Monday, June 12, 2017

The Puritan Backroom

Happy Tuesday everyone. Another T Day has arrived. Its another hot T day here in New Hampshire. Yesterday my car thermometer said it was 97 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius).
Yup, feels like summer.
So this week I am going to take you to a historic landmark restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire called the Puritan Backroom.
I had never been here before but it was on my bucket list of places to eat. My husband had eaten here several times and he always raved about the chicken fingers. In fact, this restaurant is always picked as the number one best place to have chicken fingers in New Hampshire.
When I asked why we never went there he told me that I didn't like chicken fingers. I gave him a confused look and said I do like chicken fingers, just not processed ones, but give me some made with real big pieces of chicken, and I will eat them.
This is the restaurant that claims to have invented chicken fingers.
So last week when I went to get my new camera lens in Manchester, he took me there for dinner.

This restaurant is part of the city's cultural history. Manchester, New Hampshire was a planned city back in the early 1800's when many textile mills were built there. The mills attracted lots of European immigrants and also French Canadians. Some of the new residents were Greeks, and in 1917 two Greek gentlemen opened the first Puritan Restaurant.
Since then my state has come to have the first presidential primary in the US. Because of that we get all the potential candidates visiting out little state. One of the places they always go to (and campaign in) is the Puritan Backroom because Manchester is the largest city in our state. Right now we aren't yet in presidential campaign season so there wasn't anyone candidates shaking hands, but there was a pretty much full house of people there for dinner.
So let me show you my dinner.
 The chicken finger meal came with a Greek salad and some pita bread. My husband switched his Greek salad for coleslaw but wished he'd stuck with salad because mine looked so good.
 And that day I ordered a diet coke to have with my meal.
And here's my chicken fingers (and mashed potatoes). I had half of them regular style and the other half with the coconut coating. The fingers came with dipping sauce too.
There was so many of these that I brought more than half of them home and my husband and I split them for lunch the next day.
OK, as I write I am making myself hungry.
And  I already had my dinner!
So stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and see what the T Gang has been eating and drinking. And better yet, join us with the T in your life.
Think I've babbled on enough.
Hope its a great T day everyone.


  1. Gosh, you have made me hungry, too. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten today. The mashed potatoes didn't look good to me, but the chicken fingers did. They were a bit pricey, though. Of course, you have to remember, I can get GOOD chicken fingers for half the price you paid for yours. One of the up sides to living in a downtrodden state.

    I thought your greek salad looked good, too. I LOVE feta cheese. It looks yummy.

    You stopped me in my tracks when I read you are the first primary. Then I realized it was true, because Iowa (like KS) has a caucus. DUH!

    Well, I'm through looking at those tempting chicken fingers and I'm off to get a coffee and something to eat. Thanks for sharing about the Puritan Backroom, along with your fabulous meal and diet coke for T this almost Tuesday.

  2. Oooh, coconut coating on chicken fingers. Looks fabulous. One more day of heat and back to seasonal temps. Stay cool!

  3. That restaurant looks great, and I'm glad the heat didn't stop your appetite for those wonderful chicken fingers, they look so yummy! And that ice cold coke with it must have been just right. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. How exciting to have a new camera lense (hope your having fun using it) and what a cool place to visit and have dinner! It was fun to hear about the history and the chicken fingers look delicious as does the salad and pitta bread - yum 😀. I'm hungry now too, it's breakfast time here so I guess it's time to raid the kitchen ... lol! Happy T Day! J 😊

  5. Those do look so yummy! I haven't had chicken fingers for years...niw I'll have to 💖

  6. Happy T Day

    Thank you for sharing the wonderful eating place and the great food and drink

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. i wish i could have just this Food now :)) really Looks yummy!
    and your blog Header is great, the ships look so summery!
    happy t-day and enjoy summer :)

  8. Wow... looks AMAZING that chicken fingers ---- o.k. they really seem to have a great tradition there!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Here is also hot - but not as hot as in New Hampshire - ENJOY the day as good as possible! I think it is better indoor with!

    Happy T-Day Erika!
    oxo Susi

  9. Your meal looks delicious Erika and I think those chicken fingers would have been very tasty, it was good to read that you could get two types to compare them as you ate.
    The restaurant sounded great and thanks for telling us a bit about it and the area in your post.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Oh gosh, they look yummy. I am like you. I don't like the processed chicken fingers, but I would eat a home made one any day. These look particularly delicious! And the salad to I must say. No wonder you took half of it home, it looks a huge meal.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. thanks for sharing the interesting story of Manchester and the Puritan Backroom Erika. Glad to know it didn't disappoint you after longing to go for awhile-looks very good! The heat is on here too but it's not intolerable in the mornings and early evenings.
    Hope you and hubby are both doing well. Stay cool, and happy T day!

  12. forgot to mention Erika. I am enjoying the book 'One Souffle at a Time'. It's the story of Ann Willan's life growing up in York, England and the road she traveled to become a chef and run a cooking school in Paris. There are some recipes in the book too:)

  13. Looks yummy..I think Manchester isn't too far. I will; have to check it out, especially for the leftovers; too hot to cook chicken fingers at home. Love them on a salad. Keep cool. :)

  14. Just a fly by visit this week i'm afraid Erika.. Super super busy... But i wanted to wish you a happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  15. I love a restaurant with history, and that one goes back a ways. The chicken does look tasty.

    It's hotter there than it is down here! Wow!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  16. What a great place to have dinner! That does look to be a huge pile of chicken - no wonder you took some home! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  17. Steamy hot 90s here, too. I'm glad you got to sample the restaurant and share with us. It looks terrific. I think I'd like it too -- and certainly the history. Don't you love finding a spot like that, filled with history and not some chain that's everywhere? That's what going places is all about for me!

  18. Fascinating info on Manchester, NH and the Puritan restaurant. I gasped when I saw the menu price of the chicken fingers because I think of them as an hors d'oeuvres or appetizer. But, wow, you got a lot for the money! You're making me hungry too, Erika;-)

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  19. Oh Yum the food looks delicious and I loved reading about the history
    I wasn't able to post yesterday so am out visiting all the T people this morning.
    Have an awesome day Kathy


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