Monday, September 18, 2017

T Stands for A Gorgeous Garden

Happy T Day everyone. Once again it is Tuesday and time to share a drink related post.  Stop over at                            Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join in the fun or to see what the T Gang has been up to.
So I mentioned in my last post that I got together with some college friends this past weekend. There was suppose to be 10 of us meeting for lunch, but we ended up with only 5 of us.
I really don't like this photo of me wit the double chin and it looks like I weigh 20 pounds more than I do.  Remind me not to pose in that angle next time please. :)
We met for lunch at the Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Brewery and you can see my beer in front of me. It was a very good red beer made with local sugar kelp seaweed as part of a sustainable industry.
 After lunch we went for a little walk around downtown Portsmouth. We wandered down to the water and out to one area full of very old homes.I think this was one of the first areas of the city to be developed. The city was incorporated in 1653 and I think many of the homes in this area are from the 1700's.
(I looked up the history of Portsmouth and found out it was named after the city the founder was from. He was from Portsmouth England. Since Portsmouth was originally the capital of my state, and since the original Portsmouth is in Hampshire, England, our state took on its name of New Hampshire.)
You can see this old home is really right on the  narrow street and right up against its neighbors on the side. Yet still the owners planted this fantastic garden.
 It attracted so many butterflies. I was trying to get a good photo but they flittered so quickly. Can you find the one in the photo below?

I took lots of other photos on our walk. More to share another day.
And please keep your fingers crossed for me. Our 4 year old dog needs a cancerous tumor removed today. Hopefully, the area comes out clean and she cured.
Happy T day everyone.


  1. Why is it you always save the scary news till last. I hope your dear baby is cured now. Please hug her for me when she is feeling better.

    What fun to see you and your friends at the brewery. It must have been fun to get together with these friends from yesteryear. Not sure I would drink a red beer with kelp, no matter how sustainable the process was. I'm simply not that fond of beer anyway, and drinking sea kelp doesn't make me like it any better (grin).

    Yes, of course I saw the butterfly. That garden was fabulous, too. Looks like the owners are ready for autumn with their pumpkin and squash (or whatever that colorful thing is). I can't believe how different the homes are in your area and how close they are together. No wonder you live outside of town. Nice to know how Portsmouth and New Hampshire got its name, too.

    Thanks for sharing the fun time you had with friends, your beer, and the butterflies in the garden with us for T this not-quite Tuesday. Please stay safe in the wake of this horrible hurricane that is coming your way.

  2. Just read your comment, Erika. I have an authentic flan recipe if you want to try it.

  3. This looks like a fun day out for you. I LOVE that garden. It's so colorful and cheerful. The beer looks good, too. I have never heard of beer with seaweed in it. Did the seaweed affect the flavor at all?
    Happy T Day!

  4. PS I hope you dog's surgery is successful!

  5. Looks like you were having a fun time with your college friends. And the photos of Portsmouth are so colorful. Beautiful flowers. I loved the red door with the welcome pineapple door knocker and the bottle glass transom. Hope all went well with the puppy.

  6. Glad you enjoyed meeting your friends, you all look happy. Never heard of sea weed beer before, but good that they can use the natural resources that are available. That house with the tiny but wonderful garden is amazing, so many flowers on such a small plot and lots of butterflies as well, just gorgeous. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. You all look so happy at dinner ;O))) great photos today thanks for showing

  8. When you know about Maddie's condition, please let us know. I don't think I made that as clear as I could have.

  9. wonderful photos and memories I love all the colours and hoping your dog comes through ok

  10. what a Vibrant post, good for the eyes in that dreary weather here...
    Looks the 5 of you had fun! happy t-day!

  11. How lovely to meet up with your friends, you all look like you are having fun! I'd love a red beer - cheers! Portsmouth looks like a a lovely town and the old house and gardens are so beautiful, those flowers were a riot of hot colours - wonderful! I'm keeping my paws crossed that all goes well and wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  12. What a beautfiul place this is! I am in love with this lovely town and buildings and the amazing garden! I laughed out loud as I read your advice to remember you to not pose at this angel As I was younger I looked better on photos than in real life but nowadays ???
    Happy T-Day and I will cross my fingers and think of your dog and that everything goes well.♥♥♥ Our 11 years old boy will have nearly the same procedure on Thursday. One really big wart on his tail which got inflamed now has to put away and another wart which is smaller and also a kind of boil will be removed with this. So three things at once - if they have him in narcosis. He had such a surgery three years ago as well - there were a wart on his back to remove. Not bad cancer marks were analysed at that one - so I hope he will have good luck again and all goes well with my baby this time as well again.

    Thinking of you - please do think of me as well on Thursday!
    oxo Susi

  13. It looks a beautiful destination for your reunion. You all look so happy together, I did have to smile at the comment about the chin, personally I don't like having my photo taken, so good for you to pose with your friends.
    I have my fingers crossed that you get good news from your dogs surgery. We all love our family pets so much, they are part of our lives.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  14. what a fun time with friends! That garden and your photos are just stunning. It still looks like summer despite the pumpkins.Thanks for sharing the history behind NH. Didn't know that. All the best regarding pup's surgery and outcome.
    Happy T day!

  15. Good morning, I wanted to thank you for the history on the city and state and it got it's name--the flowers are gorgeous and yes I found the butterfly too which was blended in really well.
    healing prayers for your furry family member

  16. What a fun idea, to gather old friends together like that. That flower bed is gorgeous! That's such a friendly, gracious offering for neighbors, passers-by, and butterflies alike :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  17. Oh, and I hope your sweet dog has an uncomplicated and full recovery. That seems young to be having cancer surgery :(

  18. Oh dear, I do hope your fur baby has come through the operation ok.
    Beer made from kelp? That is interesting. I would certainly give that a try.
    Thanks for the photos of the flowers and butterflies. Oh those houses are beautiful. It's a miracle they are still standing and being lived in.
    At the end of the month we will be sailing from Portsmouth, England for Santander in Spain. The journey will be a day and a half. I'm looking forward to the voyage as well as the fact that we are going home. (Having been away for 6 weeks).
    Happy T-Day,

  19. I'll dig up my flan recipe and send it to you via electronic means.

  20. Oh i will certainly keep your dog in my thoughts....poor baby.. i hope all is well Erika... I love when a homeowner takes pride in their place no matter how small the place is .. it shows.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  21. Oh my!!! I hope your baby is all better now❣❣❣ Sending healing thoughts your way.💙

  22. What they hey? How is Maddie???? Hope it was all benign and no worries. Yikes. Yes please pose differently otherwise we will have matching double chins! HA.

  23. How fun to be with your friends! Looks like a grand time. And Portsmouth looks like a wonderful spot. I'd love the brewery and those gardens.

    So glad Maddie is OK -- If I'd read this first, I'd be freaked.


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