Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Moose or a Reindeer? You Decide

Hi everyone. We're back into colder weather today after our warm day yesterday.  Not really cold weather  but not 75 degrees (22 degrees C)  like yesterday. Yesterday we broke all heat records for February. And today a bit of snow this afternoon. One day it is summer and the next day winter.
Yeeks! This weather is insane.

So I started this page with plans to draw and paint a moose (or elk in Europe), but I think he looks more like a reindeer. He still has a soulful look like he's trying to tell me something. I took a guess at what that was with my quote.
And I I played around with paint and tape to make the background.  I was trying to make it feel like the outside, and that part I think worked.
But overall I am happy with my reindeer and my page.
Once again, I am joining Rike and her fun Animal A-Z challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Short post for me. Today's my long day at work with parent open house. I will be glad to get that over with, not that it is a bad thing but it makes a very long day. And then no more late nights for this year. That's a good feeling.
One more work day tomorrow (for this week) but even more so than a regular Friday, it's the start of my winter break. Hurrah!
No big plans for next week but I am ready just for some free time.
Hope everyone had a great day! And I appreciate you stopping by.


  1. I love your reindeer or moose, whatever he is, he's lovely! Sorry about your crazy weather. It's still very frosty here, but with sun, and next week they are promising us fresh air straight from Siberia, brrrr. Have a nice day. Is is our break soon?? Hugs, Valerie

  2. Yes, this weather is insane - one day summer and the next day winter. I say till years we have winter and summer, but no spring and autumn any more.
    Your moose (for me it is one) is adorable with his eye looking at us! Your background is amazing!
    Thank you for joining us again with this fabulous page at Art Journal Journey! I appreciate it!
    Wish you a happy weekend! After Friday :)
    Rike x

  3. Your creature looks more deer than moose to me. Maybe endeering? =^,.^= I love the background colors though they still look Winter to me. I had a bad case of Spring fever after the two 70 degree days. And now sleet and snow on the way for this afternoon. )-: Be careful driving home.

  4. I adore your moose-elk-reindeer page ! He looks like he really espies a group of hunters or so... and the white space around him against the background is fantastic.
    A very artsy painting Erika! Thank you! Rike, Elizabeth and I are more than happy about your amazing support of this February theme! I so hope you have a really enjoyable winter brake next week!
    I wish you a good last workday and a happy start into the break my friend! So well deserved!

  5. Oh and I didn't mention the new header yet!
    Looks super!!!

  6. My vote is a moose haha Loving your page. our weather is super crazy here too I think I will be happy to see February end this year

  7. This is a darling painting of the reindeer, oops I think you said he was an elk. He has such a lovely look in his eye and doesn't look at all wild.
    The background is fabulous as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your reindeer has such a confused look ....I hope you guessed what he was thinking correctly!lol!He's adorable anyway! Glad you are on countdown to your break! Chrisx

  9. I would have been by sooner, but the ice storm we had last night took out my phone and internet. It just came back on a few minutes ago. I'm not sure what you created, but I still like it. Your drawing skills put mine to shame. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.

  10. Such a beautiful painting! Your reindeer is so adorable and has such an expressive twinkle in his eye - I love it 😁. We've had sunny weather all this week and it's been a little warmer, hope it's been the same in your part of the world 😀. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊

  11. Love your souful mouse/elk/reindeer! Great background too!

    We have been forecast the coldest week of winter yet, yikes :o(

    Enjoy that break, at least you wn't have to drive to school after today!

  12. Hope the open house went well. That IS a long day -- but your last! And now on to break time!

    We have elk and moose in Michigan. Go figure. I'm pretty sure the only reindeer here are in petting zoos at Christmas! I like the piece though. Bet you're looking forward to art and baking and just chilling out (maybe literally, who knows?) next week! Enjoy.

  13. Moose or reindeer, either would agree with that sentiment, I think ;) That eye says it all! Our weather is rainy, and I long for sunshine.

  14. I like your moose/reindeer, he does seem like he has something to say. Let us know when you figure it out. Hope you are getting a good start to your vacation! xox

  15. Oh, Erika, I'm sorry but I vote moose! Except don't moose antlers sort of go out to the side of the head? Anyway, he's darling.

  16. He's a fabulous chap, whatever he is! A wonderful painting Erika.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx


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