Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

We celebrate Mother's Day Sunday May 14th  in the US. To those of you who are Mom's any place in the world, I wish you a fantastic day.
Here's a photo of my mom, myself and my daughter taken last winter. I'm not up after my Tuesday surgery for the 2 hour drive down to visit my mom, but I wish I could. I will give her a call though as I can comfortably do that from the couch. :) 
I'm not yet back into making art, I'm much more into napping, reading and watching movies,  so far at least.  But I took my little walk to the mailbox and scouted out if I could find my bird feeder.
We had a large black shadow of a visitor last night.
 Before he went running into the woods, he reached back with one of hairy paws and pulled off my feeder. Then he made a dash  with it into the woods.
Bent my pole right over and there was no sign of the feeder.
I did manage to recover the humming bird feeder though-which I am sure he guzzled down as a little sweet evening drink.
I wish I could have photographed Mr. Bear for you, but I was only using the moonlight to see him. Once we put on the back light he disappeared-with the feeder. 
I'm getting antsy to get playing but since I'm not yet that energetic, I thought I would show you a few more photos of pre-surgery pages in my calendar and daily drawing journal.

And a big thank you to all the warm well wishes coming my way! I love you ladies for thinking of me!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! What a lovely picture of 3 generations. Such a treasure. How cool is it you had a bear! I love bears. Sorry he damaged your feeder. Supposedly, we had a bear sighting in town last year, but I never saw him. Did you see the news item of the bear that was on a back deck and pounding the glass slider to get at freshly baked brownies? I don't blame him. Fun calendar pages. Be well.

  2. Lovely photo of you three ladies. Use your time to rest and recouperate, and soon you will get your energy back. Love the pages you made. How exciting to have a bear in your garden, even if he did steal the feeder! Hope your hubby is doing well, too. Look after yourself and have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh Erika, I am so glad that you feel quite good right now - hope your hubby feels well as well. I can't believe that he is already at home?! Amazing!
    Take care of you!!
    Wishing for you both that the power comes soon - but be patient ♥♥♥!
    Oh my gosh - I can't believe to have the bears so near ..... but I think that's a good sign from heaven for your both's recovery - he left his power on the porch for you !
    A lovely photo from the three generations of women.Your mom is blessed to have such a daughter and granddaughter!♥♥♥

    oxo Susi

  4. And your pages are fabulous! I always want to make such calenders as well, but never do it... maybe once!

  5. Hi Erica, Welcome back and happy Mother's Day. Love the photo of the three of you! Very happy!

    Glad things are going well. I'm reading backwards and have been working on a bit of a get well care package for you. So glad to know you are back safe and sound! Enjoy the day and relax! (Your body will force you to anyway, so just go with the flow!)

  6. Happy Mothers Day to you! The bravest person I almost know!

  7. Wonderful picture of you, your mom and your daughter! When we lived in the mountains of NC we had a lot of bears. I had to take the bird feeders down at night. Your downed feeder looks so familiar! Your pre-surgery pages look wonderful I especially like the page with "rest" on it!!!
    Sandy xx

  8. Wow, a bear rampage! I imagine it's hard to keep food out for some creatures without attracting all manner of unintended guests.

    I'm glad to hear you're recovering well :) Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Hi Erika, just had a lovely 'catch up' (I'm a very bad blogger lately) Glad to read that everything went OK with the surgery for you and your hubby and such a quick recovery time.
    This is such a lovely photo of you, your Mum and Daughter and I'm sure that just hearing your voice will be just as good for her at the moment.
    The thought of a bear in the back garden sounds very scary!
    Take it easy and enjoy your day.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  10. Oh my, I think I would have been scared somewhat at the thought of a bear in the garden. I, for sure wouldn't like to be close enough to get a photo of a live one. You are one brave lady.
    I really liked your journal pages and your crafting will be something to look forward to doing, as you get stronger.
    Take care
    Yvonne xx

  11. Happy Mother's Day a few hours late. Hope it was great, even though you are still recovering from your surgery. I'm sure your mother understands why you aren't joining her today.

    That bird feeder is going to need a strong person to straighten it out. I know, because one of mine got bent over from a dog, and it was not as bent as yours. I hope you are able to get someone to repair/straighten it, because in your condition, you or your husband will NOT be in any shape to do it. Don't even try!

    Really enjoy checking out your calendar. Hope you are feeling better soon, but glad you have books and movies to fall back on.

  12. Erika, that is a lovely photo of you, your mom and daughter! I am sure that your mother understands and knows that you need to take it easy for awhile.

    I don't think that I would enjoy a visit from a large, black bear at night...or daylight for that matter :)

    Love your pre-op journal pages!!! You'll be creating again soon! In the!!!

  13. Have a good convalescence, Erika, look after yourself.
    Imagine a bear coming into your garden and taking down the feeder - how scary!
    Thanks for showing your journal, it's a great record of your life.


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