Saturday, June 3, 2017

Road Tripper part 2

Before I show you more of the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland, Maine, I want to join in with the  latest TagTuesday challenge of animals. This challenge's hostess is Michelle.
I kind of have a soft spot for this giraffe. :) What a face! 

I also want to share some of the other art at the Farnsworth Museum I saw the other day. Yesterday I posted the Andrew Wyeth art (Road Tripper part 1). Today I have few other art pieces to show you.
 One section I thought was really cool was their education area where they had some student made art.
Rockland, Maine is on the coast and is a fishing town.
I think fish are pretty cool.

This was a huge collaged set of panels that gave a view on Penobscot Bay that city of Rockland is  on.
And they did have this Andy Warhol sketch.

And a fun camel statue in the garden.
And they had a couple of other statues.
And we were wondering how they ever moved this giant granite chain.

And I think my most favorite painting of them all was this one by Jamie Wyeth.
Its called Maine Coon Cats.
My photo doesn't do the colors justice.
This is like a big cat party. I love the leaping cat on the left.
And this graffiti wasn't in the museum but on a building in the parking lot across the street.
I thought you could read a couple of meaning into those words, depending on your point of view.
That's all for me today. 
Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far.


  1. First, I simply adore that tag. I'm a big fan of giraffes, too.

    I adore those fish. Talk about fabulous mixed media and assemblage. They were the BEST.

    But those cats were simply out of this world. I have a friend who has a Maine Coon. So this one spoke to me.

    The camel reminded me of one of those large "animal" killers in Star Wars. I swear I think that's where the idea came from.

    Of course, all the statues were wonderful.

    I guess I'm too literal, because I only thought of a single reason for the graffiti. It spoke to me, too.

    Hope your Sunday is pleasant because this post has many, many wonderful photos that I thoroughly enjoyed.

  2. Gosh, I hope my comment took, because I got a message that "required field must not be blank."

  3. What a gorgeous giraffe, I Juts love this tag. What a funny expression on its face - great. Thanks for joining us at TT, much appreciated! And that museum is wonderful. Love those fish, must try something like that, and the camel, and especially those happy and playful cats. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie,

  4. What a fabulous tag and it definitely put a smile on my face. Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday

    Wonderful exhibits you saw and all so different. Looks like a great place to visit and thank you for sharing it with us

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. I love your super giraffe tag - this is such a fun facial expression - unique!
    Wow--- such interestin exhibits there.
    What a fantastic exhibition. I am in love with this collaged fishes!
    What a cool quote -- makes me thinking!

    Happy Day!

  6. What a super trip. So much to look at. I thought the fish assemblages were quite clever. They must have had a huge crane to bring in the granite chain and Love sculpture. The Love sculpture reminds me of the Love stamp from several years ago. My favorite piece of art you shared was Maine Coon Cats. Enjoy the rest of the sunny weekend as more rain is on the way this week.

  7. I love that cat painting too. Glad you had such an enjoyable day.
    Sandy xx

  8. Another great post. I love your giraffe..super cute. When we were at animal kingdom, we learned a group of giraffes are called a tower. How appropriate. Thanks for the lovely post. Happy sunny Sunday.

  9. I adore the coon cats. I'm going to see if I can get the colors closer to what you saw -- I want to hang that one up over my desk -- good inspiration. Looks like a fabulous visit and loads of fun. Happy Sunday.

  10. Hello Erika.
    Your header hit me with a great fresh breeze of cool sea air, it's terrific!
    Yes, the giraffe has attitude, and I'm sure he speaks with a strong cool giraffe accent too.
    The words on the wall at the end are intriguing, they are actually quite amusing.
    Thanks for the trip to the Museum, I think I'll have the giant granite chain for my garden.

  11. I love wonderful tag and the fun image, the giraffe's smile did make me smile as well.
    The exhibits looked fantastic, super fish mobiles , it would be had to chose one I liked best of your photos, they all have so much to admire in them.
    The outdoor sculptures looked awesome.
    Hope you have had a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Those fish are really fabulous! And I love your happy giraffe, but I love the cat most. I put it through my photo editing picassa -- I'll send it to you (a little brighter, maybe not right but it was fun!)

  13. I love that giraffe tag Erika-so sweet. And speaking of love-your new header is awesome!! Always fun to visit a museum and that cats painting is so fun. TFS!

  14. aww your Giraffe is adorable.
    A great photos & post - but the fish collages were my favourite..
    oh and that camel was fab!
    Gill x

  15. your tag truly does make me smile. wonderfully done and thanks for linking up to tag tuesday! xo


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