Monday, June 12, 2017

Time Flies and Its Monday

Happy new week everyone. The heat has arrived here to New Hampshire. Yup, its really summer. :)
 I don't mind the heat as long as there is some air moving or the humidity isn't too high. Yesterday was warm but with the breeze it felt like a really nice summer day. We will see what happens today because they say it will be more humid.
But I'm not complaining because at least with the AC if its really bad outside I can head inside and make a little art.:)
So today I have a journal page with a circle and a mechanical theme. I am linking up to both Art Journal Journey where Rosie's theme is circles and Try It On Tuesday where the latest theme is Steampunk/Mechanical.
I had this gelli printed page with circles, which I then stamped circle shaped clocks, as well as adding this alarm clock image which I stamped on blue paper, fussy cut and then used some crackle glue to make it looks old and show the passage of time. I also stamped the quote as well as the days of the week and the word Time. Finally I added the little copper Roman numerals and the die cut gears.
You still have a week to participate over at TIOT so come on over and play along.
So did anyone do anything exciting this past weekend? The hubby and I went to see Wonder Woman at the movies Saturday night. I enjoyed it and  thought it was pretty entertaining film.  Yesterday we went and spent the afternoon with his family on the dock at his mother's house. She lives on a small pond, and it was a nice way to enjoy the afternoon. My niece bought one of those stand up paddle boards, and she decided to take my dog for a little ride, even though she didn't stand up on it while Maddie was riding with her.

   And now it is Monday and a new week is beginning. The hubby is going back to work today, at least part time. So now my week will be a little bit quieter than the last month when he was home (and recovering) with me.
Hope everyone has a fantastic start to your week.


  1. Goodness. Your husband has made a really speedy recovery. That says something for modern medicine, doesn't it? Hope YOU are doing well, too.

    Your lovely piece for TioT and AJJ is fabulous. You have been a great guest designer and this piece proves it.

    Sorry our heat has caught up to you. Hope you don't have our wind, though. Hot wind is the worst!

  2. Gorgeous weather. I don't mind the hot and humid. It really doesn't last more than a couple two or three days. And you don't have to shovel humidity. If only time would slow down so we could have more than 2 months of Summer weather. The pond looks like a nice way to spend a lazy Summer afternoon.

  3. Time flies indeed, hang in there and warm greetings to you and yours!

  4. Ooh, Erika, what a gorgeous Steampunk page. I love every detail.

    And I say thank you for sharing at ART JOURNAL JOURNEY, and also for TRY IT ON TUESDAY.

    Have a wonderful week

  5. What a fantastic page this is -- yes I agree with you - this quote is perfect- would be wonderful to have even MORE time - if the time is such a good one-
    I am enjoying my women's resort days.
    And the days just fly by.
    Can't believe that your hubby already returns to work... wow.. sounds amazing that he feels so well already after the transplant. Hope you feel also well Erika!!! Love to see Maddie on board - she is such a lovely dog! A queen of adventure - fearless and happy!!
    A good new week with justthe weather you wish for!
    oxo Susi

  6. And I forgot to say THANK YOU Erika for helping and supporting TioT and AJJ!
    So much appreciated!

  7. I love your journal page and the great sentiment! So pleased you joined us with it at Try It On Tuesday! I can hardly believe we are nearly halfway through the year! I love the pond - at that size we would call that a lake here! Wonder Woman was an enjoyable film - we both enjoyed it too! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. I really like your journal page and the colors you chose to use.
    Spending a bit of time at a lake - or pond - sounds wonderful to me. Your dog is lucky - did she enjoy this little excursion on the paddle board?

  9. Love your journal page, thanks for joining us again at TIOT! Great photo of your loved ones on the water! Enjoy the warm weather, hugs, Valerie

  10. Very beautiful page. Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  11. I'm impressed with your hubby's steady and speedy progress and so happy things are coming along so well. My hubby and one of our sons saw Wonder Woman and enjoyed it. I'll wait for the DVD but look forward to that.

    You'd not like it here. Humid heat is about the only heat we have ;)

  12. Your page looks fantastic, you chose a good quote to go with it. I loved all the circles, clocks and gears. the texture looks super as well.
    Thank you for sharing a great page with us again at TioT's .
    Your photos from the weekend looked Fab, i liked seeing your four legged friend enjoying the water as well.
    Good to read your husband was recovering well and able to get back to work part time.
    Yvonne xx

  13. What fabulous page and quote Erika! Love the colours you've used for your steampunk design. Thanks for sharing your adorable photo.
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday. Mar x

  14. Awesome journal page as always; you pick great quotes. Love the dog on the paddle board..hope there was a breeze on the water. Keep me posted if you plan to drop anchor at Crane's sometime. :)

  15. A fab page Erika! I love the background!
    Enjoy the sunshine!

  16. Fabulous journal page and what a great sentiment ! Love that "small pond! LOL

    Thanks for joining in at Try It On Tuesday


  17. I love your piece. I don't do steampunk well at all. You have mastered the layers and I love the colors, too.

    Weekend sounds great -- especially being on the water. Oh, I can't wait till I get up to the cottage!


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