching dog tv myself. It's the best. Next week is supposed to be warmer and nice...xox


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