Thursday, July 20, 2017

Summer Days

Its been a beautiful summer so far. I am lost in summer vacation mode-morning walks, hanging out with friends, swimming in the lake, boating, reading in the afternoon in my hammock. 
I just finished reading .
Its my latest book club book (took me away from reading my cozy mysteries) and was a thought provoking true story about a man who disappeared and lived alone in the Maine woods for over 20 years. He had no human contact and got what he needed by breaking into weekend cabins. Then he got arrested breaking into the kitchen of a kids summer camp, and that ended his years as a hermit in the woods. ( He ended up in jail and all that goes with that.) The book explores why he wanted to live alone in the forest and how he did that in the harsh Maine wilderness. It also deals a little bit with the people who lived in those cabins he broke into. I wish it dealt with them a little more.  I've still got a bunch of questions after reading this, and it should be a great discussion at book club.

And I've started reading this book. This is the second book about Julia Child by Alex Prud'homme, her great nephew. The first book (My Life in France) was excellent so I am excited to read this. The first book was co-authored by both Julia Child and Alex Prud'homme.  So far I am enjoying this, and then maybe I'll get back to some more cozy mystery books.
And I bought 2  new teas to make ice tea. They taste less like tea and more like flavored water. One pouch makes a lot of tea, a whole big pitcher not once but three time. I can drink tea all day for 2 days per bag. :)

I'm enjoying them while I read. And while I make art.
And yesterday I made some strawberry rhubarb jam.
I had some left over strawberry puree from my July 4th cake and decided before it went bad to use it as a base for some jam. I added some strawberries and some rhubarb I had in the freezer.
Just having fun and keeping busy.
Here's another page in my night journal I am making. I did this spread last week and then I found out that the latest Try It on Tuesday challenge is let it shine.
The right hand page is from an old calendar page. I'm not sure if I will leave it as is or do something to it. Here's a closer view of the quote.

And I have another page in my ocean journal too.

I'm going to link this page up to Elizabeth's great challenge, Summer Love, over at Art Journal Journey.
Summer is good. Life is good.


  1. What a lot of goodies you have to show today. Love the summer journal page, I can imagine you swimming there! The shining page for TIOT is great, too, thanks so much for joining us. Enjoy your jam, and tea and reading. I do a lot of reading, too, I'm never without at least one book on the go. Enjoy your summer, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lots of things to enjoy in your post and they are all terrific

    Pleased you are enjoying the summer

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. What a happy post - your jam looks super and the books sound very interesting.
    The tea must be yummie- and your spreads are really fab! The handmade left side goes perfect with the calendar page and your painted LOW TIDE pages for Elizabeth's theme looks great and very artsy - love how the beach chair and the clouds pop out!
    Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday and supporting Elizabeth's summer theme so well♥♥♥♥
    oxo Susi
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Great book reviews, and wonderful journal indeed. Thanks for sharing!

  5. A great post to read, you have been busy making your jam, it sounds delicious. Reading is something I enjoy as well, especially at the end of the day.
    Your journal pages are both wonderful and I really liked the quote you added to the first spread.
    The Low tide spread was also fantastic and I see the chair is waiting for someone to sit on an enjoy the view,
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Thank you for joining us over at TioT's, it's a fantastic take on out theme.

  6. Looks like you've been keeping busy! I've never tried strawberry and rhubarb jam although I've been told it's very nice 😀. Your art pages are lovely, the sparkle and quote in your night journal is beautiful and who wouldn't love sitting on your beach looking at that wonderful view 😀. Happy week and have a lovely weekend! J 😊

  7. Hi Erika, happy belated T day! I have never swam in a lake, I'm not a good swimmer in any case and have no lakes available to try. I would probably drown. Haven't been swimming for many years and last time was in a pool.
    I like your journal pages, the tea looks good although I don't drink actual tea any more, and the hermit book sounds interesting. I just finished a fiction book that I really didn't understand at the end, I can't remember what it is called right now I would have to check on Kindle, but it was either 99p or free!
    I've actually got round everyone bar one and I am going there now!
    Cazzy x

  8. Goodness, you have been VERY, VERY busy. I'm really impressed. I wish I had time to read, make art, make jam, and go shopping for tea. You are certainly living a very full life and making the most of this year's summer time off. I simply adore the lovely pages in your night journal, but really, really love the LOW TIDE. The whale is caught in the background and I simply adore the little flip flops. They are gems. Thanks for sharing them with Art Journal Journey today.

  9. Your journal pages - Night and Low Tide - are beautiful and I am so impressed with your strawberry/rhubarb preserves. I have also been reading quite a bit, and in fact have eye strain. My AMD must be causing the strain and I've tried to lessen the time spent reading. Your book club book looks like a fascinating read. I am wondering if it is an autobiographical work or written by someone else. I can google that, I guess.

  10. wow,love your summerpages so much,low and tide,its amazing.
    happy weekend.

    hugs jenny

  11. Wonderful stuff all around. Beautiful art, good books. I'll be eager to read the new Julia -- Loved My Life in France. Right now reading, "As Always, Julia," which is the complete collection of letters between Julia and Avis DeVoto. It's fascinating but a slow read. They wrote REALLY long letters!

    I've heard about the Woods book -- I think the writer was on NPR. Sounds fascinating! Good summer stuff!

  12. I really admire you - so busy and creative. I am more like a slug as I disappear in books.
    Sandy xx

  13. I saw a review a while back of The Stranger in the Woods and researched the "hermit" online a bit. Sounds like a fascinating story.

    I'm familiar with the Republic of Tea brand but not those particular flavors. I need to branch out a bit, I think :)

  14. Sounds like you're having no difficulties keeping busy these holidays Erika, great post. Love the look of your Strawberry and Rhubarb jam, I've made crumbles and pies using them together but not jam, must try.
    Love the spread in your night journal, and a lovely quote.
    Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
    Avril x

  15. I am reading about Queens of England at the moment! I love your journal pages and I am so pleased to see that you are linking to Try It On Tuesday! Hugs, Chrisx


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