Wednesday, November 29, 2017

These Boots Were Made For

Keeping your feet warm and dry. :)
I can't believe tomorrow is the end of  November and so ends Chris great challenge over at Art Journal Journey. Her theme is 101 Ways to Keep Warm,. Thanks Chris for such a fun challenge.  My post today is inspired  by my boots, which you can se on my feet in this photo.
So after painting these boots on a piece of watercolor paper, I then used bits of a painted transfer  to make the boots shiny. I made the transfer by painting on Yupo paper and then applying some gloss gel medium. Once the gel medium dries you can peel it right off the Yupo paper (and use the paper again). :)
My proportions with the legs and dress are off, but they were an afterthought since without any legs and dress bottom the boots looked kind of empty. 
And I don't know if you remember a few weeks back I showed you the new beaver pond forming on my walk. Well when I went by it last weekend I noticed those beavers had been busy.
The whole right hand edge of the water is the dam that's being built.  I marked the dam for you as well as a couple of  obvious beaver gnawed trees.
This used to be just soggy area, not this little pond.
He's been a busy beaver and there are gnawed trees all over the place.

I think by spring there will be a new pond on my walk. I wonder where the beaver(s) came from.
That's kind of exciting. I enjoy seeing how nature changes.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your page is just GORGEOUS - I love the fantastic vibrancy - so cool with the yupo technique! Your wellies are really charming as well! And those beavers are cool and busy - they build their dams and form a special pond - really interesting!
    Thank you for all the fantastic support to Chris's theme this month! Much appreciated dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  2. Love the painting of your fun boots, I wish mine were as pretty! Great photos, too, must be fun to have a busy beaver about the place, haven't seen one for yonks! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Love your boots, but you forgot to show the Wonder Bread bags peeking over the top. Or was that just my mother who made me wear plastic bags in my boots to keep snow and water going in over the top of the boot? Interesting about the beaver dam. Was there a stream there? Will the beaver construction cause problems for those who live downstream?

  4. Those boots bring back such fond memories for me, trying to get my shoes into and out of those button-on-the-side rubber boots I wore in wet/snowy weather when I was little :)

    There were beavers at a local nature center (there may still be), and they had to wrap wire around trees close to the lake to protect them. Beavers are busy creatures, aren't they! I love your fall photos :)

  5. I love your fancy boots. Its a fantastic page and we need boots like these to stay warm and dry.
    The photos were really interesting, the beavers seem to have found themselves a new home. Have you seen any yet?
    Yvonne xx

  6. Those are some really colorful boots. Loved them in the photo and on your AJJ page, too. I've never seen Yupo paper, so it was something I enjoyed reading about.

    Wow, that has been one busy beaver (GRIN)!!

  7. So very beautiful and so wonderful autumn photos right here on doorstep to winter

  8. Oh! How I love those shiny blue boots! I just have plain old green wellies so I am also envious of your flowered ones! How lucky you are to have beavers so near. Love all those red berries i the background too! Thank you for all your support for my 101 Ways to Keep Warm this month! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. What a fun wellie page! I love the patterns you created and the actual design on your real wellies too 😁. So interesting about the beaver, he has been busy making a new home - amazing! Enjoy the rest of your week! J !😊

  10. Hi Erika, thanks for visiting my blog and enjoying my anniversary story.
    Love your flowery boots and your art with the boots and yellow dress is quite cute.
    I presume you might have come to my blog via Elizabeth's blog (Altered book lover)?
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  11. LOVE your boots! That beaver is doing a great job. Happy Thursday. :)

  12. I love your glorious boots! Both the real and the artistic. That bright blue in the painting makes me smile big! And the beaver is -- well, busy as a beaver! You're in a fascinating area and fun to watch this.

  13. I love your boots... both on the page and in real life! And well done those beavers!!
    Alison x


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