Sunday, February 25, 2018

Wild and Free

Another weekend is about to bite the dust. And bring on Monday, but this week is my winter break so I am planning on sleeping in instead of having to get up for work. :)
I love it.
It's also supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow so hopefully the couple inches of snow we got today will melt. Saturday I pulled out a couple of plastic lawn chairs  so maybe I can sit out in the sun, even with my coat on, and enjoy a little fresh air for a bit. Let's see if it really gets as warm as they are saying.
 When we opened up the porch to get the chairs, I thought how nice it would be if I could put all the lawn furniture out.  Maybe if March is a mild month it might happen sooner rather than later.
So today I have another page for Rike's animal A-Z challenge at Art Journal Journey
Last fall I bought a Dina Wakely journal with various types of pages-everything from burlap, canvas and paper.  It's been sitting there untouched for a while, and a few weeks ago I pulled it out and decided I was time to use it.
So here is my first page in the journal.  Green for the forest, stars for the night, foxes and their footprints. Animals of the night time forest. Be free and wild.
So hope everyone had a nice weekend. I went out to look at small  digital cameras for when I go to Japan, thinking my SLR might be too big to carry, but decided I will just stick with what I have. It's not worth the cost since I also have my phone which takes good photos. And the hubby took me out to lunch, which is always a fun thing to do. 
And I will tell you all about that on Tuesday.
Happy new week, and a big thanks from my heart for stopping by my blog.


  1. Spring break sounds wonderful. I am sure you will get a lot of art made and you will enjoy the time you get to sleep in this week. Sounds like it will be a fun time from what you did on Saturday.

    This is a fabulous first entry in your Dina Wakely journal. I agree that we should not feed the fears. I love those animals and the stars, too. Thanks for adding this lovely image at Art Journal Journey, dear Erika.

  2. Your journal page is lovely. Hope you will have some better weather for your break this week. Enjoy sleeping in and getting out and about. I can imagine how much you are looking forward to visiting Japan. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Your first page in the Dina Wakely journal is gorgeous! A bright green for the wood, golden stars and hidden foxes with their cool(!) footprints! A good start for more in this journal!
    Here it is icy cold and they say for the whole week - no warm sunshine to sit outside. So enjoy your warm sun!
    Thanks a lot for joining us again at AJJ, I appreciate it!
    Wish you a happy relaxing week!
    Rike xx

  4. Wow.. the colours are fantastic on this page! Just great! A very ARTSY page . I am thrilled about it. Great to have this Dina Wakely Journal with the different surfaces!
    I think you are right - no extra camera - wise decision. You have such a great camera and if your handy makes good photos as well all is perfect for Japan!I am even now looking forward to your Japan trip - you must know how much I like Japan - Maybe once I will visit it - but it is sooo extremly expensive for us. You are such a lucky girl!!! ♥♥♥
    I am looking forward to see to which restaurant you went at the weekend. I wish you a happy start of your well deserved winter break Erika!
    Thank you very much for this amazing page linked to Rike's theme .. I am in awe of this vibrant colors !

    Minus 18 Degrees Celsius here --- extremly cold - the dog girl and I stay inside but the boy dog and hubby enjoy their walks nevertheless!
    Liyongo nearly got exciting and seems to be more than proud to get walked alone from the boss now....
    oxo Susi

  5. Great page, - it took m a while to see the fox, I kept seeing just the white, thinking it was a rabbit or smething... It's funny how our eyes can deceive us.... Love the wild and free theme.

    How exciting you are off to Japan! We went there last Easter and loved it. We spent most of our time in Kyoto, such an incredible place, but there are so many other amazing places too, - you are going to love it. I would say though, it may be worth taking the SLR....

    Enjoy that break and taking it easy! Fingers crossed for the weather...

  6. A truly beautiful page! We have a couple of foxes around sometimes! Foxes in the starlight sounds lovely! We won't be sitting out for a while - icy blasts forecast this week! Enjoy your week off! Chrisx

  7. Love this page especially the Please Do Not Feed The Fears. It's supposed to be a nice week weather wise. Hope you get to sit outside. Enjoy your week off.

  8. Is Japan in April? I forgot. Yes, if you're happy with your camera keep it but you'll want a good one for all the wonderful things you will see. I'm already excited for your trip!

    Love the bright and happy on this page!

  9. I love that background! It's a wonderful page Erika! xx

  10. "Please do not feed the fears" is something I feel a connection with. I like how you brought this piece together. Great colors! It's sunny here with an expected high of 64 F, so I think spring has arrived here in the South :)

  11. I love the way you tell us about your life and thoughts on your life, that is so interesting, sharing a little of a different life.
    I don't remember seeing your header, it looks great with the white against the dark, so dramatic.
    Animals of the night under the stars - your painting is marvellous, I feel as if it is the start of an intriguing story.

  12. A fabulous page Erika, its a great background, super colours and I can imagine the forest at night.
    I know what you mean about not using the Dina Wakely journal. I am trying to use mine now.
    Yvonne xx

  13. beautiful and love the colours ;O))

  14. Your page is wonderful! The rich green for the forest and bright gold stars for the night with the handsome foxes and their footprints is amazing - I love it 😁. Wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊

  15. Ooh, I like how you got creative with the AJJ theme on this one. :)


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