Sunday, February 18, 2018

Drawing Journal Update

My weekend is winding down. I'm not ready for another week, but I am hoping this week will buzz right by. Then I will be on break for a week, which I am so ready for.
I hope I can control myself and not mention that about a hundred times in the next week. :)
I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Did anyone do anything exciting?
Today I have a couple of drawing journal pages to share.
I work up this morning to 8-10 inches (around 20 centimeters) of new snow outside. And the news report said we were only going to get a little bit. It was such a beautiful blue sky day after the snowfall.  I left the outside clean up to my husband and I stayed inside. I needed to pick up the house a bit but I also wanted some art time. The sunlight coming in the windows brightened the house and made me think of spring, even though it didn't look anything like spring outside of the windows.
 The oher morning it really felt like spring.

 So with birds and dogs on my pages I  shall link up to Art Journal Journey and Rike's great theme of Animals A-Z.  
Here's a few more journal pages Some of my favorites from the past few weeks..

That's all for me. Enjoy the start of the new week.


  1. fun journal pages. Except the one with snow, even if it was cleverly done. No more snow. Wouldn't you like to have the weatherman's job? You can make a prediction about the weather, get it wrong, and not get fired! i want to be fiddlefooted in my Crocs without socks. I've been keeping my eye out for robins, daffs, and crocus. No birds, and hard to see buds under the snow. Looking forward to all the melting and warm temps. Wishing you a speedy week.

  2. I adore your incredible journal calendar pages. They are fabulous. Each day seems more fun than the next. I won't mind if you count down the days till your spring break. I know whatever you do this year, it will be fun for you. SO glad you are going to Japan AND Newfoundland this year. You DO love to travel! Have a great week, dear and thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey with your fun dog art.

  3. Love all your beautiful journal pages, you were busy! Sorry about all the snow, that doesn't sound good. No snow here, but icy temps and lots of frost, and this week is supposed to get worse! Have a good week, and remember - your break is coming! Hugs, Valerie

  4. So many gorgeous journal pages! My favorite is the first one with white snow on the white paper, this looks great! 34 days until spring - long enough :) - this bird on the page is my favorite number 2! But all your other pages are wonderful too!
    I did nothing exciting on the weekend :)
    Wish you that time rushes by till your break!
    Thank you so much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey!

  5. Oh I remember those days of longing for the next break so well from my own teaching days... hope this week will pass quickly for you!

    Your journal pages are brilliant, wonderful drawings and great quotes, I feel just like Mark Twain...., here we only have grey skies and drizzle, but yes, Spring must be somewhere around the corner...

  6. These pages are all simply wonderful Erika!
    Hope your week speeds by, so you can enjoy a well-earned break.
    Alison x

  7. Wow - your sketched Journal pages get better and better constantly -- you are such a talent - I am impressed! This is really a fantastic idea to journal about your life in this way ( sorry I said it before but it's so right)- I am really impressed with the different pages Erika! My favourite ist the NOSE AND DOG ...UNIQUE !
    Happy week and I am happy with you that the break is so near!
    Not nice to handle this much snow I can imagine. Hubby used the snow blower again and I nearly think it seems like it makes him happy....oxo Susi
    who who is happy that you supported AJJ again! You just ROCK!

  8. Hi Erika, I love all of the wonderful pages you have created here! I know what you mean about snow - we just got another 6 inches this past weekend, too. I was also inspired by your dog smell page, too. Very creative and fun!!!! Thanks! Hugs, Sharon

  9. We haven't had that much snow in many a year! We're expecting a high of 77F today lol I'm barefooted and have the house open.

    We're enjoying the Olympics. I always look forward to it and watch as much as I can. That and the presidential election was why we got cable tv again.

  10. They are all super journal pages full of interesting drawings. I really liked the one about the dogs, their noses must be really sensitive to smells that we cannot smell.
    I hope the current snow fall doesn't last to long for you.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Wow you did get more snow in your area than we did here in Nashua, NH overnight Sat into Sunday. Not sure, but our total was under 5 inches and while it looked so lovely at 6 am with snow covered branches, the snow was off them by noon and melting continued today.

  12. Such wonderful pages! I so enjoyed looking at and reading every one of them - perfect 😁. It's so exciting making summer travel plans and I loved your spring fever page, the quote is fabulous and your little bird is beautiful 😀. Thanks for the smiles and wishing you a happy new week! J 😊

  13. Newfoundland? Rick would be envious -- he wants to go there, too. Pedaling, of course!

    I love your pages -- they're so happy and cheerful and really tell the story of your days. Still have the snow? Ours is gone with the rain. Bet you can't wait for break -- I couldn't! Talk about it all you like -- well deserved!

  14. Erika, your birds are just delightful!!
    And I don't know about you, but I have had enough of winter and am ready for the spring! lol
    hugs,Jackie (fellow-eastcoaster-I'm upstate NY by Lake Ontario)


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