Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Shining Their Lights

I made this page for Elizabeth's Summer Love challenge at Art Journal Journey after sitting outside one evening watching some fireflies flashing. Fireflies are one of those little things that make summer special for me
Did you know that each type of firefly has its own light flashing pattern?
So I doodled my jar and I think it looks more like a drinking glass with aluminum foil over the top than a lidded jar, so use a little imagination when you look at it. I stamped the insects and turned them into fireflies with a dab of yellow paint. 
I also scribbled this poem by Robert Frost on the page. Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets, and he was  a native of New Hampshire where I live. This was a new poem for me, but it was perfect for my page.

Fireflies in the Garden

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies, 
And here on earth come emulating flies, 
That though they never equal stars in size, 
(And they were never really stars at heart) 
Achieve at times a very star-like start. 
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.

When I was a kid I had a book called Sam  and the Firefly. Sam is an owl who has Gus the firefly write words in the sky for him. Of course writing words in the sky at night isn't always a smart thing.
Anyone else remember this book? I need to see if I can find mine, though it may be long gone. There is a box of kids books in the attic and it might be in there.
So the newest challenge at Try It On Tuesday just happens to be Let It Shine, and I think my page works, so I am linking up. 
I'm finally home today after a couple of days out playing with friends. I should clean  my house a little bit, but there's lots of other things I can think of doing other than that. I am really in summer mode. Oh boy.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great idea to have the twinkling flies

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    LoveChrissie xx

  2. This is a wonderful journal entry, and a great two-fer, too. I saw fireflies the other night, but didn't even connect them with summertime love. You have given me yet another great example this month. It's a fabulous entry.

    I've never heard of the book, but that doesn't mean anything. I think I mostly read mysteries as a child. Still do.

    Your day sounds like mine. I finally cleaned house Friday and Saturday when it was cool during the early morning hours. I can't believe it took two days to dust, vac, and clean my kitchen. I will think of you as I do laundry today.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful firefly journal page with Art Journal Journey today.

  3. Lovely page, I always love fireflies. Thanks for joining us at TIOT, great entry! Who doesn't love Robert Frost? Big storm blowing up here, so time to shut down! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Your page is just GREAT - how clever is this?! Robert Frost had some very good poems and quotes.Your handwriting is super! Nice that it reminded you of one of the books of your childhood - would be great if you would find it again. Thanks a lot for another fantastic entry to AJJ and super to have you with us at TioT's again this time!
    Hope you enjoy your days with good weather and happiness!
    Everything o.k. here on latitude 48.7167 - longitude 15.0833 at the moment.

    oxo Susi

  5. No, I didn't know that each type of firefly has its own light flashing pattern, Erika. That's a great page! I find it difficult to work on a dark background. I love the Frost poem. I hadn't heard that one before. I never heard of Sam and the Firefly either and now you have me wondering why it wouldn't be good to sky-write at night. lol

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  6. It is a fabulous page Erika, the fireflies must be wonderful to see in real life. Here on your page they look wonderful. I likes the poem as well.
    Thank you for joining us over at TioT's, its a great page for the theme.
    Yvonne xx

  7. What a sweet page. Watching fireflies on a Summer evening is so magical. Never read that book. The only book by PD Eastman that I read was Are You My Mother? Stay cool!

  8. Wonderful firefly page, poem and book! We don't have fireflies here in the UK and I'm always amazed when I see them 😀. Thanks for sharing such fond memories and Happy Thursday! J 😊

  9. A great page, Erika! Love the design and how you've created these lovely fireflies. The Robert Frost poem is really beautiful!
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday!
    Mar x)

  10. Awww I love this, just what I needed today! I'll be looking at the fireflies tonight. xox

  11. I love fireflies. See a lot here, not so many, if any, up north. Love this piece!

  12. Fab page, love the fireflies, never seen any but would love to

    Thank for joining us at Try It On Tuesday


  13. As I child I loved catching fireflies -- we do not have them here in Florida but there were tons of them in the mountains of North Carolina. Your fireflies are wonderful!
    sandy xx

  14. I'm unfamiliar with that book, but I imagine we'd have loved it when the kids were little. Is it my imagination or are there fewer fireflies every year? I'm not seeing many at all this year :(

  15. A great page Erika and I love the poem too.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril x


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