Monday, May 15, 2017

Pre-Surgery Celebration

I missed last Tuesday's T Day fun as (many of you already know) I was tied up with surgery. My husband had needed a kidney for the last 27 months since he came down with a rare autoimmune disorder that wiped out both of his.
It had been a long road. Many of you know what I mean because of other frustrating and sad health issues. Somehow when I went forward to be checked as a kidney donor I didn't expect to pass all the tests. Nor did I expect to be match. (I'm not sure how much we match-but I am still curious.) Yet I was, and last Tuesday was the day we were to move forward.
Last Monday afternoon was a time to celebrate the up-coming second chance we had.
Here's our little crowd. I am missing as I took the photo. My husband and one of his sisters on the right, and my daughter and her cousin on the left. They wanted to come down and stay with my daughter during the stressful day when both of her parents were undergoing surgery.
(My daughter is an only child.)
We had a toast to easy recoveries and moving forward.
And we had a good laugh about our waiter being around  6 feet 7 (201 centimeters) compared to me only being 5 feet (152 centimeters).
Not a very flattering photo of me.
 Here's a better photo of me earlier in the day when we were waiting to meet my surgeon. The photos on the walls behind us are all the old transplant surgery teams at the hospital.
And let me show you a couple more photos of Boston.
Like this new sign at Government Center.
And an old marketplace which was redone 40 years ago called Fanneuil Hall.  Now its a modern marketplace.

It was a good day last week but I am really glad to be over that hump. Recovery is going well; a little tougher for my husband than me due to the anti-rejection drugs. My kidney kicked into action  while he was still in the operating room. His surgeon calls it the Little Kidney that Could, based on an older children's book called the Little Engine that Could. But I am over the hump. Yahoo.
A little bit better every day. :)
Many of you know what I mean.
So I am linking up to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for this week's T day fun.
Hope to see you there.


  1. I am SO glad you are finally feeling better. And to think you are through with school until autumn. Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Even better than when they were going to do the surgery around Christmastime.

    I guess the prognosis is good for your husband, though. If the drugs hadn't kicked in and the kidney had been rejected, wouldn't you know by now? I will continue to keep my fingers, legs, and eyes crossed until he is out of the woods.

    One nice thing. In the before surgery photo, he didn't look sick at all. In fact, he has never looked sick to me when you showed his picture.

    SO glad your family was there to support your daughter. I'm sure it was a stressful time for her, too. I enjoyed the shots from the restaurant and it looked like you were all having a great time with all that food.

    Thanks for sharing your before surgery photos and a few photos of Boston, as well as your drinks with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.

  2. So glad your surgery i over and that you can look forward to a hopefully healthy time together. That's love that you gave your kidney. I always love your beautiful smile. Fun photo of you and the waiter! The photos of Boston are great, too. Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  3. How wonderful that you could be a match and donate a kidney to your husband. It is great news that you are both recovering as it must have been such a stressful time for all of you and especially your daughter.

    Great to see pics of all of you and happy smiling faces

    Take care and have a Happy T Day

    Big hugs Chrissie xx

  4. Oh Erica I'm so pleased that all went well and you and your hubby are on the road to recovery and I'm sending healing thoughts to you both! We had a busy week last week so I haven't had much time to visit blogs although I found myself thinking of you and wishing you well 😊. How lovely of your family to support your daughter too, that's so thoughtful. I'm glad you are getting a little better everyday, take care! J :-)

  5. Fabulous to read that you both feel a little bit better every day!
    Lovely photos of your Pre-Surgery celebration! Thank you for sharing with us!
    Wishing you a fast recovery Sweetie!
    I bet you do a book reading marathon just I right?!
    oxo Susi

  6. Amazing that you had THE kidney hubby needed. Glad to hear you are both now recovering, and celebrating! Lovely photos of you and family. And oh my what a contrast between you and the waiter-fun pic. Always wanted to visit Boston...
    Be well both you and hubby and happy T day!

  7. How nice that family came to be with your daughter during the surgeries. Your daughter looks just like you - very pretty.

    We visited Fanneuil Hall about 30 years ago and thought it and the area were fascinating. We had a fun day there.

    I'm so glad you and hubby are both on the road to recovery. These past two years must have been horribly stressful.

    Happy T-Day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  8. A lovely post Erika, it was good to see the family photo and how they were able to stay with your daughter.
    They are super photos of the town as well.
    I like the name the surgeon gave you kidney and pleased that each day is getting a little better than the last.
    Best wishes to you both that things keep going along well.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  9. so good to hear the wonderful News! hope your husband is back to full recovery soon also! all the best!!!

  10. I am sending you my thoughts and prayers to speed up your recovery..that photo of the family is what gets us through the bad and connection.

  11. Oh Erika i'am so pleased things are going well for you and hubby.... Sending nothing but good thoughts your way... That must have been a harrowing experience for your daughter being an only child... so nice that she had support too... Happy T day hugs and get well hugs! deb

  12. So great to get that text on the surgery day. Glad you are both doing well. Time, my friend, just time. xox

  13. Congrats on your successful recovery! Modern medicine is a wonder I am thankful for every day :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  14. I am so glad the surgeries both went well!!!
    Have an amazing week. :)

  15. Hi Erika, I'm so glad you are re overing well. And it was good to have a pre-op party. The photos weren't visible for me this time for whatever reason, but it was good your daughter had moral support during the op.
    I'm now wishing your hubby all the best and a complete recovery.
    Im not blogging today as I am without a computer. It has stopped working and someone will be coming to look at it tomorrow.
    Happy T-day,

  16. So happy that things went well for you and that you are on the mend. Glad the kidney is working well for your hubby too ♥ Thanks for stopping by my blog and so glad you enjoyed the butterflies. I know there are people out there who are grossed out by things like that and they have let me know. I just tell them not to watch then. :)
    Hope things continue to go well for the both of you!!!!

  17. I adore your celebration post! And wonderful news that you are both recovering! So sweet that cousin came to be with your daughter on surgery day...Family is most important in my opinion. Loved the photo of you and the waiter, so cute. Best wishes for a full recovery for you both! Happy T Day a bit late!

  18. I love these photos and so glad you were all able to be together. I'm sure his recovery will be fine. And how special that the donor was you. I don't know why but that touches me so very deeply it almost makes me cry. What a gift.

  19. Hello there, I've just come across from Jan's blog and had a look through some of your posts.

    I think it is wonderful that you could be a match and donate a kidney to your husband.
    Very pleased to read that you are both recovering as it must have been a very stressful time for all of you.

    I thought the picture on your Mother's Day post was brilliant.

    Take care and my good wishes

    All the best Jan

  20. Oh How I love a good news post! Love seeing your pre- surgery dinner and the news is good too though I hope hubby continues well in his recovery! Belated happy T day! Chrisx


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