Friday, December 1, 2017

It's December

Hi everyone.  We're into December already. This year has flown by so fast, and I think many of you would agree with me.
This week has flown by for me also. It's been one of those weeks. The first 5 day work week in a month. I've had a couple of dental appointments. My daughter was home for a couple of nights. There are holiday decoration boxes all over  the house, and my tree is up but only half decorated. That's the first thing to finish this weekend. 
Plus we've had a couple of plumbing issues this week so my upstairs bathroom is pulled apart too. 
I need to get my house back together because the clutter is driving me nuts.
But at least it's been an interesting week.:)
So there's been no art going on as I've had no time, which is a shame because sometimes that's when I need the art the most.
Thought today I would share few more November photos with you before December really gets rolling.
Sunrise. This is on my way to work. Right now I leave at sunrise and get home at sunset. I am missing the sun for sure.
When the sun hit the telephone lines it looked like they were glowing. I don't think I've seen glowing telephone lines before.
And any apples left on the trees are now brown. It could snow anytime.
In fact, we had a dusting at the beginning of the week

And the garden is now brown and full of stalks.

Autumn is almost over. Winter is almost here.
Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Just to be a Gretchen Sunshine, today starts meteorological Winter. If it helps, my house is upside-down, too. We just had all the baseboards replaced and a new boiler installed. I'm hoping to get the livingroom/diningroom painted before Christmas. Waiting on one painter for an estimate and will be calling another today. So as of now, no tree or decorations except the little Advent tree. The sunrise pictures are pretty, and I like the glowing wires. Have a good day and only a couple of weeks left before the Christmas break.

  2. Your new banner is splendid and it is wonderful to see the photos from your world. I need to look again to see if it was sunrise or sunset -- either way, lovely!

  3. Hope you get all sorted soon - can imagine that it is annoying. Beautiful photos!
    We had snow on Wednesday and it is all still here. 10 cm. Looks lovely now.
    Happy weekend and good luck with the plumbing! ♥♥♥

  4. It sounds like a busy week and I hope you get your house back in order soon! It drives me mad when things are is disarray too 😉. I've had fun decorating one of my rooms today whilst listening to Christmas songs and it's now full-on Christmassy! 😀. I have another two rooms and the hall to go so I still have more fun to look forward too, maybe I'll create a page for Sheila's new theme over at AJJ to celebrate 😁. Wishing you a very Happy December and weekend! J 😊

  5. Wonderful photos, my fave today is the sunrise. Enjoy your weekend, and hope you have some fun time and not just work. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Beautiful autumn photos, it is hard to think we are in the last month of the year.
    I hope you get your house back to rights and the plumbing sorted.
    Yvonne xx

  7. What a fabulous array of photos you shared with us today, dear. The snow turned the entire area brown and dying, it appears. I can understand the problems of leaving for work when it's dark and getting home when it's dark. Been there, done that. Your photos are much prettier than what I could have found when I was traveling like you. These are fabulous.

    Sorry I was late. First my electricity was out for over four hours today and then I couldn't get on the internet. Now my keyboard is acting up. But I sure like your blog header for Dec.

  8. Plumbing issues! Oh, dear! I hope that's cleared up quickly.

    Your nature photos show Autumn-headed-to-Winter perfectly. We may never see winter lol Our high today is predicted to be 68 F!

  9. Fantastic photos capturing the turn of the season - I love the close-up details of nature dealing with the cold.
    Alison x

  10. What a fabulous collection of photos! Hope your plumbing gets sorted soon! Chrisx


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