Friday, June 2, 2017

Road Tripper-Part1

Hi everyone. I promised you the story of my road trip. 
So let me tell you about my trip to Maine yesterday.
It all began because of this painting by Andrew Wyeth called Christina's World.
 I'd seen photos of this painting but never really knew much about it.
Christina and the painting are the subject of this book which is my June book club book.
It was a fast read and what I really enjoyed was how it teased me to research Andrew Wyeth, the artist who painted that piece of art.
Wyeth was from Pennsylvania and spent many summers painting in Maine.  His father was also a famous painter and illustrator, NC Wyeth, and one of his sons is still an active painter, Jamie Wyeth.
Andrew Wyeth not only did painting in Maine, but he spent a lot of time at this house (the scene in the painting and on the book cover, the Olson Homestead) sketching and drawing.
The only painting of his I can actually say I remember seeing is this one which I saw 2 summers ago at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont.

So when I researched this I learned that there is a small museum in Rockland, Maine that has many of these Maine sketches. And they are having a special  exhibit called Wyeth at 100 with many of his Maine watercolors.
So the hubby and I headed out and headed up the coast of Maine.
He was a good sport because I can't say the hubby is really into art museums. (But I do think he enjoyed the visit.)
I was really in awe with the Andrew Wyeth sketches.

There was some lighting that made taking photos of some of the pieces a little difficult.
You can see the shadow at the top of this piece below. Makes a cool photo though.

This is one with all the feathers was of my favorites. Too bad there's some shadows.

And they even had a few of his journals on display.
There was a lot more to see besides the Andrew Wyeth art which I will show you on another day. :)
We finally had some sun (though a bit cool) and it was a really nice day.
And the lilacs were blooming. 
As were the crab apples.
And it was fun to go see something different.
Fun to see some sun!
I have more another day-harbors and lighthouses too. Plus a delicious lobster roll for lunch.
Some of you may know that I am a big fan of lobster rolls. Its a summer favorite. One of the perks of living near the coast of New England where the lobsters come from. 😊
A day in Maine always makes me happy.

Have a fantastic beginning of your weekend.


  1. I suspected you would end up in art museum, even though I know it's not your husband's favorite idea of a road trip. Of course, I had no idea it would also include a book you read. The Farnsworth Museum looks lovely. It looks SO New England.

    It's hard when any painting or photograph is under glass, to get a good photo of them. The lighting in the background always plays havoc. You did an excellent job, though. Really lovely art and fun to read about him.

    I look forward to light houses and harbors. Sounds like a fun time out and about.

  2. I kept thinking I had seen several of Wyeth's NUDES before, so I went to the internet and was pleased to learn they had been at the National Gallery the year I was there. They were on tour. I had a long conversation with another person who was looking at the paintings and we were talking about the nudes. We got in a discussion and mentioned that they walked a fine line between fine art and pornography. The other person asked how you knew and I said, don't ask me how, but I just knew it when I saw it! Thanks for taking me down memory lane (late 80s).

  3. Fascinating! I have never seen anything else by him. Such talent! :)

  4. What a wonderful place you visited, and that museum and the pictures look fabulous. How cool to research the book you read. I love the photos with the addition of the lights and reflections from the building, makes them almost surreal. And hope the sun will stay with you now. Your nature is way behind, the lilacs bloomed here in March. Enjoy the good weather, it's stormy, hot and humid here, not normal at all! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Good morning, I really enjoyed this-thanks for taking us along to the museum-I would have really enjoyed this allot-and the lilacs-I love those and wish I would have thought to plant some when we first moved here to our retirement home. so nice of your husband to take you.
    To answer your question-yes the bison fiber is super soft-this is the winter down they have to help them keep warm during winter and then they rub it off on bushes etc-it is hand collected which adds to the price.
    Yes I will be making it into yarn too. it is too fragile to use my hand spindle so will try it on my wheel-I am a newbie spinner so if that gives me troubles will blend it with some alpaca

  6. Looks like a fun day out. That book is on my to read list, so I am happy to hear that it's a quick read with a thumbs up. I read Sargent's Daughters: the Biography of a painting. I really enjoyed the insight into Sargent, his work, art, and all the period details. Loved all the pictures, and you're right that one with the reflection is really cool. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the Museum, flowers, and lobster roll! Happy weekend!

  7. I didn't know about this museum. And only a tank away for a road trip. Your husband is a good sport to go with you. Maybe I'll use the enticement of a lobster roll to find someone to go with me

  8. Oh wow.. a fantastic exhibiton - amazing paintings - I never heard about that artists - thank you for introducing me to him!
    Great you got nicer weather now!
    Here it is still beautiful summer as well. Just wonderful!
    Happy weekend for you Erika!
    Hope you again feel a bit better and stronger meanwhile!
    oxo Susi

  9. Erika, thank you very much for sharing Andrew Wyeth's paintings and sketches with us!
    What a talented artist he was and what a lovely place he stayed in!!!
    Your flowers are also beautiful!!!
    This was a very nice post...again thank you~

  10. I love Andrew Wyeth -- there is an art museum in Greenville, South Carolina, about an hour from where I used to live. Anyway they have a fabulous Andrew Wyeth collection that has left me speechless.
    So glad you could make the trip and I know you were wowed by what you saw.
    sandy xx

  11. That was a wonderful destination for your trip out. The pictures looked fantastic, and it was so lucky that you were able to do the research on your book and see the exhibition as well.
    Loved the photos of the blossom on the trees , I hope your warmer weather and sunshine is going to last for a while .
    Yvonne xx

  12. Lobster rolls! Bring 'em on! Oh, they are a favorite of mine, too.

    And so is Andrew Wyeth. I've head about the "Christina's World" book and have long been familiar with the painting. Another of his I love that I didn't see here is one of a dog laying on a bed in a room with a window, I think. My first therapist had that on the wall behind where she sat and I always identify it with her.

    Years ago we went to see the Helga exhibit of his paintings in Detroit and I had a book about it which I think I loaned to kid number one when he was in art school and that was a mistake. I hope it will turn up somewhere else. I would have loved this exhibit and indeed, your entire day.

  13. What a fabulous post - I didn't know the name Andrew Wyeth before so it was lovely to see his great artworks. The light and shadows on his works are so realistic.
    Looked a great day out :)
    Gill x

  14. I just remembered about the painting and the fact I hadn't caught up on your road trip ... Doh! I loved hearing about it and the sketches are amazing! I had a look at your other posts on my way to this one and I love your giraffe tags, they made me smile! And your trip to the lighthouse is so awesome and brings back such happy memories of my trips to New England 😀. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend! J 😊


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