Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Semester Is Over

Hi everyone. Yesterday it was suppose to warm up and rain, and instead of warming up, it rained and froze. I am curious to see if our trees are still ice covered  but I need to wait for the sun to come up before I will know that. Oh this month.. It's warm, it's super cold, it's snowy, it's rainy, it's icy. It's been a fickle January for sure.
Ice or not, it's time to celebrate.

This page just didn't photograph very well, but I found this funny cat photo in a magazine and just had to use it.
These cats made me smile.
This is my latest page for Art Journal Journey and this month's  theme of New Year: New Adventure. It is meant to represent my latest life adventure which is that the first semester at school is ending today. It's been quite a journey  and time to celebrate that we made it. :) 
I think a cat party might just look like this is they weren't all wound up on catnip. 
So my page started with the magazine kitty photo. I then took a messy painted background and covered it with a Gelli printed piece of deli wrap paper.  After  I used a paper punch and made the corners a little prettier than right angles, I attached this to some dark purple paper. The yellow and silver tape makes it a bit 1980's, but the kittie's in these old school 3D glasses look a little retro.
 Finally I used some foamy yellow letters and some little sparkly gemstones.
A cat party would be an adventure, wouldn't it?
Happy Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your cool cats partying, they really look like the are having an adventure. The schools here will be getting their reports about now, and some kids will not be happy with them! Glad you have half of the year behind you, the second half will hopefully bring some less crazy weather for us all. Have a fun day, hope the ice has gone, hugs, Valerie

  2. thank you for your kind word about my collage..collage is your thing to I love this happy collage cat it made me smile to ;O))))

  3. Love the kitty page. Too fun.End of semester is a good excuse for a party. And it means the rest of the year seems to go fast. Speaking of fast, take it easy out there. Still some patchy black ice. Two of my town school buses were involved in crashes yesterday because of road conditions. Town didn't delay school start time. Oops. You might have seen the footage on the news yesterday. We made the national news too. Not sure that's the kind of publicity the town wants. Anyway, stay safe!

  4. I grew up in NH..isn't it normal to have snow and ice there in July? ;) :) It did snow there once in June, I swear. Congrats on the half way mark.

  5. Bleubeard and Squiggles each give this page two paws up. AThey want to know where they can get those cool "shades." It's an awesome spread and perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

  6. Oh yes - we are partying - lets PARTY!!!! Great page with this super fun photo- big smile on my face! Yes a fickle January indeed - here as well. Today we had wonderful sunshine and up to nearly 12 °CELSIUS and it feeled like spring - and snow is going to melt into wet mud, not my favourite dogwalking weather- but the sun led me out. Congrats on having finished the school term. My daughter was busy and lucky enough to get all three of her bad school subjects positive once again -Thank goodness! - they get their first semester school report here next Friday and then is one week free of school.
    Enjoy your school holidays dear Erika!!!
    You rock the AJJ Party! Mrs.Nelson!
    Not long until you will travel to Japan! WOWOWOW!

  7. This has certainly been a January filled with surprises lol. I like the partying cats. Celebrations are where we find them :)

  8. I really love this piece and made me laugh-to cute and too funny haha hope you did not have too much ice on the roads-that is the absolute worse. Happy Wednesday

  9. What fun! I can see why you were compelled to use this pic! Glad to see you are in a party mood too! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Now that is one party I would like to be invited to. Those cats are brilliant, it was a great page to find and use. Your journal page looks awesome.
    I hope February will have better weather for us all.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Loved the cat photo you used as a starter! Yes, I'd like that party! Here's to the end of the semester. Enjoy your break!


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