Monday, September 11, 2017

T is for A Labor Day Cookout

Happy Tuesday ladies (and gentleman). Another T for Tuesday has arrived.
Tuesday is a good day to share your drink (and also food or adventure if you have some) stories with the T Gang over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog
So the first weekend in September is the Labor Day  holiday weekend in the US. Although not the astronomical end of summer, it is the end of the summer season.
So in the summer we keep our boat in the field of a local marina. It allows us to just pop the boat in the water when we want to go out for a ride and not have to tow it back and forth from home. (And leaving it in the field is substantially cheaper than renting dock space and leaving it in the water. It's also cheaper than the extra gas we would need to put in the truck to move it every time.)
Every year over Labor Day weekend the marina has a cookout for their members. They provide the food and some live music and it's a nice evening to sit and watch the sunset.
This year they had barbecued chicken, salad, coleslaw, potato salad, bread and some sweet treats.
 For drinks, they have water, soda, wine and beer.  I had a delicious cup of Allagash White Ale, though you can't see much more than the foam on the top of my red plastic party cup.
 The company was great though, my daughter
 and my goofy husband . Although the dogs went out in the boat with us that day, they didn't get a cookout invite and had to wait in the car.
 And the view was awful pretty too.

My thoughts are with all those folks in Florida and the Caribbean  who took damage from Hurricane Irma. And my thoughts are with you who are now dealing with the tropical storm. Hope you stay dry.
Happy T day.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh wow awesome views! the bbq looks delicious what a nice treat for everyone! Happy T Day Kathy

  2. You party girl you:) What a really great way to be ending the summer/boating season. Happy T day!

  3. That was some Labor Day spread. Nice of the marina to host the event. Nice to spend the time with your daughter and hubby. the view is very pretty. Your photo looks like a painting. Happy T Day.

  4. Wow, that was quite a spread and the people from the marina who put it on, know how to keep their clients happy. I've never heard of white ale before, but since I'm not really a beer drinker, that could be why.

    Looks like the entire family got together, too. I'm sure it was fun for you to see your daughter again. And those views from the lake are simply fabulous.

    Thanks for sharing your labor day celebration, your lovely family, the beautiful views of the lake, and your food and ale with us for T this Tuesday, Erika.

  5. What a great day out you had, it looks so wonderful by the water. Great photo of your beautiful daughter, and lovely to see your hubby all smiles! Poor dogs having to wait in the car, though! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Lovely photos Erika. It looks a wonderful day to end the summer season, The last photo of the sunset looks beautiful.
    It looked a yummy meal as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Oh my, Allagash White Ale is our favourite - it's so yummy! We went on their brewery tour when we were in Maine and had the most wonderful time. Your day out looks perfect, what a great celebration and what could be better than spending time with friends and family having great food and drink whilst taking in those pretty views 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊

  8. Amazing food and I love the images -
    lovely photos - and what a nice family you have!
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    My thoughts are with all the affected people - what a devastation - unbelievable!

  9. hehe, the faces speak of great fun! and the sunset photos are gorgeous!
    happy t-day!

  10. Nice. Cute shots of the family, Dave looks so happy!!!! Food looks good too. xox

  11. Well what a lovely day! Thank you so much for taking us along this T day! Hugs! deb

  12. The view is a stunner! And I'll take a piece of that tasty-looking chicken, please ;)

    Happy T Tuesday

  13. The views of the water are lovely. How nice that your family attended the local cook out. Nice to see them too.

  14. That's so beautiful, Erika. I love the sunset view. And your party dinner looks pretty darned great. And, it appears that you were in the company of some jolly, fun people. I love it.

  15. Beautiful sunset-pics and, my, am I hungry now!

  16. Cute family photos, and stunning pics of the sunset - gorgeous! I'm hungry for barbecue! happy T day a bit late!

  17. I couldn't make it to tea this week, Erika, - we're traveling - but I just wanted to pop by and say, "hi."

    You got some beautiful seascape photos. Great photos of your daughter and hubby.

    Hugs, Eileen

  18. I LOVE chicken and coleslaw together...yummmm!
    What a lovely place to sit and have a meal.
    Belated T-day wishes


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