Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Friday

Its Friday! Hurrah!
Its been a long week, maybe because I've had a HUGE to do list before I finish up today. I shouldn't jinx myself,  but I still have several things I need to do before I leave work today.
Seeing I shouldn't be back to work on Monday. Wrapping up grading and organizing and all that.
But spring is really here. :)
Love it.
 So are tulips. I took these 2 photos in a landscaped parking lot.
 And here's a spread I made in my drawing journal this week.
OK, not just for drawing.
And this is the art side of the spread for next week on my calendar journal.
I'm using a couple of the postcards I bought at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in both pieces of art. The postcards  in both  pieces of my art is art I saw in the Matisse exhibit.
When I went to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
I also saw the traveling Botticelli exhibit which will only be shown at 2 museums in the US. Before it came to Boston, the exhibit was in Virginia at the  Muscarelle Museum of Art. Also exhibited with the Botticelli's was some work of art from Fra Lippo Lippi.
This was one of my favorites. The front is amazing,

but the back stopped my breath even more so. I didn't expect this sketch on the back.

 The exhibit was crowded and it was sometimes hard to take photos straight on.

Especially the Venus. The crowds in front of this piece never emptied out.
I can say many good things about this exhibit. I think if I say it was wonderful you get what I mean.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.


  1. Such beautiful things on your page today. The tulips are so pretty. At first, I thought those were in your garden, and I was going to be insanely jealous. The journal pages are lovely memories of the trip to the MFA. And thank you so much for sharing the photographs. I'm hoping to get into Boston before the Botticelli exhibit leaves, but if I don't, I can enjoy the photos you took. Breath-taking especially the Venus. Have a Happy Friday!

  2. What wonderful art you got to see! Love your calendar journal, and I'm happy for you that spring has sprung at last, you waited long enough. Take it easy getting everything done, look after yourself. BIG hugs, Valerie

  3. This whole post was beautiful Erika...I do love your artistic talents!!!
    Happy Weekend~

  4. We see tulips in gardens here but never in parking lots. What a treat :)

    That exhibit would be worth a drive. Thx for sharing the photos. Beautiful!

  5. I really can imagine that this exhibition was extraordinary and just WONDERFUL!
    Great that you got to see it!
    Thanks a lot for showing so many exhibits!No wonder that the crowds in front of the Venus never emptied out!
    She is unique and WONDERFUL!
    I love your pages and calender journaling!
    HAPPY weekend my friend!

  6. The art exhibition looks fascinating, so different from today's art.
    I like today's art in the form of your journal, a great memory reference and colourful and happy. I love your header too.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Wow love love love your post. Have to come back for more. x

  8. Beautiful spring flowers in your photos and I loved seeing more of your photos from the exhibition.
    Your journal pages look great.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Wonderful flowers and exhibit, too. :)

  10. Happy Friday to you too! (But now it is Saturday here).
    I have been waiting for you to show the Botticelli pictures. I have never seen a real Botticelli even though I lived in Italy for 15 years. The drawing on the back of that madonna is awesome! I recognised a lot of the pictures as they are quite famous. The Venus obviously being the highlight for most people.

    Thank you for sharing, not only the Botticellis but also the tulips. Being Dutch I have a soft spot for tulips. So you have made my day!
    I hope your last day at school goes well. When is your last blog before your op? Anyway I will be praying for you, thinking of you and sending you positive vibes. (You = you and your hubby)
    Have a great weekend,

  11. I get exactly what you mean and yes, that exhibit would be a wonderful gift indeed. I love every image you shared here and can only imagine the joy of seeing them in person! How very, very beautiful.

    As are those tulips! Those are knocking my socks off. Isn't it wonderful to finally see spring (though we've had so much chill and rain this week it feels more like post-winter.) Hopefully the sun will out and the temps rise. Happy weekend!

  12. I always admire your Journal style Erika and the wonderful imagery you collect - this is fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful painting photos :) and the sketch on the back of one the paintings was intriguing - I bet there is a lot of covered art under paintings that's yet to be discovered.
    Gill xx


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