Saturday, May 6, 2017

He's a Discoverer

Meet Henri. Henri is the man I created, the butterfly man. The lepitopterist.. He is most happy when he finds a new species.
The background is made with various inks rubbed on the paper. And a little spray. I also stamped various butterflies in lots of colors before adding a piece of an old school filmstrip. Then I added Henri, and a few TH paper butterflies. 
I m linking up this grungy page to Gill's latest challenge at Art Journal Journey. The theme is Elegance and Grunge, and I am going for grunge today. :)
So its a grey and wet weekend here in my neck of the woods. I've wrapped up at work, and it was kind of a weird end to the year for me. Usually everyone is excited and the kids are practically dancing out the door, but since it isn't the end of the year for anyone but me, it just seemed like a regular old  Friday school day.
No cleaning up the room, no end of the year luncheon, no ordering supplies...
But its hit me more tonight that I am done. Rather excited about that actually.
So 2 more days until surgery. I'm ready to get it done and start the recovery process. Surgery is a BIG hump needed to get over. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am looking forward to the after surgery and moving onward. And upward.
I've got a few books ready for reading. I've started the Italian author's Elena Ferrante Neopolitan series, and I've finished the first of the 4 books called My Brilliant Friend.
Book 2 is on my bedside table along with a couple of other books. I've also got a couple of Public Television series ready to watch,
 Victoria and The Durrells in Corfu, which I am excited to see.
And I'm going to work some more on my family tree research and hopefully a little art time too.But then I have all the way until August, don't I? 
I guess I will be laying low for couple of weeks or more. We shall see how long it takes me to get really back up on my feet. And then there's still my husband healing and even more so, his adjustment to immuno-suppression drugs so he doesn't reject my kidney.
There's so much on the down side of the hump, isn't there?
So I'm relaxing a bit this weekend and finishing up a couple of small things I want to get done.
And how about a little more Matisse?

A little good art is always very inspiring.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Since I'm not sure if I'll get back to posting once more before surgery or until I am home later on next week, I want to say if I'm not back, hope you have a wonderful new week too.


  1. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your husband through this surgery that you both are facing together because of your love for one another.
    Your art is always so wonderful. This is a great piece of work!
    Thank you for sharing the Matisse paintings, too.

    Hugs to Both You and Your Husband 💕💞💕

  2. Your butterfly page is wonderful, great idea! The Matisse paintings are beautiful, they have a great collection at the museum there. I can imagine how strange it feels for you to have finished school now for this year, and wish you both all the best for surgery. Enjoy your books and TV shows during the healing time. Hugs, Valerie

  3. First of all - you are in my thoughts and I will cross my fingers the whole time now - that's for sure!
    The lepitopterist is gorgous - what a super page for Elegance & Grunge! You rock the challenge each month with your amazing pieces Erika!SO good to have you with us!♥
    I am thrilled about the Matisse exhibits...
    wonderful paintings! What a really gorgous exhibition this was!

    Happy rest of your weekend. You are well appointed for the clinic with books and stuff! Well done!
    ALL THE BEST my friend!


  4. Gorgeous page Erika - I think its grungy and also very elegant with those beautiful butterflies - I love it - thanks so much for joining in again at AJJ this month when you've so much going on.
    (Loved the photos of the painting too - thanks for showing those).
    Wishing you and your hubby all the very best for the ops, will be thinking of you, take care Gill xxx

  5. Henri and his cheery butterflies and background are a colorful foil for the gloomy weather. The sun is trying to poke through down here. Will be thinking of you and your hubs and sending positive energies. Remember not to push yourself too hard and give yourself time to heal.

  6. I guess I didn't realize that you were going under the knife as well. I wish you both all the best and will think of you over the next weeks. Be well.

  7. Think of the upside, not the downside of the surgery and recovery for your husband. Yes, vigilance and awareness, but not expectation in rejecting!

    I love your piece. Lovely layers and the colors capture my heart!

    I look forward to your take on the Ferrante books. We had a mixed reaction in our book club. Some of us struggled to get through it; others couldn't wait to finish so they could begin book two, three and four!

    And I think you'll love both series -- Victoria, because it is so beautiful and historical and the Durrells because with your science interest you'll be captivated! How this mother didn't lose her mind with her kids still baffles me, much less the fact that two of them grew up to be famous writers!

  8. Your page is gorgeous - I love the background. I have to admit that I do not have a handle on what "grunge" is!
    Not let me get this straight - you are having surgery to remove one of your kidneys to donate to your husband? I have to admit, I do get confused at time!
    I loved The Durrells in Corfu - was so sad when it ended!
    You have a lot to keep you busy this summer - that's for sure.
    Please let us know how everything goes.
    Sandy xx

  9. I will be thinking about you in these days to come, knowing it'll be hard and scary but also knowing that on the other side is healing. Modern medicine is a modern miracle!

  10. Rest up and enjoy the next couple of days, hope you have the sun there too. Let me know if you need anything, and I'll pop up to visit when you feel up to it. xox

  11. A fabulous journal page for Gills theme at AJJ love the grungy background, I really liked Mr Butterfly man.
    It was also lovely to see some of Matisse's paintings.
    You seem to have a few good books and TV shows to read during your recovery, I think you will enjoy the series about the Durells.
    I will be thinking of you and your husband in the coming days and hope you both have a safe recovery, yes it will take time, but after all your waiting and wondering things can only get better from now on.
    Yvonne xx

  12. It is a good thing I am back in time to wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I hope it takes for your husband, too. I am going to miss you, dear. I'm so used to seeing you post daily, it won't feel right now.

    I'd say enjoy your time away, but I know it won't be all that easy for either of you. I hope the two of you have some help after the double surgery.

  13. Thinking of you. Hope all was and is successful. Hugs. Nan

  14. Erika, you are a miracle. All the best to you both for the surgery.
    Great to see you are still posting up to the minute!
    I love Henri and his butterflies, I can just imagine him listing and examining them (but not dead ones I hope). Your painting is wonderfully imaginative.
    Thanks for the Matisse paintings too, I love these with all their marvellous colour.
    I enjoy seeing what you are reading, I've read a bit about this author, she sounds intriguing.

  15. just wishing you all the best for you and your hubby, you have my prayers and i´m sending you good vibrations! ♥♥♥

  16. Your butterfly man is so wonderful, I love the miriade of colours you used and the grunge feel you created! The addition of the film strip draws the eye and grounds the composition too - perfect 😊. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you and your hubby well for your surgery. Take care my friend! J :-)


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