Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. It is 2018. Can you believe it?
I can't. 
I wonder how many times I am going to write the date as 2017 before I get it that it is now 2018.
So this month I want to send a big shout out of thanks to Susi and Elizabeth over at Art Journal Journey. They were kind enough to ask to me host, and so here I am. My theme this month is 
New Year, New Adventures.

"And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been." 
Rainer Maria Rilke

Here's my write up from the AJJ page:
Hi, it's Erika N, also known as BioArtGal. 2018 is here.  I can't believe 2017 is already over, but since it is, it's that time of year when we think about  resolutions and exciting new things we might like to try. Maybe there are some  new places you might like to visit.  Are you picking a word for the year? Are you coming up with some goals? Do you have some new art techniques you'd like to try? Whether the new year means you have some big plans or no plans, this month it's time to think about what kind of adventures you'd like ,or plan, to have.  My challenge this month is New Year, New Adventures. I can't wait to see what adventures you take us on.
Afterall the sky's the limit.
I hope you decide to join in and play along. I look forward to seeing what adventures you're planning or would like to have in this new year.
Welcome 2018!


  1. Lovely journal page, have a great 2018, and have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Happy 2018 Erika!
    I hope it will be as happy and creative as the past one!
    I love this page - it's so well and artful composed - it makes me longing for adventures!!!
    And yes the sky's the limit - the possibilities are endless for this super theme again!
    I am really happy to see you as the very first hostess for this year at AJJ!
    I love your art and blog!
    oxo Susi

  3. Happy New Year Erika - what a great start to the year with your fun theme. I love your page, super background,lots to see and the explorer made me smile with his sweet companion.
    Looking forward to joining in and giving some more thought for aims for this year :)
    Have a great day and great month... Gill xx

  4. Happy New Year Erika.
    It is a fabulous page and a super new theme for AJJ.
    I look forward to joining in when we get back home after staying with our son for a few days.
    Yvonne xx

  5. New adventures are very welcome, I enjoy and explore it. Thanks for this wonderful creative start into 2018. Your page is wonderful. I wish you a fantastic 2018!

  6. A wonderful page Erika! Wishing you many great adventures in 2018!
    Alison xox

  7. gorgeous, happy new year to you to wishes from denmark

  8. Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what you create on your arting adventures. And a tip when writing out checks: take the first dozen or so and write the new year on them. You'll be ready to go with the correct year when writing out the first few checks.

  9. The New Year has so many opportunities! I hope I'll recognize them as they come :)

    I love that rocket especially!

  10. This is a fabulous first entry, Erika. I think it sets the mood and tone for the month. I adore it. I have goals, I have a word, and I have plans. But I have to finish with 2017 first (grin).

    Thanks for hosting the first month of the year at ARt Journal Journey. Happy 2018 to you too, dear

  11. Cool, great way to begin the new year as the hostess! xox

  12. Happy New Year, Erika! I love your new banner and look forward to loads of pretty stuff from you during AJJ!

  13. I was so excited to see that you are hosting AJJ this month! I love your theme and I'm looking forward to joining you again very soon 😁. Your fun page is amazing with all the colour and layers - perfect! All the very best for 2018 and Happy January! J 😊
    p.s. I love your new blog header too! J x

  14. Happy New Years Erika! Love your journal page and I know you will come up with other great pages for your challenge this month. Congrats on Hosting ♥
    Thanks for stopping by my blog also ♥♥♥ Your words mean a lot to me !

  15. this is such a beautiful intro to the month of your Hosting Job at ajj! i love the grungyness and it is composed so well.
    wishing you a great year 2018 xox

  16. Beautiful art journal page! And such a fabulous theme too. New adventures indeed! I love the little guy in the corner. He's perfect!

  17. Congrats and a great start!! :)

  18. So good to see you hosting AJJ and my mind is already working on pages even though I have hardly been in my craft room since New Year! I will also say Happy New Year to you here too! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Dear Erika, nice meeting you:-) I do like your journal page with all the adventures waiting for us all in 2018. Lena


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