Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Sunny Saturday

The cold temperatures are back, but not too cold. The sun is shining although they say tonight we could get a small amount of snow. Next week we are suppose to get pretty warm by middle of the week- all the way to 60 (15 degrees C). I hope that doesn't mean the following week gets snowy and cold. I am hoping for a low snow February (and March). 
 I need to use this sunny moment sun to snap some  photos of some art I have made. 
Lucky you who get a 3 day holiday President's Weekend here in the US. We don't get Monday off at school, but only 1 more week until our winter break. I am SOOOO ready for that.
So today I do have a journal page I photographed at night, so it's got a bit of a shadow.  I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and Rike's fun challenge of Animals A-Z.
Red-orange is a hard color to get right in artificial light. 
Sotoday I went for an Indian feel to my page. Or least I was attempting to get that. My background is made with my pastels washed with water and scrapped with a credit card. Then I stamped and colored the elephant. I added some bits of printed tissue paper on the edges of the page.  I painted and Stabilo pencil outlined the leaves, stamped some flowers which I then colored in and added the TH phrases.
I added some small green German scrap flowers and put some sparkle in their centers.

Finally I needed to do something for a border to finish the look I was going for, so I edged the page with a black Sharpie and fringed the edges with some scissors.

The hubby and I are also off to my Mom's to be sure she is stocked up on items she needs, which means we'll be gone all day between driving and visiting. But it will be nice to go out and enjoy a little sunshine from the road.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Love your elephant page with the warm colours in the background. It's cold and damp here, but we've had worse. I'm sure you are looking forward to your break. Have a nice weekend, have fun. Hugs, Valerie

  2. WOW. i love your elephant, and I also love how you framed your page. I really need to learn to do that. You have created a fantastic entry and I'm thrilled you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey. This is AH!mazing.

  3. Your page is gorgeous! A great background in an interesting technique with pastels, and the deep colors of green and red make a wonderful frame for this fantastic elephant! German scrap flowers? How funny!
    Finally you made an amazing border by fringing the edges with some scissors, how cool!
    Big thanks for linking this more than beautiful elephant page to Art Journal Journey today!
    Wish you a happy weekend, enjoy your visiting!
    Rike x

  4. Your page is so sunny, and you captured the essence of the culture. I love the sparkly centers of the flowers. I'm not happy about the predicted snow. We're in for more that you are. At least temps. mid-week are supposed to get close to 70 here. Won't even be worth the effort to shovel the driveway with those warm temps. I hope your mild end of Feb. and March wish comes through. Enjoy the visit with your mom. Have a great weekend.

  5. This page is wonderful - your elephant is so wise and beautiful! A fabulous vibrant Mixed Media piece my friend! Rike will for sure be happy to see this gorgeous page!
    I am already happy now!
    Have a safe trip to your mom! Maybe a photo of her charming smiling for me??? You know how I like her smiling charming face!
    We got black ice and a good deal of fresh snow on top of it now... nobody needs that!
    Happy weekend Erika!
    Thank you for this fantastic entry linked to AJJ!
    Good that your winter break is so near!
    I am happy with you!
    oxo Susi

  6. Wonderful Indian adventure feel to your page. Hope we don't get more than the 3-4" predicted. Walking longs days next week in and around Portsmouth if the weather is as predicted. Not so sunny now. xox

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  8. Great page with its bright colours!LOVE the way you did the edge, very clever! That elephant is a wonderful stamp and the whole thing definitely has an Indian feel to it. Never heard of President's day before, (not sure the man that holds that position at the moment, deserves a day all to himself)... He's not had a good week by all accounts (well at least the liberal side's accounts that I subscribe to). Sorry to go all political, I'll stop now lol....
    Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy that winter break when it comes, hopefully without snow.

  9. Wow, your elephant page is amazing! I love the sunny colours you used and all the beautiful details of the background, flowers and leaves, and the fringing finishes it perfectly 😁. Happy Weekend! J 😊

  10. Where did you get your elephant stamp? Brand name, etc. My friend Kathy wants to make an elephant altered book and this would be the PERFECT stamp to buy her for her birthday in April.

  11. Wow I really love your page! awesome job Happy Sunday

  12. Love the elephant and the Indian feel if the page.

  13. Your weather sounds like ours today: sunny (for the first time in ages) with a high of 59F. Spring will come soon, surely. Hope all is well at your mom's.

    I love the design and colors on your elephant page. That fringed edge is the perfect touch, and I like that the edge isn't straight but curved.

  14. You've made an exotic world of flowers and colour for the elephant. I am especially taken with the fringed cut framing, how amazingly good that looks, and would work very well for a textile piece too. In fact your art here has the look of a luscious extravagant textile.

  15. Love the wonderful colors in your elephant. It's a perfect image for the challenge!


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