Wednesday, December 20, 2017

It Will Soon Be Christmas

So soon it will be the night for many children when Santa rides in his sleigh and delivers toys to boys and girls. That is the inspiration for my page today.  I found this map and those red lines printed on the map could be Santa's delivery route. 
This is a journal page in my holiday journal.
On Christmas Eve many children find it hard to sleep in their excitement. But I know from teaching that Christmas for some children isn't quite so exciting for various circumstances. The craziness at school right now is mostly from excited teenagers (who are really such big babies underneath) but also some kids who feel the holiday stress. Luckily my school has a giving tree to try to help out those kids and I think now there are so many more programs in place than there used to be.

But Christmas isn't just for little kids either.

When my daughter was little we started tracking Santa on Norad's Track Santa. Norad is the North American Aerospace Defense Command, a joint American and Canadian team that protects the airspace over our two nations, but every Christmas Eve  Day they put aside their duties for a little while and have some fun tracking Santa Claus' journey.  We still check in a few times over the day because it's fun, and for me it also brings back those memories from when she was really little.  She was afraid of Santa  and would never come downstairs by herself on Christmas morning for fear he might still be in the house. My husband would play it up and stamp his boots in the fireplace ashes (for those of you who might not know, if you have a chimney that's how Santa enters your house) and even take a tiny scrap of red cloth and hook it onto the handle that opens and closes the flu. 
Oh those memories are making me happy but also a little sad too.

So today I am linking my journal page up to 2 challenges: Sheila's fun challenge at Art Journal Journey-Let's Celebrate and also over at the Christmas challenge at Moo Mania.
I am also enjoying being home today as my head cold went right to my voice box and I have NO voice at all. It was a good excuse to stay home and recuperate. And maybe later I will feel more ambitious and bake some cookies. Elizabeth's post got me itching to play in the kitchen some more.
Plus it's a good excuse to sit on the couch and write this long post in the middle of the day.
Hope everyone is healthy and enjoying their day.
And as always, thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. So glad to read you stayed home. I know you didn't feel good yesterday. This is a wonderful Art Journal Journey entry, dear Erika. I saw it and remembered NORAD's tracking, even before I saw your mention of it. It's a wonderful post.

    What fabulous memories you shared about your daughter and your husband playing the part of invisible Santa. Loved reading the way you looked back on those precious times.

    If you want to make a really FAST cookie, Marfi has one she shared:
    Per her blog

    1 cake mix
    1/2 cup of oil
    2 eggs
    mix everything together
    drop by tablespoon into a bowl of powdered sugar
    roll into balls then set on a baking sheet
    10-14 minutes at 350

    I'm actually going to try these. They sound easy and I even bought a cake mix at the store.

    And thanks again for your AJJ entry, dear.

  2. Get well soon dear Erika! Your page is fantastic - I love the route of Santa -
    He is happy enough not to visit Austria - we have the "Christkind" coming on the 24th in the evening instead. It has many angels as helpers mostly everywhere so it is more easy with all the work for the "Christkind" than for Santa.
    Thank you very much for such a pretty entry linked to Moo Mania & More and Art Journal Journey - you rock Christmas Mrs. Nelson!
    Feel better soon - take good care of you!
    I have exactly this kind of odd teenager here, makes one crazy-
    today I had to help with sewing for the girlfriends . An avocado and a weasel--- all so exciting - big kids for sure- tomorrow we have to sew a rabbit - then we are ready with the three best friends...)
    And I have no art time for me.... grrrr.

    oxo Susi

  3. This is a super map of Santa's journey and what fun to track Santa on his journey. I've not heard of this tracking program. We've got a chimney and fireplace and I've no idea what Santa does for those without. Thanks very much for joining your Santa Celebrating with everybody at AJJ.
    Hope you get your voice back soon, but meanwhile have an enjoyable time at home recuperating.

  4. Wonderful journal page and I love the idea of tracking Santa, what fun. Sorry you are not feeling well and hope you soon feel better and get your voice back. I have been baking birthday cakes today. Hugs, Valerie

  5. I didn't know about the NORAD thing. Thanks for bringing it up. Have some little ones that I think will enjoy it.

  6. Thank you for sharing your memories. Santa always came to ours via the porch door and parked the sleigh in the garden. Those were the days.....
    Its a wonderful journal page Erika.
    I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow, stay safe and warm.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Sorry to hear you are unwell and I hope you feel much better soon! I'm sending you get well wishes for a speedy recovery 😁. I love your Santa page, the map is perfect with all the jolly sayings and embellishments - beautiful 😁. You are making me very excited about Christmas with your amazing page and lovely memories, thanks so much for sharing! Wishing you happiness this Christmastime! J 😊

  8. I hope you're feeling better. Love your holiday page with Santa's delivery route. Sweet memories. Following NORAD on Christmas Eve is so much fun.

  9. Oh Dear! Sorry to hear about your loss of voice - very sensible of you to stay home! My Grandchildren used to track Santa - sadly they are 'too old ' now!!! I love your journal page - a lovely remainder! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. I love your Christmas journal page Erika! We will be missing our daughter this Christmas, as she's travelling, currently on the other side of the planet in NZ. But she's spending it with our good friends in Christchurch, so happy about that.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and feel better soon!
    Alison xox

  11. I love everything about this post, Erika! Your husband sounds like just the best, with the stamping of ashes! I love the NORAD idea -- I'll see bits about that in the news but the thought of checking in is very cool. And it's wonderful that your school does the giving tree. It's so important to get to kids early on the importance of thinking outside their own box and sharing with others.

    As for your page -- wow! It's just wonderful! And fits today's words so well.

    I hope your cold settles over the next few days so you can fully enjoy the holiday and your break -- well needed and deserved!

  12. Do hope you feel properly better in time for the festivities - and Norad Santa-tracking is always on the menu with my niece and nephew on Christmas Eve too. Love your global page, with the map to guide S.C. on his way.
    Alison x

  13. I love your fun page and always enjoyed trying to figure out where Santa might be. Norad Tracks Santa is perfect now that I have a way to stay plugged in. Isn't the internet wonderful! lol I hope you're feeling better now and have had an enjoyable cookie-baking time :)


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