Tuesday, January 23, 2018

T Stands for Pre-Game Pizza

Happy Tuesday Ladies. T Day has arrived!
For Art Journal Journey and the  New Year: New Adventures challenge, I have this lovely lady on my page offering you a mug of your favorite hot drink. You never know what juicy gossip (if you like juicy gossip that is) that might be shared or what you might find out when you have a cup of tea and friendship on T Day. And finding out something new or exciting is always an adventure.
My page began with a Gelli printed background. On white paper I used a maragine cut out and a piece of carbon paper. The inked side of the carbon paper was put face down onto the white paper, and I used a pencil to trace the woman in my magazine picture. Then I colored her with paint and markers, stencil some designs onto her shirt, added a necklace, and finally fussy cut her and added her to my page.
My penmanship isn't the greatest,  so I hope you can read it. (It says: hello my friend, sit down, relax and join me for tea (or coffee).
So this past weekend my husband, myself, my daughter and her boyfriend all went to an ice hockey game that our 2 colleges were playing. Before the game we went to a local college hangout for dinner.
What's better before a sporting event than pizza and some beer.
 Dark or light, take your pick.
 And have a slice please. There's plenty to go around.

Here's the daughter and her beau. You can also see the fancy (ha!) place we ate it. I don't think this place has changed since I was in school, and it was probably no different twenty years before that.
But it was yummy and fun was had by all.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog  and see what the T Gang has been up to. And feel free to join in the fun!
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your journal page today is fabulous. What was that you were saying about not drawing faces well? This is super. What an incredible page and drawing.

    As for pizza, I'll order a veggie, thanks. As for beer, dark (stout if possible). And the place you ate, is it the same one you went to two years ago? I know you said that place hadn't changed, so I guess it might be the same place. So glad you had fun and some really wonderful memories of the weekend, too. Thanks for sharing your fabulous drawing for Art Journal Journey, and thanks for sharing beer and pizza with us for T this Tuesday. Hope you have a super day, too.

  2. Good morning, I think your trip back to your college sounded like so much fun-and bringing back good memories too. those pizza spots are always so good too
    Loved your art page too with quote. Happy T Day Kathy

  3. Hmm, I wouldn't mind a slice of pizza right now, thanks, and I'm glad you're offering coffee as well as tea on your lovely journal page. Glad you had such a fun weekend away. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Such a great page, your painting is gorgeous and I'd love to join you for a cuppa, thanks for asking ...lol 😁. Although maybe I'd prefer a glass of the dark beer instead and I'll take you up on your kind offer of pizza too, now if only I could go to the Ice Hockey game then I'd be one happy camper (do you have this saying in America, just incase it means very content and satisfied) ...lol 😀. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

  5. I love your page - great technique for bringing bodies and faces onto pages! Well done! You are a real paper and art adventurer for sure!
    Love the photo of the lovely couple! They are fitting perfectly together - I decided to cross my fingers for their (the New Hampshire) team next time - hope you don't mind...lol.. they are too pretty together!
    And aren't those the best place to have lunch - traditional good old pubs or we call them
    "Wirtshaus" or "Kneipe" ...in German
    traditional food is always delicious!
    Ask my hubby!

    Happy T-Day -
    Happy Tuesday!!
    Happy working day!
    Happy AJJ Day!

  6. this Lady is so lovely, of course i want to join her for tea! the painting turned out great! and it is nice to see your beautiful daughter with her boyfriend.
    happy t-day!

  7. I thought this post was going to be about the pre-game before the AFC Championship and Patriots win! :-D Love your welcome inviting guests to come in. Your daughter and her young man make a cute couple. Looks like the pizza joint does a booming business, and if you don't mind, I'll just pick the pepperonis off my slice. Happy T Day!

  8. Yes I would pull up a chair and have a gossip with you any time Erika. This is a fantastic page, she looks just the sort of person that would be easy and comfortable to talk with.
    Your trip away sounded great and the Pizza does look yummy, I am making one for our meal tonight.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  9. New information _is_ an adventure! That's a great way to look at it :) It's wonderful when a favorite restaurant stays open through generations. And with pizza like that, I see how they've done it. Happy T Tuesday

  10. Love the gelli print use in your journal. I keep thinking about getting one but haven't yet...I own so many things I have yet to use!!

  11. Love the use of your Gelli print in your journal. Haven't bought one yet but I own so many things I have yet to use!

  12. Hello, my friend Erika. I'm delighted to join you for T :D I made a Gelli plate yesterday and am itching to get started. I've never done Gelli plate printing before. That's a very cool background. I hope I get something anywhere near as nice ;-)

    I agree, beer and pizza before the game - or after. Very nice picture of your daughter and her beau.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  13. Your Tea page turned out great! colorful and fun ;) and the pizza looks pretty darn fabulous too, now I'm hungry. Happy T day!

  14. Great journal page. Love the pitchers of beer for your drink of the day for t tuesday! Works for me!
    Happy T day!

  15. Hello Erica! Nice to meet you and I am having a cup of tea right now as I visit you. Lovely lady and tea artwork and perfect for T day! Your pizza photo however makes me hungry for pizza! :). Have a great week!

  16. Awesome journal page! Pizza and tea sound like the perfect meal to me!!
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. What a lovely page, I'd love to have a cuppa with you Erika!
    Great photos too, the pizza looks delicious!
    Have a happy Wednesday friend!
    Alison xox

  18. Love your lady and how you painted her! Had to miss T this week - but belated Happy T Day anyway! Chrisx

  19. Wow, you all had such a good time! I can see it. Did the team you were rooting for win?
    I love you art page with the invitation. I am impressed by the lady's jumper. Very clevely done.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  20. Love your lady and I had no trouble at all reading your writing ♥ The pizza sound so good to me right now. Been kinda craving it this week but no energy to make one. I've been fighting a cold since Tuesday which is why I'm so late getting around. Thanks for stopping by and yes that was a pileated woodpecker on our deck. They are such beautiful birds. We are going Eagle watching on the Missouri River this weekend if my cold is better and the weather is agreeable.
    See ya next week!!

  21. Fun T page! That pizza looks to die for and the good time and camaraderie even more so!


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