Tuesday, February 27, 2018

T Stands for Vacation Week

Happy Tuesday ladies. Another T Day has arrived and today is a good kind of Tuesday for me because I am home on my winter break.
Stop over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T gang has been drinking and perhaps even eating lately because it is T STands for Tuesday.
So my vacation has been exciting for a stay at home week. First of all we had some some snow on Sunday.
It wasn't a lot as you can see but since it made the roads pretty slick I stayed home and watched a bunch of Netflix shows as well as made some art.
Then on Sunday night we had a visiter.
This is not my photo, but since I never saw our visiter it will have to make do. But of course our visiter wandered through the yard just as we were letting the dogs out for their before bed relief. If you aren't familiar with this guy-Mr. Skunk- they have the worst smelling and hardest to get rid of spray as part of their defense. This year with our warm February weather they have come out of hibernation early.
Our girl dog is smart, she managed to avoid Mr. Skunk. But our boy dog Pete is a hunter, especially for small animals like squirrels, and he was too curious about this visiter.
Mr. Skunk was not having him snoop too close.
So as you might have guessed, instead of going to bed early Sunday night I was bathing Pete, and then listening to him whine as we put him in the basement. Even still, the few minutes he was in the living part of the house  left quite an odor behind. So I spent Monday airing out the house (thankfully we are having some fairly warm weather for February) and putting out bowls of vinegar to absorb some of the smell. I washed Pete Sunday night with a mix of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and soap, which works GREAT, so much so that by Monday he was bearable in the house, but then I took him off to get groomed anyhow. He still has a residual smell which he probably thinks is wonderful. (Augh) If you have bleached your hair you know that hydrogen peroxide removes color, so now Mr. Pete is not all black but has some brown patches. You can sort of see that by his back legs.
But my pot of tulip bulbs that I bought a couple of weeks ago are looking quite pretty.
But before all of this excitement occured, Saturday my husband and I went out and drove the hour to Manchester so I could visit about the only camera shop around. Then he took me to lunch, which was really why we drove to Manchester, the camera shop was just a part of the trip.
We decided to go have some of the world's best chicken fingers at the Puritan Back Room restaurant.
This was only my second trip there.
Even though we arrived at 1:30 and the place is pretty large, wee still had a 20 minute wait.
There were a lot of big groups that day. I think people must go there to celebrate.
But we had our little table and ordered our chicken fingers.
Now the Puritan is actually an Americanized Greek restaurant.
So my chicken finger meal came with a big Greek salad and some pita bread.
The salad was delicious. And you can see I was trying to be healthy and just drink water,

But by the time my chicken fingers came, I needed a caffeine boost so you can see the Diet Coke I ordered. 
Anyhow, I took half my chicken home, as did the hubby, and we both had it for lunch again on Sunday.
So I am linking up to T Stands for Tuesday. This post has taken my way too long to write, so if I don't get to your blog this morning, I will be by later today.
Today I am heading off for lunch with some work friends so I can't dawdle all morning.
happy Tuesday everyone.
And as always, I appreciate you taking your time to stop by and visit.


  1. OMG! There seems to be a jinx on Pete.
    I laughed out sooo loud now - once again another sure sign for the smartness of girl dogs! Poor boy now with brown patches ! What did you do to him?! Bad Erika!Good that the tulips are blooming - that give a nicer fragrance!
    This fanastic looking food makes me hungry again even though I had my Classic Krautfleckerl (Cabbage-Pasta Bake) today and Autrian Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding with cream and chocolate sauce and feel more than pigged out. But we have still so cold and that makes ravenously hungry.
    Enjoy your brake my friend!
    Happy T-Day!!!
    oxo Susi

  2. When I was working I always enjoyed just staying home the best especially during winter.
    Oh my about the skunk we have gone through that too-what an adventure that is haha glad you got rid of the smell pretty quick.
    and that Greek salad looks so delicious I am hungry just looking at that-I have not had one of those in years. and your plate looks so good too.
    Happy T Day

  3. lots of food there glad you had it the next day too. I like the photo of the skunk and its snowing here too

  4. Wow, the chicken fingers look so good - yum! Dogs always roll in the most disgusting things, don't they ...lol 😉, so I had to laugh about Pete and Mr.Skunk, as you say I bet Pete loved the smell because it was so awful 😁. Glad you got him all cleaned up, that can't have been fun, did you put a peg on your nose ...lol 😉. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

  5. A funny story to read about Mr.Skunk and your boy dog :), but not to go through in real life!
    I guess Pete by himself was happier with the smell of the Skunk as afterwards with the smell of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and soap :))
    Beautiful tulips and a yummy meal! Hope your visit in the camera shop was successful!
    Wish you a happy day! Rike x

  6. AAaaaww i would say poor Pete but maybe its poor everyone around him..lol Great photos and that food looks yummy.. Isn't it nice to have leftovers?! No cooking!! Happy t day hugs! deb

  7. Oh my-the skunks! When we had two dogs they both got sprayed at the same time once! It was after being out late, we didn't see the skunk in the forsythias but the dogs found him-OMG- yes, the smell!!! Collars were tossed and we dumped lots of tomato juice (thankfully I had 4 lg cans in the pantry) into our son's kiddie pool. Soaked them both in that then got out the hose to rinse, then inside to the tub for another bath-yikes!! And now skunks are appearing in our yard and we must use a flashlight when we go into the yard or to and from the cars at night.
    On another note sounds like you had a nice outing. Your salad looks so good to me! We didn't get snow -yes!- just lots more rain. Enjoy the rest of your break and happy T day!

  8. Oh dear, your poor dog! I've never smelt a skunk up close, and I don't want to, but I know it's awful. And poor you having to bathe him! But at least he now has fashionable highlights in his hair! The food in the restaurant looks great, I swear I can smell those chicken fingers just by looking at the photo! Happy T Day, enjoy your week, hugs, Valerie

  9. oh my!!! i never smelled the odor of a skunk, but i guess i´m glad i didn´t;) good you had a great recipe to make it smell less...
    your meals look great, my mouth starts watering...
    happy t-day:)

  10. I have never smelled a skunk, so I have no idea. But it must have been pretty awful if after all you did, there still was a smell. Oh dear. Poor Mr Pete. Or should I say: poor you.
    Wow, you tulips are gorgeous!
    Your chicken fingers look very nice. The duck sauce intrigues me. I have never had duck sauce. Greek salad is always nice. I had some (at home) last night as i still had a slab of feta cheese in the fridge.
    Happy T-Day,

  11. Wow, such snow! Our high today is predicted to be 70 F, so no snow until maybe next winter. Skunks are good at what they do, that's the truth. Your post reminds me of that old novelty song: "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road," lol

    That food looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday

  12. I am smiling after reading this post. I can just about imagine the wonderful aroma the dog had after meeting Mr Skunk.
    One of our collies back in the day, used to be rather partial to rubbing himself in the biggest stinking piles of farm manure every time we went out and he could get away with it. It was a good job we were not not metered water bills.
    Your meal out looked delicious Erika, the side salad looks a meal in itself.
    Enjoy the rest of your break from school.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Oooh, no! Wet dog + skunk odor are the worst smells. Why do things like that always happen late at night? Same thing happened to my dog, many years ago. Luckily it was warm outside, and I could leave the windows open.

    Hope you have a great vacation week!

  14. Oh my, an interesting time for sure. We have a skunk that hunts around our house in the summer...we can smell him through any open window, about 11pm. But we have no pets, so not a problem. we are just cautious! Your tulips are so pretty, and that chicken looks delicious!

  15. We didn't get any snow. Yay! Just some sleet which melted by the afternoon. Poor Pete. Glad you didn't have to suffer the indignity of the smell too long. Someone hit one on our road the other day. P.U.

    The Puritan must be a popular place. Your food looks delicious. Enjoy your Winter break and Happy T Day.

  16. I love your skunk page Erika, and cheeky Mr. Pete! Mmm...that chicken looks good!
    Alison xx

  17. We have had snowstorms on and off all day today, interspersed with lovely sunshine! For the first time ever we have had snow on our doormat as it blew in under the walkway above(to the 2nd floor apartment) Would love to see a Skunk but after reading about Pete...maybe not!!! Your meal looks good, I love Greek Salad! Good idea to take some chicken home - it looks like a lot! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  18. So far we have been lucky with our dogs and the skunks ... my sister has had her two teacup yorkies get sprayed several times.
    Those chicken strips so look great!!! I love a good chicken strip dinner,YUM!!!!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm feeling better everyday and taking the elderberry syrup too to try and build myself back up!
    Happy Late T Day!!!

  19. I am back from Missouri, where I spent two very sleepless days and nights. After returning, I crashed. Finally awake and drinking my second coffee of the day and still fighting sleep, I am thrilled to read about your T Tuesday experience. I have also been near a skunk before and they have an odor you will never forget. Your poor baby. And yes, I see how bleached he was. Let's hope darker hair grows out soon.

    Enjoyed the chicken fingers. LOVED the tulips (so spring like) and enjoyed seeing the entire meal you shared with your water and Diet Coke.

    Thank you for your contribution to T Tuesday this week.

  20. Our very first dog (out of 10 to date) was the only one to ever chase skunks. We went through the routine you describe at least 3 times a year! Chief couldn't stand his own smell so he was miserable until it cleared. Yet he could never restrain himself when he saw a skunk - lol.

    Enjoy your school break.

    Happy T-day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  21. All that looks so good!

    Poor Pete -- with the humiliating peroxide spots! I doubt he learned his lesson though. Just really glad that the weather was good enough to air out the house!


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