Thursday, June 1, 2017


Its a new month. Holy cow! I hope this month here in New Hampshire feels more seasonal than May did.  I am excited for it to be June. Summer is coming!
Today we are suppose to have sun too. 
I am hoping!
The hubby and I are going to try taking a little road trip today. Don't know if we will get to where we are planning on going, but I will let you know if we get there. 
I'm going to keep you a little in suspense. Naughty me. :)
Yesterday I went into school for a little visit to say goodbye to my seniors who are graduating next week. I saw a bunch of my other students who were happy to see me also, as well as saying hi to some of my coworkers. I know for certain that I don't have the stamina to go back to work yet, but I am glad I was able to go in and say hi.
On my way home I stopped at Barnes and Nobel (a US book store chain) and I picked up this great little art book.
I came home and read it and am going to practice my people drawing. I like the idea of just a few brush strokes (or marker lines) and getting the image of people. No details, but sometimes adding in a body or two is what I have been looking for to finish off a page.

And how about this silly photo? My dog likes these little children's slides. She likes to sit on them, and at doggie daycare they call her Queen of the Slide.  So the other day we dug out my daughter's old yard toy and I washed it down so now she can sit on her slide at home too.
Silly girl.
And finally, a little art for you.
I used a TH photo card and colored it, as well as painting in some clouds and stamping in the birds.  I also added in sunglasses.
I'm ready for a little summer beach fun-or other warm weather fun.
Hope you have (or are having) a great day.


  1. The sun is out and it's supposed to be a warm day. Finally! Your dog and her slide made me smile. A good way to start the day. I hope your Fun in the Sun is a good omen for the Summer weather.

  2. Love your new header. Glad you were able to pop into school to say hi and bye, they will surely have missed you. The book you bought looks great. Have fun! Great journal page, and love the photo of your dog on the slide - something my dog always loved, too. Enjoy your road trip! Hugs, Valerie

  3. First of all - I ADORE your new header!
    Your girl dog is a wowser with her slide! Your altered photo page is a beauty !
    Hope you don't stress yourself with too much working ... but nice to visit school to say hello to all and goodbye to the seniors♥

    Wish that you get nice weather now in June . Here it is still very hot just some rain during the nights yet and I poor girl suffer from a cold now... not very nice....

    oxo Susi

  4. First of all, I adore your new banner! It's so happy and cheerful and summer!

    And I think I might need to get that book. I always freak when I have to add people in something (or want to!) Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. I also love the header. I have been on vacation, without computer except when visiting library. Hope you and your husband are recovering well. The book looks interesting, and your dog is a hoot. Enjoy your adventure day!

  6. I have to agree. That new blog header/banner is fantastic. It really reminds me of summer with the maps that show summer destinations.

    I also adore that journal page. It's a genuine beauty. I LOVE how you colored it.

    Your dog is a hoot. Aren't you glad you saved that slide? Guess we save things for a reason, even though we no longer believe we have a need for them. I always say once I get rid of something, that's when I need it.

  7. Enjoy your road trip to "wherever" :)
    Love the slide and doggy fun idea!!!
    Wonderful art piece and a great header, too!!!
    Hugs ❣

  8. First of all its a fantastic new header, so bright and happy.
    Loved seeing your dog and her slide, I hope the summer is soon coming for you all, we are still having out warm days, so unusual for us here.
    It sounds like you had a nice visit at school and I hope you enjoyed your trip out today
    A great journal page and super photo, the art book looks good as well.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Hi Erika, thanks for visiting, yeah when I got to thinking about it-wow this was first time I got to actually go somewhere as a vacation lol we just always worked all the time.
    loving the fun photos especially with your dog Happy Summer Hugs Kathy

  10. So glad to know you are doing so well Erika. Do tell us about your day trip. Love the picture of your dog.
    Your fun in the sun page is indeed fun!
    Sandy xx

  11. I'm catching up and chuckling already Erika as you started this post with 'Holy Cow' and then further down I read about the 'cow workers' I re-read again and oops - 'coworkers' :)
    That book looks great - I'm always amazed how a few lines can still look so of the many books I'm reading at present is '30 minutes sketching' by Alwyn Crawshaw for the same reason to get quick results using less lines/marks.
    Ha ha that slide is fun and will keep your dog busy and happy :)
    Love the Summer Manifesto - that's lovely. Summer has gone missing at present as only 10c outside and raining and very windy... hope yours is better.
    Gill x oh and I love the new blog header - very cool and artsy!


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