Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Lots of Paris

Hi everyone. I'm back to Paris again today. I have another tag for Tag Tuesday and the fun theme of Paris. I had so much fun playing with some stamps I had the other day. On this tag I wanted to have the colors of the French flag plus show the activity of the city. 
I stamped lots of assorted images and words and added metal looking the fleur de lys.  
And I want to show you some roses. My bushes have decided to have one last blast of summer. They are blooming as though it is July again.

 The bees sure love it.

It's feeling more like summer again for a few days. The only thing is the shadows appear so early now that it cools off quickly by dinner time. And the nights are nice for sleeping.  So no complaints here.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a wonderful tag and your rose bushes are amazing - such beautiful colors!
    Seems to be nice weather - enjoy !
    We have very cold days already, and even colder nights!
    Happy rest of the week dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  2. I'm really loving that tag. Somewhere I have a fleur de lis Martha S punch, but haven't been able to find it. I'm in awe of the colors, the stamping and the beauty you have created for this tag.

    Your flowers are truly out of this world, too. Hope your Wednesday is going well.

  3. Your tag makes me want to travel to Paris. Your roses are so beautiful. Looks like the bee thinks so, too. Have a good day.

  4. LOVE your wonderful Paris Tag, très chic! Thanks for joining us again at TT! Your roses are looking very luxuriant, the bees are enjoying them, too. Here it's cold, wet and stormy :( Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I expected I would love your Paris piece -- and I DO! This theme makes me very happy -- one f my Favorites. The colors are fabulous.

    And your roses -- wow. I don't seem to have much luck with mine... probably neglect. Bet they smell terrific.

  6. Wow - all that passionate red for both Paris and the roses - what a powerful post! Love that gorgeous speckled tag - it gives it such a cool look. And thank you for sharing the pictures of your wonderful roses and the busy bees.
    Alison x

  7. Fabulous tag and amazing roses Erika

    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Wow, you have beautiful roses. Isn't it nice when they have a "last hurrah?"

    I have never been to Paris, but I wish I could go there. It looks like you brought the magic of the city to life on your tag.

    Happy Belated T-Day!

  9. Creative and colorful tag art and wonderful floral photography ~ thanks, ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  10. great tag, and i do love the rose photos ;O))

  11. such a gorgeous post-love all those flowers and your Paris piece

  12. Its a wonderful tag Erika and the photos of your roses are beautiful.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Like the tag, so vibrant and colourful, representing such a unique city.

  14. I don't have roses and so love seeing yours. A last gasp of beauty and scent as fall comes :) Lovely!

  15. What an amazing tag! The colours are so rich and vibrant and I love how you have created it using the colours of the French flag 😁. The red spray splatters are lovely. Your roses look so beautiful, now I'm wondering if they smell as good as they look, well it seems the bees certainly think so 😉. Happy Friday! J 😊


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