Monday, October 23, 2017

T Stands for Lunch

Happy T Days ladies. Tuesday is upon us again.  
Time share your drink related posts over at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.  Every Tuesday we share a little bit of our worlds and would love you to join in if you haven't yet.
So this past Saturday my daughter and I headed down to Worcester, Massachusetts to visit my mother.  Mom is 88 and lives in an assisted living facility. She is in excellent health and moves like she is a young woman, but she does have major short term memory issues. Her apartment facility is beautiful and she loves it there. We met a lot of her friends when she went down to lunch.
So when my daughter and I left we needed some lunch, even though it was past the lunch hour. My daughter loves eating at Chick-fil-A, and since she was buying, I figured I'd eat wherever she wanted to go. After searching on her phone, she said  "Look Mom, there's one here in Worcester and it's not too far from here." She read off the address on Gold Star Boulevard. 
I knew exactly where it was since I grew up in Worcester.
So we arrive and I pull into the parking lot.  It seemed kind of empty, even if it was later than lunch.
So we got out of the car and were walking in when a man with a real Southern accent  said "Excuse me mam, but we don't open until Thursday."
No wonder why the parking lot was empty.
 I had my daughter take a photo of the sign on the way out. If only we'd read it when we drove in.  I suggested we head out to the end of highway i290 where there is a 99 Restaurant. At least that way we we have made a bit of headway home.
 She agreed. You can see her salmon and salad in the background and my chicken and apple fall salad in foreground. It was delicious, and I swear my salad had enough apple chunks to make 2 full apples.
To drink I had a diet Pepsi. Ever since I've gone back to school I've been drinking way too much soda. (Bad bad habit I need to wean off for sure.)
And I also have another tag to share with you and to link up with Tag Tuesday.
The theme for one more week is Autumn/Halloween.
This one is a little spooky.
Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Glad you had a nice visit with your mom, and a great lunch with your daughter! Weird that the Chik f let was shut so long...

  2. Glad you had a great day with your Mom. Sorry the first restaurant wasn't open, but you got some great food at the next one. LOVE the tag, I adore spooky, so right up my street! Thanks for joining us again at TT. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I have never been to a chick fil a restaurant yet and then have one now in the large city we drive to for big box stores-I have heard the are good eats. but your food for lunch looks delicious! Loving your newest tag
    Happy T Day Kathy

  4. I promise I am NOT laughing at you, I'm laughing WITH you. You pulled the same kind of trick I'm famous for. I think you got a MUCH better deal at the 99 restaurant where you stopped and actually ate. There are no Chick-fil-As in Kansas that I know of, but I went to one in CA one year. Their chicken sandwiches were OK, but I've had better. Your chicken salad looks much healthier than any Chick-fil-A menu item. Please don't tell your daughter I said that, though. I wouldn't want to discourage her if she likes them.

    LOVE your tag. It just goes to show the witch knows how to maneuver a stick. (BOO, and not a good boo, either, I bet you are thinking)

    To answer your question, the answer is NO, there was no one at the Corn Maze/Farm, so we couldn't even get in to buy a pumpkin or gourd. I have plans for this coming weekend, so I am not sure I'll make it out there again, but I'm going to try before they close for the winter.

    Thanks for sharing your meal and diet Pepsi with us, as well as your clever tag for T this Tuesday.

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting your mum and both of those salad lunches looks so yummy! You created such a great Halloween tag too, spook-tacular 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  6. I am pleased you found an alternative place to eat, the meals you chose look delicious. I did smile when I read the post, that's the sort of thing that could happen to us.
    I am pleased you had a lovely family day and your Mom sounds a wonderful lady.
    Its a great Halloween tag and no, I don't think I am scared of spooks, but I don't really think I would like to meet one either.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Your tag is so cool - fabulous and I get hungry by watching this fantastic salad!
    Great you had such a nice day with your mom!
    It's amazing that she is so well at this advanced age beside of her short term memory issues.
    Happy T-Day my friend!
    Hope your school week is a relaxed one!
    oxo Susi

  8. Erika Love your spooky tag! And your salads look so yummy. Too funny about Chikfila... I love their food too but don't go there often for some reason... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  9. I can't stand the Gold Star Blvd area. Too busy. I don't really like driving around the city especially Kelly Square. The 99 is a good choice.Hard to get a bad meal there. Your salad looks very yummy. Your witch tag is fun. Makes me think of the Cowardly Lion clutching his tail and reciting I do believe. I do believe. I do believe in spooks. Have a good ay and stay dry

  10. nice halloween-artwork... no, i´m not afraid either;)
    your Food Pictures make me hungry!!!
    happy t-day:)

  11. It must be comforting to know your mom is in good hands at the facility. I guess next visit you can stop at Chic fil A:):) But both lunches you and your daughter had at 99 Restaurant look fabulous to me! Love your spooky tag. Happy T day!

  12. Ooooh ~love this wonderful tag ~ so creative and delightful witch ~ ^_^

    Love and light,

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I like a Chick fil A sandwich as much as the next guy, but you traded up with that lovely lunch you pictured :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  14. There aren't any Chick fil A places near us that I know of. I do like the look of your salad though. We're still having vary warm weather (91F today) so a salad would be a good dinner choice.

    Have a good week.

  15. LOL...too funny about the Chick-fil-A! maybe next time? yeah, we've pulled into places and discovered the restaurant had closed. at least yours is opening soon! Very delicious looking salads, and love your Spooky tag! happy T day!

  16. Glad you and your daughter had a nice visit with your mom, Erika. Missing a humongous sign like that is something I would do - lol. In fact, I do it all the time. Your salads look fabulous. Very cool spooky tag.

    Happy T-Day!! Hugs, Eileen

  17. Fun tag. I had Chik-filet in Texas and boy was it good. Real food not fast food. Wish we had one around here. xox

  18. I've had chick filet and it's fine. But I don't think they are the be-all, end-all chicken place. The salad you got looks really, really tasty.


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