Friday, June 2, 2017

Second on the Second for June

Its June 2-time for second on the second.
That was my post title back in June 17, 2013. Thank goodness this year I am done with school early and don't have to deal with those antsy kids. They are all ready for summer break and still have to be in the classroom all the way until June 22.
And I am sure lots of teachers are ready to be finished with the school year also.
Oh yes, I am enjoying the extra weeks home even if I am in recovery mode.
Here's the journal pages I made and posted back in that 2013 post.
 This is what the kids say.
And this is what I say.

Stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  and join in by re-posting a previous post. It is time for a second view on the second of the month!

So yesterday the hubby and I went on a road trip. I'll have photos for you tomorrow, but lets just say it has something to do with this piece of art.
A little more suspense. I am very very naughty I guess.

Happy June, Happy Friday, Happy weekend.


  1. Lovely re-post, I know those sayings from students. Glad you had a nice trip, looking forward to learning more about it. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Interesting, happy new month and greetings!

  3. Can't wait to see what the road trip is all about

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Fabulous that you are already out of school now and are free from dealing with this antsy kids- lucky Erika! Enjoy!
    I love the sprayed effect on this pages you show for the second look on the 2nd!

    Laurel Bishop?

    Looking forward to seeing the photos - I guess you visit an Exhibition?!

    oxo Susi

  5. LOVE your Second on the 2nd post, because I didn't know you back then. So glad you shared it again, and SO glad you are not in that predicament this year, even if it means you are still recovering.

    ART always interests me. I know it's some museum, but have no idea where. Glad you two got out. I suspect it's been a bit hard staying home for so long.

    Thanks again for joining Second on the 2nd with this post I laughed at. SO teen typical.

  6. I so enjoyed reading your second on the 2nd entry and I guess you are not missing being at school 😀. Can't wait to hear more about your road trip and the lovely artwork. Happy Friday and wishing you wonderful weekend too! J 😊

  7. Your word bubble pages are really cute, and definitely brought a smile to my face. Looking forward to reading about your adventure.

  8. I can't imagine being a teacher at this time of year with kids champing at the bit for school to be done for the summer. The speech balloon conversations made me laugh. I can hear the whiny questions. A school version of are we there, yet? :-D What patience you have!

  9. I liked your 2nd on the 2nd post, our end of school year here is something similar and I don't miss one little bit.
    Well, we will be patiently waiting, glad you had a good trip.
    This piece of art looks lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Happy second on the 2nd-I bet the kids are all happy its summer time too
    hugs Kathy

  11. Wonderful repost!
    I am looking forward to hearing about your trip and learn about that painting which I love!!!
    Have a lovely evening 💮

  12. Reading backwards, as you might have guessed. And I love your "second."

  13. The back and forth between students and a teacher made me smile. I taught for 15 years. Honestly, I don't know how anyone can handle the job today. Fun re-post.

    So glad you got off early - especially this year - and hope both your recoveries are going well.

  14. Ha ha - the re-post was fun and the comments made me smile.
    Oooh intruiging photo - atleast I haven't got to wait until tomorrow for the outcome :)
    Gill x


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