Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekend Wind Down

Sitting here relaxing. It's Sunday evening and another weekend is almost over. As usual the weekend flew by, but at least this week at school should be more "normal" since spirit week is over. However it is the last full week before quarter exams which means I need to push those kids so we can finish up the work needed for exams. 
Well, at least I will try. :)
Yesterday I met my daughter, and we went to visit my mom. She recently turned 88 and we went to have a little birthday celebration visit.
Mom commented how the 3 of us have the same smiles.  And that we do.
On the way home we did some shopping. Next weekend is the hubby's birthday and we went on an expedition to find him a couple of gifts. We had success too!
Today was another beautiful day when I took the dogs out for our morning walk. I also enjoyed the colors of fall.

And I noticed this tree had been cut by a beaver. That might be the dam to the right, and next walk I am going to take a better look. I've walked by this little swamp many times and never noticed the tree (maybe the leaves blocked it).  I wonder if it's recently been gnawed down.

And after a very long and productive play time with paints and some coasters, I relaxed with my latest book and this book of cookies.
Oh yes, they are back! Last year I devoured about 5 boxes over the course of the fall pumpkin cookie season. I ate way too many out of this box too.
And I did finish up a tag I started for Tag Tuesday. The latest challenge is Autumn/Halloween.
I am all about Halloween art lately. I think it's the one time of year I can let go and just let the little bit of dark side out. ( You may have figured out I am NOT a dark person. My dark side art isn't even very dark if you  haven't noticed.) 
So the weekend is ending with  the Outlander tv show overlapping with the Patriots football game. Such conflicts mean there is only one outcome.  Seeing the hubby is a huge football fan and also has become a  Outlander fan, (but not as big a fan as he for football), Outlander will have to be recorded and wait until tomorrow night.
Sigh The reunion of Claire and Jaime will have to wait for me.
Happy new week everyone. Hope you had a fantastic weekend.


  1. The autumn photos are gorgeous, but the one of you three girls smiling is fantastic. You all have the same, lovely smile indeed. Glad you had a great weekend, and were able to spend time together. Hope the coming week will not be as strenuous as the last! And thanks for making such a gorgeous tag for TT, love your witches! Those cookies look great, I'm just glad I can't buy them here for obvious reasons, I would be eating them, too. Have a good start in the new week! Hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fabulous visit and such lovely smiles. Great to see the three generations together. It's a beautiful photo.

    Glad you found some gifts for your husband's upcoming birthday. And your autumn photos are fabulous. Great colors. Looks like YOU had lots of rain, too.

    Your Halloween tag is divine. I love the Witches and the stars.

    I wish we had a Trader Joe's here. No such luck, though. Seems they won't ever come to Kansas. I got acquainted with the store when I was in CA one year. I loved their store, their shopping bags, and the employees' friendly attitude. I would probably eat that entire box of cookies, too!

    I must live in the dark ages, because I've never even HEARD of Outlander. I have, on the other hand, heard of that football team (grin).

  3. What a beautiful post-loved all the fall photos-I really love fall. you do all have great smiles and sounds like you had a perfect Sunday-I like your tag too! hugs Kathy

  4. A wonderful photo of the three of you! And I can tell you that your Mom's laughing is just beautiful. She is amazing! Yes you all have the same laughing - the same BEAUTIFUL, amazing laughing!
    Wonderful autumnal colours - very busy beaver and last but not least - a wonderful tag Erika!
    I don't look at the cookies - had 3 very thick slices of freshly baked apple cake with vanilla sauce just now and this after my lunch... so no more to eat for me today - must always atch out for my weight - I am happy to have kept my weight now since more than two years -
    you know I managed to loose 30 Ibs - and to keep the weight is very difficult as I love to eat much and good food always makes me happy!
    Wish you a good new schoolweek!
    oxo Susi

  5. That is such a nice photo of your mom, you, and your daughter. You all have very beautiful smiles. Your Fall scenery is so pretty. Color, here, is coming on stronger as you saw. The cookies sound delicious. Love the stars on your Halloween tag, you dark Mage, you. (-; You won't be disappointed with Outlander. Enjoy!

  6. I hear the reunion was done PERFECTLY. Loved the first 3 books, but stopped then and couldn't get into the series. Claire was too much of a witch in the series for me. LOL

    Yes, you three have the same smile. :)

  7. i love your 3 generations photo -- you really do all share the same lovely smile! the autumn colors photos are wonderful as well. the tag is perfect -- just the right amount of "dark" and a lot of fun. thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  8. You DO have the same smiles! Boo back at you -- I love your tag and the beautiful color in your region. Oh, fall is SO lovely!

  9. This is such a happy post, Erika, starting with the great photo of the three of you. Doesn't your mother look good, all three of you look good.
    Even your "dark" Halloween tag is fun, in fact I think your two witches are playing at dressing up.
    I haven't seen "Outlander" - something to look forward to?

  10. You definitely all have the same smiles, it's a brilliant photo - beautiful! How lovely to spend time celebrating your mum's birthday too and I'm so glad you got your hubby some birthday treats 😁. The autumn colours look so pretty, that's a lovely walk you take! Those cookies looks so scrummy, I'll trade you a piece of my pumpkin roll to try a few 😉. Go Patriots! Wishing you a happy new week! J 😊

  11. A wonderful family photo, you do all have a lovely smile.
    The photos looked beautiful, I love the leaves this colour, but not having to sweep them from the paths.
    It is a fabulous Halloween tag and those cookies sound tempting.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Wonderful Tag..those witches are just fabulous,lol...
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday....

  13. Such happy smiles! I'm smiling, too, looking at your lovely photos.

  14. From the smiles all around, it was obvious that you and your daughter and mom had a wonderful outing together, Erika. And, yes, you do share similar smiles (say that fast 3 times). The fall colors are lovely inyour area too.


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