Saturday, July 29, 2017

Just Things

Happy weekend everyone. This is a quiet one for me as the hubby is taking a 2 day refresher motorcycle class. He's had his license for years and hasn't ridden so he figured he needed to do it again. It's kind of weird for me  not to have people around and someone wanting to do something, but it is rather nice to decide what I want to do. Today its some chores like finishing my bookshelf clean out and cleaning all the dog hair out of my car. Or maybe just an art day too. I'm actually feeling kind of lazy right now, home from my walk and enjoying a little quiet.
I wanted to show you this HUGE month that was on my sliding door the other night.
 It was as big as my hand, by far one of the biggest I've ever seen other than the luna moth.  And in he had his wings pulled up one under the other too.
 For some reason it photographed better through the glass door than when I stepped outside. I looked it up and I think it might be a silk moth. Nothing else seemed to fit it.
I did like this one when I looked down on its eyes.
So yesterday I had a big disappointment.  My husband only works until noon on Fridays during the summer, and we went out fishing in the boat after he got home in the afternoon. We caught some mackerel and then went striped bass fishing. Mackerel fishing is fun because when they are running you catch them very easily. 
Stripe bass have however eluded me for years. Until yesterday. We went and anchored in this quiet spot and I put out my line with a mackerel on it, and sat down to read my book and wait. Then my line took off and the reel is screeching and I am so excited to finally hooked one. :) I worked and worked to reel the fish in, and my hubby went to grab the net, when, SNAP, my line broke and the fish swam away. Somewhere in the bay is a striped bass with an orange fishing float hanging from his mouth. It must be a nuisance for him, and if he's just come on in, I would have taken his photo and then let him lose back into the ocean.
But that was not to be. I said a rather naughty word when my line snapped, and I won't repeat it here.:)
And Thursday I decided to take a road trip. I brought the dogs along for company (which is why my car needs to be cleaned today because it now looks like a dog hair rug everywhere). It was a rainy day and only in the low 60's so bringing them along wasn't an issue.
The first stop and reason for my road trip was a yarn store in western Massachusetts called Webs.
It is a 3 hour trip, but as my knitting friend once told me, "Webs is a destination." It is true. There's a large and nice knitting store in the front, and then in the back 
there is this yarn warehouse. Six aisles of discounted yarn. :)  Here's just one of them.
And they were having a sale on some of it also!
Last summer in Iceland I bought some skeins of Lopi Icelandic yarn. It was really inexpensive there- only around $2.50 a skein.  Here it is over $9. 
Of course I couldn't fit tons of it into my suitcase, so I bought a few assorted colors and figured I could get the background yarn here at home.
I wanted something softer than Lopi too and that's why I took a road trip. I figured maybe I could find the yarn for the body of my sweater on sale.
And I did find some Valley Yarn (made by Webs) which worked and was softer and on sale for $4.59 a skein, which means I can make my sweater for less than $75. I have a hard time buying sweater yarn and spending $200 when I could go buy the sweater for less than that.
I also made a couple of other stops on my road trip which I will show you another day as this post is getting long.
But first, another tag for Chrissies favorite color challenge at Tag Tuesday.
Happy weekend everyone.


  1. Sorry about the fish that got away, what a pity! That moth is mega huge, never seen one that big before. The knitting warehouse looks most inviting, I would like to have a browse around there. And last but not least, the tag you made for TT is totally gorgeous. love your choice of colours. Have a great weekend, have fun, hugs, Valerie

  2. Sounds like you are having a relaxing time but not sure the moth would be very relaxing to look at.

    Bad luck for you and the fish

    Your tag is terrific and thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday
    Love Chrissie xx

  3. The tag is super - I love the quote and I hope you enjoyed your alonetime day!
    Wow what a paradise for knitters and crocheters... but a 3 hour road trip- I think I would not have the love to do this.
    I have a busy weekend - workers today - - we still are renovation the fence base, they had to get food and I did my best. Daughter has a job for each Saturday now in a supermarket and is happy to get a bit of extra money from now on - but I have to drive her ( but it's not far away)and guest tomorrow which means cooking and baking again.
    Busy Susi - but it's fun and I enjoy it - and our weather gets back to very very SUMMERY - great!

    Happy Sunday Erika!
    Would you please send me your email addy - mine is
    I saw that I don't have your email addy and I would like to have it.

  4. And I forgot to mention that this moth is impressive -- a giant specimen!

  5. WOW, that's an impressive moth!

    I don't knit, but such a huge selection has to be tempting :)

  6. I instantly recognized your moth. It's the kaijū, Mothra, from the Japanese monster movies :-D Too bad about the bass that got away. I use that naughty word, too. (-; The yarn store looks like a very cool place to poke around in spite of a 3 hr road trip. What we don't do for our art. Wonderful tag with two of my favorite colors. I like the texture created by the baker's twine. Enjoy your quiet time.

  7. That yarn store looks amazing! Next time I am in Western Mass, I must check it out. Any suggestions for soft yarns. We use bamboo which is really soft but expensive.
    Hope there are more catches in your future.

  8. Too bad about the fish. I know the word I would have said. But that moth is incredible.

    I have tons of yarn I gave away a few years ago. Tons of it. If only I had known you then. Sounds like Webs is truly an experience.

    LOVED the tag. It is a beauty. I may have to make one "next month" which is much sooner than it sounds. Have a super Sunday, dear.

  9. I love this post -- it's so filled with joy (except for the fish -- sorry about that. I'd say words too.)

    I love Lopi. I went through a Lopi period eons ago when I was knitting sweaters. It works up so fast and is so toasty warm! Can't believe the prices!

    And your tag is wonderful. I love the colors, the hearts, the overall good feeling! This is a great post to start my morning!

  10. I'm not sure I would have been that close to get a photo of that moth especially when you said how big it was. Great photos.
    The yarn store looked amazing. I'm not a knitter these days, but I would have enjoyed seeing the yarns.
    Sounds like the fish wasn't playing along nicely. I'm sure there will be one along sometime for you soon.
    It was a great tag today as well.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Love the colorful tag you made!!
    I think a moth that big might be scary - It would certainly startle me if I glanced up and saw it!

  12. Beautiful and creative tag with your chosen colors ~ and love the words ~ thanks, ^_^

    New to Tag Tuesday (A SHUTTERBUG EXPLORES) ^_^


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