Monday, January 22, 2018

A Little Fun Rivalry

Hi everyone. It's another Monday. Where did the weekend go to?
 Some of you who stop by often might know that this past Saturday we had a little family rivalry going on.  My husband and I (we met in college) enjoy watching our college men's ice hockey team play. We both went to the University of Maine. My daughter and her boyfriend went to our rival school, the University of New Hampshire. And this past Saturday night the 2 schools ice hockey teams played each other so the 4 of us took a little road trip up to Maine to watch the game.
Now the basis of the school rivalry goes back to 1999 and something called the Border War. It's called this because our 2 teams were playing for the National College Men's Ice Hockey Championship and the 2 states are next to each other.  At the end of regular play the teams were tied, and since a championship was at hand, they had to play until someone scored. And the University of Maine scored, giving them their second National Championship. The University of New Hampshire, still waiting to get a national championship, feels cheated out of that win. This story always creates some great hockey when the 2 teams play.
We drove up early in the day as it is  a 3.5 hour trip, and that meant  my husband and I had a little time to check out how the campus had changed in the 35 years since we graduated.
Thought I would show you a few photos.
This was painted on the floor of the bookstore, which was luckily open. It meant I could get myself a new college sweatshirt.  
None of the students were back yet from winter break as the on-campus dorms were still closed, and that made the campus really quiet and empty. (They all came back yesterday for classes starting today).
Here's a few views for you.
This is called the mall, and there are lots of classroom buildings all along it. On one end is the library, which is in the photo above this one. On the other end is the fieldhouse and gym.
I love the big blue M on the fieldhouse.
And here's a few other views.

 Below is a dorm I lived in and where I met my husband.
 And here's a stairwell in the Memorial Union that I went up and down about a million times.  This is where they showed movies, had a few restaurants, a bowling alley and some other social places to hang out in between classes and studying.

So the game looked like it was a sell out. The hockey team is a big attraction for locals, alumni and students. That's Maine in the white and light blue jerseys. New Hampshire is in the dark blue.
The other exciting thing was this was the 40th anniversary weekend of Maine having a hockey game.
Although not a great photo (look at that double chin!), here's my daughter on the right and me in my 40th anniversary jersey. The hubby gave me that for Christmas. We're each wearing our teams jerseys.
So first New Hampshire scored, and then Maine scored.  And then New Hampshire scored, and then Maine scored. One more time. New Hampshire scored, and then Maine scored. Final regular play score was 3-3.
So just like the national championship game in 1999, with the tie it meant we had to go into overtime. Because it is just a regular game,  overtime lasts no longer than 5 minutes or until the first team scores. The crowd was going crazy. Since we were in Maine, most of the crowd was cheering for Maine. We had 5 minutes to see who could score, and if not, then the game would end a tie.
Maine skated down towards the New Hampshire net, and then New Hampshire skated down towards the Maine net. Back and forth. Shots were hit, and the goalies were protecting their nets doing their jobs trying to keep the pucks out.
The 5 minute buzzer went off, and no one had scored!
Unlike last year, when New Hampshire won, this year it was a tie. Better than a loss, but at least no one could boast.
And it was a good game and fun was had by the 4 of us.
But a tie seems a little anticlimactic. :)

And I also have another page for Art Journal Journey and this month's challenge New Year: New Adventure.  This page has nothing to do with hockey.

Today's adventure is something I think most of us have considered at some point, changing how we look.

I painted the face and added all these little face sticker bubbles that I won over at Tag Tuesday. Aren't they great little faces? They inspired me to make this page.
One thing I still don't feel comfortable doing and that I want to practice this year is drawing faces! So that is my arty adventure.

So I have a busy week ahead. Today I told one of the teacher's I work with I would go with her to the wake for one of our students who died in a tragic sledding accident last week. I'm not looking forward to that, but I had him in class a few years ago and I have his girlfriend right now so I guess it's good to go. Besides, I know my friend wants someone to go with her, so more than anything it's good to  be a friend and go with her.
Plus this week I have end of class exams and a few other things going on. Good thing I have enough pages already made for posting to Art Journal Journey because I don't think I am going to have a lot of time to play. :(

Thanks for visiting today. Hope I didn't bore anyone.


  1. Sounds like a BIG fun weekend, with family, friendship and rivalry, and the end result was good, so everybody could go home happy. Lovely photos of you with your daughter, and the campus looks so peaceful with nobody there. It must be nice to be able to go back and see it all again. Great journal page, your lady looks puzzled as if she's thinking really hard! Sorry about the student that died, that's always hard to cope with. Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I really enjoyed looking around the campus with you and it looks like you had such a fun time on your road trip! I can just imagine, from your comments, how exciting the hockey game must have been and I'm glad you all had such a fabulous time 😁. Your page made me smile and there are so many different looks to chose from, I'd go for the two styles with the sunglasses as I always like to wear sunglasses and I like the hair colour and πŸ˜‰. Have a happy and creative week! J 😊

  3. So glad you all had a wonderful weekend. Your game was almost as exciting as the Patriots'. I love your page with the face bubbles. So hard trying to decide on a new look. I heard about that accident on the news! So tragic.

  4. Boring? You're joking! I loved seeing your old college buildings and the match report was brilliant! Then we see that wonderful page - I love that face!It was good to see you and your daughter- we all know that the double chin was a camera trick....very clever! Your week doesn't sound as though it will be so good so I will wish you some pleasant highlights! Chrisx

  5. Such a fun outing! The snow looks pretty :) You're a good soul to go to the wake with your friend. I'm sure she and the girlfriend will appreciate the gesture. Such a tragedy :(

  6. Your page is so fun - yes this is often in our heads - I got two pairs of new glasses for me to change my look this year -
    hubby was here and watched your painting and smileld and said that this could have been he at the age of 18 - he have had such red blonde hair. Oh wow how exciting this game was -- a great event - and good that nobody won, so no family disharmony ♥♥♥
    Great to see the campus where you have been as student! I think it was a very good and fun weekend for you! Love the nice photo of you and your daughter. I think that will be a super adventure for you with creating faces! Have fun- I want to start to make more faces again as well - but with the challenges on my agenda I often have just not enough time.
    I can imagine that it was extremly sad to attend a funeral of such a young person due to the fact you had him as a former student!
    So so sad!

    oxo Susi

  7. Thanks for the campus tour, Erika, and looks like the family had a fun outing even if cheering for the opposite teams. Sorry to read about the student who died in the sledding accident.

  8. Fun shots of UMaine and the hockey match. So sorry about the student, happens every year though - someone has a tragic end in high school..Awful though..xox

  9. It sounds like you all had a good weekend and a draw seems a good result for the game, especially when your family supported both teams.
    Super photos of the campus, it was really interesting to see have large the area is, so much space.
    I loved your journal page it was really fun with all the heads and faces. I think for me I'll stick with how I am.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hi Erika! First of all, I want to thank you for the wonderful challenge this month at AJJ! It really inspired me to make a scrapbook page! And I absolutely LOVE your work of art! It's so creative and fun. I can't wait to see which look you pick!!! And I also loved reading about and seeing the photos from your family rivalry!!! Thanks again, Hugs, Sharon

  11. Personally, I prefer the tie. To me it means neither side can gloat, especially since your daughter and boyfriend were rooting for the opposing team that you and your hubby rooted for. I think it's the best possible outcome.

    I like your page. You may not be happy with your faces you draw, BUT at least you are making them. That's more than I am willing to do. I like how you chose to envision this latest entry. I suspect the hairdo will be close to what you have now (grin). SO glad you shared this today at Art Journal Journey.

  12. Sounds like a very crazy week! I'm excited to see where you went to school, a campus I've never been. Your dorm was so pretty and the game sounds fun. Considering the circumstances, probably a good thing it was a tie.

    I'm so sorry about your former student. That is so terribly sad. I know they will appreciate your presence at the funeral -- and it will be a tough one. Always is when youth is involved.

  13. Sounds like a BIG fun weekend! Nice photo of you and your daughter, nobody looks at the double chin :)
    Your journalpage is a clever idea - so many different looks to chose from - for your well-done painted portrait!

  14. What a great theme for your AJ page Erika! I love it!
    Fab photos too, and you look great in your team shirt!
    Hope you're having a good week so far,
    Alison xox

  15. What a beautiful campus, Erika. Your "new year - new look" page is delightful. Oh yes, I can relate to that!


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