Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Solstice

Although winter lasts way too long for my taste, a small amount of the season is ok for me.  OK as long as I don't have to shovel a deep snow or drive in a storm (which I may have to do tomorrow if the snow comes like they are saying and school isn't cancelled). 
Welcome winter. Today is the first day of winter, the darkest day of the year.
As you all know, tomorrow (as long as it's not cloudy) will be just a tad bit longer. And then a tad bit longer on Saturday and probably by mid-January I will be able tell the days are starting to lengthen. I know how much nature needs this sleep, and maybe if I could hibernate too it might be better.  However, my winter goal is to see if I can find some beauty in this cold and dark season.
Might as well start today - here's one of my rose bushes a la winter.

 And the shadows are cool too. It was nice being home yesterday to actually walk outside to get the mail when it wasn't dark.
Today my voice is back about 75% and hopefully it won't  vanish at work today. I've got a movie lined up so maybe those little gremlins will watch quietly. Maybe!

And a little art to celebrate the Solstice.
I love how my page photographed. It looks  so sparkly and gives off a warm glow on this dark day. I stenciled the background with grey paint. I used iridescent silver paint to make the candle and also on parts of my angel. Using a yellow Stabilo pencil first worked great because when I painted over it it slightly tinted my paint. My snowflakes were die cut on white paper and lightly sprayed with grey ink. And my candle flame was first painted and then  I used a light gold Stickles on it. 
Linking up to Let's Celebrate, Sheila's challenge, at Art Journal Journey.
Happy Solstice everyone.


  1. OMGosh, Erika......... That rose bush is incredible in the ice. I've never seen roses with icicles dripping off them before, so I think this IS beautiful. You picked a good way to celebrate the solstice.

    Wow, I was so surprised at how different the gray was with respect to the silver. It's a fabulous art journal page. The snowflakes turned out rich looking and I loved the candle with its shimmering flame. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey today. We definitely appreciate all the art you've created this month at AJJ.

  2. Amazing photos and a wonderful page - that sparkle is fantastic! Thank you for linking it to AJJ!♥♥♥ I wish you find some more beauty in the cold -like this amazing rose bush a la winter!
    Happy Winter Solstice Erika!
    Hope for you that you can stay home ( would be another beauty of the winter) and bake instead of making the bad trip to school in snow!
    Finger crossed for you!


  3. The winter solstice gives me hope that the sunny days will soon return, and your art captures the spirit :) It's chilly and overcast/foggy here. Ah, well... Soon the sun will shine!

  4. Your solstice art is beautiful, love it. Great frozen photos,, too. The temps went up here today, we had 10 degrees. Keep warm, hugs, Valerie

  5. Lovely winter photos and your journal page looks gorgeous.
    I hope you don't get a heavy snow fall.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Wow, you definitely captured the beauty of winter in you rose photo! Those icicles look amazing 😁. I hope you had a good day at work and your voice didn't vanish. Your page is so beautiful with all the sparkle and shine. Wishing you a Happy Solstice too! J 😊

  7. Ohh a beautiful post this one ;O)) love love great captured ;O))

  8. Amazing photographs and wonderful artwork as always Erika

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. What a beautiful page to celebrate the winter Solstice Erika, and your accompanying photos of the roses with the icicles are just magical!
    Hope the snow you were expecting passed you by.
    Thanks for the lovely comments you left and for all the others this year also... Hoping you and your family have a wonderful Christmas/Holidays and good luck with your own de-cluttering next year when you get around to doing it ha ha :) xxx

  10. Your art is so original and full of interest. I am in awe of how you have combined that great stencilled background with the cleverly cut snowflakes and the iridescence of the candle. Your angel added the perfect finishing touch.
    Icicles on your roses - you are lucky, I love weather which brings icicles (but not if I have to drive some distance!).
    Hope your dear little gremlins were good.
    Thanks for Celebrating with all of us at AJJ in such a special way.

  11. You have quite the ice there -- always scary, always beautiful. I love the shadows. Hope you are feeling much better -- yes, that photo turned out so well!

    I may not be able to check up much the next couple days but promise to return for all your posts! Meanwhile, I hope you and your family have the merriest, happiest Christmas of all time and are filled with oodles of joy!

    Christmas hugs!


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