Monday, August 28, 2017

Picnic on the Boat

Happy T Day everyone. I can't believe we're at the end of August already.  I hope none of you are involved in the Texas flooding. The views from the news are mind blowing. Wow, what a lot of water. My heart goes out to the people and the pets suffering through the floods.
On a happier note, Tuesday means it's T Day.  Time to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join in the weekly fun. Just share a photo and a story about something you drank. Include a meal with it if you like. Or maybe even a little adventure story too.
Today I am going to share a little barbicue story.
So my husband found this little portable boat grill last year. Someone was selling it after just a couple of uses. I think one issue with a boat grill is that you're not going to use it all the time, but a new one will still cost you a lot of money. Last year we never used the grill at all because the hubby decided it needed a better way to connect to the boat, but one gorgeous Sunday this summer we decided to see how it worked since he had recently picked up the better connector on eBay.
So we bought some hot dogs because they were easy to transport and if they ended up on the ocean bottom as crab food at least it wasn't a huge loss.
And you can see our dog Pete liked the idea of hot dogs too.
 Of course I never thought to bring any plates since we've never needed them on the boat before, so cups had to make do. But the hotdogs actually came out pretty good, and I did remember all those toppings many of us New Englanders like to put on our dogs. It was a total junk food lunch, but I think a Sunday afternoon boating lunch calls for a little splurge.
 But the beer we  had to wash down the hot dog was certainly not junk. We had this brew on our Finger Lake journey and it was superb, so we brought some home. A gorgeous Sunday was reason enough to celebrate.
 I finished mine with our dessert.
But I must report that when we went fishing that day, I caught by far the most fish. Nine for me and only 2 for my husband. :)
 And I thought this reflection in the water was pretty amazing. It looks like an impressionist painting.
That's my post for today. Happy T day ladies (and gentlemen too).


  1. oh what a lovely way to spend a summer day! Glad the grill worked out too.
    Ok, but about the fish you caught...did you end up eating them or releasing them? I don't know what kind of fish they are...
    happy T day!

  2. Hi what a fun day on your boat-had never thought about a grill on a boat-glad that worked out well.
    Yes I love this last photo very much-and congrats to you for catching the most fish! Happy T Day Kathy

  3. lol lol you had fun fishing, great photos

  4. That must have been a wonderful trip, and I can imagine you all enjoying your hot dogs and beer - I am sure the dogs were more interested in the food! Love the 'impressionist' photo, too. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. ha, a beer Label worth to soak off and use it in your art!
    happy t-day!

  6. Oh Erika, I laughed and laughed at your tale of the hot dogs on the boat grill. I have to admit I've never seen a hot dog bun in a glass before, so I think that's got to be the weirdest thing I've seen in a glass for T time.

    Granted, your beer was probably what you were thinking of sharing for T this Tuesday, but I'm going for the bun in the glass, instead. LOVE this entire post, dear friend.

  7. Forgot to mention that the water DOES look like an Impressionist painting. To answer your question about the fish, yes, it was delicious. Sally and I had eaten at Long John Silvers a few weeks before that, and this fish was SO much better, hotter, larger, and tastier. I even took two fish, all the slaw, and most of my fries home, too. Why didn't I eat the fries? I ran out of ranch dressing!

  8. Just a perfect boating day! WOW! We never had our grill on the boat - we just used a grill on the beach or on the rocks along the shore. Must be lovely to grill in the midst of the lake! Your hot dogs along with this beer - and even oreo as a dessert --- yumminess pure! Super photos!
    The fishes look so interesting as well- you are a very good fisherwoman- wow, maybe you are a fish whisperer?!!
    Happy T-Day! Hope you are acclimated to school meanwhile! ♥♥♥
    oxo Susi

  9. Definitely looks like an impressionist painting and a fun day! Will have to be on the lookout for that beer. Hope there is still more fishing even though you are back at school. Happy t day!

  10. Looks like you had a great day on the water. I love Pete patiently waiting for his hot dog. The reflection on the water does look like an impressionist painting. What kind of fish did you catch? Do you eat them or release them? Have a good day.

  11. Your BBQ is wonderful and I like the way it is connected to your boat! The hot dogs looks great but it's the beer that caught my eye 😁. I liked the sound of this Red Beer when I checked out the Breweries website, I bet it was delicious - cheers and Happy T Day! J 😊

  12. Oh Erika congratulations on catching the most fish!! What wonderful markings on those fish.. what kind are they??? Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. Lemon oreos? Be still my heart! I must find them!

    This looks like loads and loads of fun. Nothing like being on the water on a great day -- and if the menu is hot dogs and beer I am SO with you!

  14. What a perfect day on the water!! What kind of fish did you catch?
    I LOVE the photo of the water, and yes it looks like an impressionist painting to me too.......would make a lovely background for a journal page!
    Happy T-day

  15. What a brilliant idea -love the serving dish!! For me hot dogs have to have mustard and tomato ketchup! Loved the reflection photo! Well done for catching those fish! I must ask…is that one huge Oreo or a pack of regular sized ones? Which ever - lemon sounds like a great flavour - hope they come here! Happy T day! Chrisx

  16. That sounds like a fantastic day out. It sounds a great meal to have on the boat and the beer sounds good, especially when its warm weather.
    It was a great catch of fish, do you take them home or do you return them to the water at the end of the day?
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  17. I've never heard of grilling on a boat! The hotdogs look good, and cups might work better than plates there. They won't roll off of a cup ;)

    Your photos are great, and I agree that one does look like an impressionist painting. Lovely!

    I'm curious about what kind of fish those are, too. I'll subscribe to comments to see to see what the answer is.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  18. It sounds like a lovely day out on the lake, Erika. It's fun improvising from time to time. Cups to hold hot dogs? Why not? Congrats on your fine catch.

    Yes, that last photo should be a painting. Are you going to try it?

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  19. Pretty views of the water, and I've never heard of Iron Flamingo but it's a very original name! glad your little grill worked, and wondering what kind of fish those are? Congrats on having the most fish that day! Happy T Day!

  20. wait, what...lemon oreos?! be still my heart! I usually avoid the cookie aisle in the stores...I didn't even know these existed. I'm in trouble now! ;)

  21. All these fish got set free back into the ocean. :) And for those of you who inquired, they are mackerel. I'll put a better photo up tomorrow on my post.

  22. That looks like the perfect boating trip. I'm surprised you never had picnics on board. The ale sounds as though I might like it too.
    Well done you for catching those mackerels. Did you BBQ those as well? They are delicious grilled.
    Oreaos. Yes, we have them in Europe. I have never tasted any, but every child loves them. Here they are black and white. (One of my friends has named her cat Oreo).
    We are still travelling. At the moment though at our daughter's house,and she is busy today, so I have time to spend at the computer.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  23. Sad story about the flooding indeed and thoughts go out to those affected. Great photos and warm greetings to you.


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