Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Busy Day

Hi everyone. Today is a BUSY day. 
It is Tuesday, so it time for T over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
It is the second of January, so it is time for
looking back over at  Bleubeard and Eliabeth's blog also. The second of the month is always the Second on the Second.
So many fun things to check into, so please join us!
And finally, it's back to work for me today. That one isn't so exciting, but only 3 weeks left until this semester wraps up and I get new classes. (Which both good and sad but it in the big scheme of things, it is time.)

So for T today I am asking you to join me for a cuppa to start this new year off with something warm. I have tea, coffee and hot cocoa so take your pick, even though my journal page is focused on tea.

To make my journal page today, I began with a page of Tea advertisements from the Republic of Tea. Then I added a bit of molding paste through a couple of different stencils. You can see on the top left the graph grid and along the bottom the flowers.  Once dry, I sprayed some ink and did a bit of painting. The tea cups and tea pot are hand drawn and painted. Then I cut them out and added them onto my page.  I added my quote (made from sticker letters) and some little silver  metal dots, as well as the "tag" from8 a tea bag string.

I am linking up over at Art Journal Journey where this month's theme is New Year, New Adventures.
A whole new year of T Days await.

 I went out to a diner for lunch one day over my vacation and they had this cool mug sign.
I love how the staff of the diner decorated it for the holidays. You can buy these mugs and one of these days I am going to get myself one because this smiling  cup makes me happy.

And for   Second and the Second this month, I thought I would take you on a little photo essay to review T for 2017.
Staying warm and having coco in January.
 In February I went to Taos, New Mexico to visit friends. Every morning I would have tea or coco by their kiva fireplace.
 And in March, it is maple syrup season in my neck of the woods. I visited this general store during a day trip to Vermont and took a photo of this buckets that get hung on  maple tree to catch the sap when it runs. I thought about buying one since we have a couple of sugar maple trees, but I don't think 2 trees will give enough sap to make a worthwhile amount of syrup.
 In April I visited the Airport Diner in Manchester, New Hampshire when I picked up a friend at the airport. I didn't have a cocktail, but I thought this list was pretty fun.
Here's a photo I didn't share before. Maybe not the most flattering, but it's me having breakfast while I was in the hospital after I donated a kidney to my husband. You can see my little drink in the plastic cup. I don't think it is maple syrup.
 In late June we went to the far reaches of Maine and over into New Brunswick. We hiked out to a lighthouse and the keeper's home had this lovely table set for tea.
In July we had guests in the boat and had happy hour margaritas.
One Friday evening in August, the hubby and I went out to dinner at a restaurant on the Big Lake by us. Most of the restaurant  is outdoors, and we ordered this funny watermelon bowl drink to share. Unfortunately  a thunderstorm rolled in and the skies opened up and the rain came down. So much for getting dinner. We had to leave and go elsewhere because the table and chairs were way too wet.

 We took a train ride in September and went to a local diner for lunch afterwards. They had this retro sign which made me smile. My dad used to drink coffee constantly and he had that caffeine shake in his hand.
October is birthday month in my world, and since my husband and daughter's big days are a day apart, we celebrated with a big breakfast.
 November was a trip back to hospital in Boston for my 6th month check up. Afterwards my daughter and I walked part of the Freedom Trail and I found this interesting tea.
And finally December meant cookie baking for the holidays. Can you see my favorite vice sitting on the counter?
Happy T Day, Happy Second on the Second, Happy Tuesday, and Happy January 2, 2018!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. good morning Erika, I loved your post today especially your opening page--and I will take a cup of cocoa please-thank you.
    This was a wonderful look back I really enjoyed it.I love that smiling cup too.
    Happy New year and the best with your new classes too.
    Happy T Day and Second on the 2nd Hugs Kathy

  2. First to say I love this T-Day THANK YOU page. It also fits AJJ so well - and the mug sign is so lovely - your photo review is just super- I always love your photos - you are such a good photographer - thank you for the photo of you after the surgery! ♥♥♥
    Have a good short work week my friend and HAPPY first T-Day of 2018!

  3. Such a great page and choice of teas! I love how you kept the background images and writing by spraying inks - beautiful 😁. I hope you had a great first day back at work and had lots of cuppas to keep you going ...lol πŸ˜‰. The mug sign made me smile too! Wishing you a happy and creative 2018 and sending you Happy T Day wishes too! J 😊

  4. I'm looking forward to sharing many more tea days. Love your happy teapot and cups. I enjoyed your T adventure retrospective starting with the smiling mug ad, but my favorite mug was the owl mug. And the retro ad about shaking cracked me up. thanks for starting my day with a smile. Stay warm.

  5. Happy New Year Erika,
    A great tea inspired post today and I love the happy mug sign, no wonder you want one.
    Love the 'Adventure' page in the previous post

  6. This looks like LOADS of fun! I really do love the graphics on that cocktail list! It's terrific.

    Here's to loads more tea and other beverages, warm and cold, in 2018. Speaking of which, time for cocoa!

  7. such a beautiful t-journaling page... love the hot choc in the owl mug and let me repeat you were so brave donating the kidney to your husband!! you have my full respect!
    happy t-day!

  8. I think your tea art is wonderful! Tea is my favourite drink I think. I'm having a big cup of it right now. It's nice to see your year's reflection photos too. I hope you and your husband are both doing well after the donation. :)

    Happy new year to you and your family! All the best for 2018! :)

  9. I will happily join you for a cuppa Erika, in fact I have one close by me now.
    I love the drinks related posts you are revisiting today and the new one looks fantastic. I'm sure many of these posts had good memories for you.
    Happy T Day and new Year wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Wonderful art and photos. You had a good and full year, and were very brave to donate your kidney. Good luck with the new classes when they start. Hugs, Valerie

  11. Love your vibrant header Erika! And your collage art is fabulous as well. Lots of great colors and images. This was a lovely year in review too. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day and a happy New Year too!

  12. What a fun post to read. I didn't realize you travel so much. I enjoyed every stop for tea or coffee. Hope 2018 is a good year for you.

  13. wishing you and your husband a healthier year..I love all the photos especially that shaking coffee one..ha ha

  14. I like the polka dots and the colors on your teapot and cups. Cheering :) You have certainly had an eventful year! I hope the coming year brings you health and joy. Happy T Tuesday

  15. Very cute tea pictures today, Erika. Yes, you need one of those smiley mugs. I think I do too πŸ˜‰ I love the two similar photos of a cup in front of the fireplace. I wonder if you planned that in advance. They’re lovely.

    I think the photo of you in the hospital with a big smile on your face is very flattering. Donating an organ is an incredibly courageous and generous thing to do.

    I enjoyed being reminded of other events you shared throughout 2017 as well.

    Happy New Year and Happy T-Day. Hugs, Eileen

  16. What a delightful look back at all the T Tuesdays in 2017. I really enjoyed your retrospective. I remember all but the one of you in the hospital. Yep, I remember them and I was delighted with the ones you chose. Oh, a COKE? Sinfully delicious, I suspect. Make mine diet, or pass me the coffee, please.

    You are on a roll at Art Journal Journey. This is a wonderful entry for T Tuesday, too. Thanks beyond belief for joining us for T this Tuesday, for a second look on the 2nd, and for your absolutely charming Art Journal Journey entry. You covered all your bases, didn't you, dear friend!

  17. Erika what a fun trip down memory lane.. I must remember to do that next year on my blog.. lol Happy New Years and t day hugs! deb

  18. What a lovely journal page dedicated to my favorite drink! Beautiful!
    How sweet of you to donate a kidney to your hubby! What a blessing! I loved seeing the highlights of your year.
    Happy Tea Day!

  19. Great photos and inspiring art, and I love your colourful blog banner Erika!
    Alison xox

  20. What a fabulous page! I wonder what and where I will be drinking this year!! I loved seeing your drink review , especially the additional one of you in hospital! Sorry to be so late visiting, we have been setting our alarm for 6.45 for the last couple of days as we have had to travel up to look after our grandchildren! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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