Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Year of the Dog! Oh Please!

Hi everyone. Now that it is Wednesday I am one day closer to my winter break. :) Too bad tomorrow night I have parent open house at school, which will make it a very long day. But after this I shall be done with those late nights until next year, and then only Friday until break. 
 These cats aren't too happy about this being the Year of the Dog. :) They decided to assemble and protest, although the big guy in the middle  doesn't care as long as he gets to be included in the photo. :)
My page today is a quick page. It was my practice sketch but I thought I just wanted to have fun so I decided to use it.  I sketched the cats with a Sharpie and used some watercolor crayons to color them in. I also used a little paint too. They are cartoon cats but they make me happy.
My background started with spray inks, some stamping, and a couple of colors of paints. Then I added the heart and this quote. 
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. Rike's got a great theme this month-Animals A-Z.
We're having some very warm weather today. It is supposed to be around 70 degrees (around 21 degrees C).  It's only going to last this one day, but I will take it. It means we are officially into mud season-round one.  This is the parking lot at doggie day care the other day. It will probably be worse today!
No sense cleaning my car until it dries up. :)
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I LOVE this one, those kitties are brilliant, and I love the quote, so true. As my Kitty got older there were always more hairs on me and the sofa than on her! That parking lot looks like a challenge. My dogs would have loved to gallop through it! Good to hear it's soon break time, just a couple more days, hold on! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I love your cartoon kitties. Cats rule and dogs drool. =^,.^= I won't be complaining about the temperature today. I'll whine tomorrow when we get the sleet and snow. Upside is mud on the gravel driveway will be frozen, too. Have a great day!

  3. The quote is funny and about real life :)
    Your cat page is purr-fect for the Year of the Dog! The guy in the middle made his smile only for the photo! Then he goes on protesting :) Haha, I love your cool idea!
    Your background is gorgeous!
    Thanks a lot for linking your amazing journal page to AJJ today, you make me happy!
    Wish you patience for the rest of this week - your break is coming soon!
    Rike x

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your protesting cat crew! The red one is for sure the king - I often heard that the red tomcats are the most special of all... I don't know - had no red cat yet. And that quote ---SUPER!
    I had a big cleaning day yesterday -and that always is exhausting - specially I did nothing for nearly two weeks and you can imagine with the snow and dog hair and paw- graffiti - how nice it looked here. I am just happy that car cleaning is hubby's hobby ( at least I think he enjoys it more than I enjoy my house cleaning )
    Good luck for the open night --- and afterwards you have nearly the break --- SUPERB -- isn't it?! This mus weather is aweful - here the same always!
    You linked a fantastic page to Rike's theme again!THANK YOU my friend!
    YOU ROCK each theme! You are our AJJ star!********

    oxo Susi

  5. Bleubeard and Squiggles are giving this two paws up. They are so tired of hearing about Year of the Dog. I really love your cat journal page. I think it is PURRfect. I like the background and I love those cats. You did a fabulous job and I am so glad you shared them with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I hope the rest of your week goes well and you can start your break on Friday night (grin).

  6. waue you have deep water naaaa no sense cleaning you car ;O)

  7. Those cats will make it their year no matter what lol

    I can't imagine having snow that lasts that long. We've had rain for what seems like forever. I'm longing for sunshine! :)

  8. The cats are adorable, Erika.

    I used to hate parent-teacher nights when I taught - not because the parents were difficult or anything. Just that it made - as you said - a very long day.

  9. I love your fun page with the cats having a protest meeting. It really is fantastic and so are the words you added. The same could be said about dog hair in the home as well.
    Our car would stay muddy as well if we were going into areas like the one you shared in the photo.
    Hope your long day went well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Your cats page brouht a big smile to my face, good on them to stand up to those dogs.
    Good luck with your long day and the mud! Not long now until your break....

  11. I love your cat painting Erika, and those words are so true!
    Good luck navigating that mud, and I hope parent's evening goes well tonight.
    Alison xx

  12. On behalf of Lizzie and other felines, past and present, we thank you for saluting the cats who do know how to protest better than anyone! On a daily basis! I loved the page -- it was fun. And of course, I loved that there was a Marmelade Gypsy at center stage!

    Good luck with the mud... they're evacuating a few neighborhoods here. February? Really?

  13. Your cartoon cats make me happy too! I hope you weren't kept too late last night! That melting snow looks really yukky! Hope it dries up soon! Chrisx

  14. Talk about wacked out weather. I've been feeling cold all day. The 72 day was weird warm and I was glad to get back to a bit of cold. March is yet to come, yikes. Cats are cute. xox


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