Sunday, September 17, 2017

Best Friends Forever

Happy Sunday everyone. The fog is burning off, but it is rather humid and that is not my favorite type of weather. To make it worse I have a major case of the hives. I've been battling them for the last 2 weeks, but they feel worse in this humid weather when you  get a little sweaty. I think they are becoming chronic (something I've had on and off most of my life) so I guess this week I need to call a doctor. Not sure if I should call my allergist who I haven't seen for years or my my primary care who might just say go see the allergist. Hmmm.  All I know is I am sick of being itchy and just feeling plain old yuk from them.
So yesterday we went out and spent the afternoon with some of our college friends. It was a fun time. My friend Jennie brought some old photos to share and I thought (although it's scary) share one with you.
That's me on the right, my husband on the left and Jennie in the middle. We had gone to Florida during our spring college break. My husband was not my husband at that time, in fact we weren't even dating at that point. We are hanging out at Daytona Beach.
But yesterday before we went to lunch I had some art time and I made a page for both Try It On Tuesday and their My Friend challenge, and also for the Colour My World challenge at Art Journal Journey.
I used a background I had made and added lots of various photos from photostrips. Some of them are from TH and some of them come off of some postcards  in a set of photostrip cards I had.
OK, time to get myself moving. Hope you have a great Sunday or are having a great Sunday or even had a great Sunday, depending where you live. 
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great photograph of you Erika and a wonderful ful arty friends page as well

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Love the old photo of you three, that must have brought back good memories. I recognised you straightaway! Wonderful journal page, love the colours you chose. Thanks for joining us at TIOT! Enjoy your Sunda, hugs, Valerie

  3. This is absolutely gorgeous, Erika.

    Thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  4. I love your super page and I love that photo!
    You three look so " vintage" - I love such and hubby haven't changed so much- I have recognised you both immediately!
    What a special photo and nice that you and your DH weren't even a couple at this time... what lovely memories!
    I hope you get rid of this skin rush soon - I know what you mean with the docs - here the same. And I specially have no good experiences with the dermatologists - I think for the most of them it would have been better to become pathologists - they are mostly unpleasent - at least those I have met.
    And they seem to know nothing!!!
    Thank you very much for joining our >friends> theme at Try It On Tuesday
    and to join AJJ with anoother fabulous page Erika!
    We had a rainy cold weekend - the fence is nearly completed FOTOand looks very good.

    My muse is not here just now - so I have made nothing artsy this weekend.
    I think she is on holiday!

    oxo Susi

  5. Old photos are fun, aren't they! Not just what we looked like back then, but what we wore :) Fond memories!

  6. That's a super photo, you must have many good memories when you see photos from years gone by. I did recognise you as well.
    Thank you for another fabulous page for Art Journal Journey, so pleased you are enjoying the theme. Also thankyou for joining us all over at TioT's as well.
    Hope you get your skin problems sorted, they can be so uncomfortable.
    Yvonne xx

  7. This is Brilliant! So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday! Hope the itching stops soon - I have very itchy legs with the heat at the moment so get how you feel! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Goodness, Erika, I found this artwork fabulous. You went above and beyond in this piece. I was simply amazed. My jaw dropped when I saw the completed piece. It is beyond beautiful. I see this as another Spotlight piece for you at TioT!

    LOVED the photo of you as a young girl at Daytona Beach. I was sorry to read you have hives. It is not something I know anything about, but I certainly hope you and whatever dr you end up going to figure it out and get you some proper medication.

  9. Cute photo. I had those same shorts. Mine were red and I wore them with knee-hi, athletic, tube socks

    I love the colors on the page, the sentiment, and the photos.

  10. Oh goodness! I hope you can get rid of that rash! Sounds just dreadful.
    Like your artwork and great old picture. Oh when we were young... ;)

  11. Sorry to hear about the hives, they are so itchy - I hope you feel better soon! The photo of you all is wonderful and I bet it bought back such fun memories 😁. Your back background, quotes and postcard and TH photos are so cool - perfect! Wishing you a Happy Monday! J 😊

  12. It is lovely to have long time friends to go through life with. Your friends page is great. I especially like the little boy and his cute..what do they say, Man's best friend? Hope your rash improves quickly.

  13. Great to see your old photo and interesting story behind it :)
    You have created beautiful journal page with all those vintage photos.

  14. A wonderful Journal page Erika, and I love the quote with the different photos, thanks for sharing at TioT.
    I can imagine that photo brought back lots of happy memories for you and your friend, lots to talk about over lunch.
    Avril xx


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