Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday This and That

Hi everyone. It's the weekend, day 2. I am writing this Sunday morning as I sip a mug of tea. I think Sunday morning while I lounge  is a good time to chit chat.

Let me start off with some art. Maybe you remember the Space/Night Sky journal I was working on last summer and fall. Well I put it aside when the holidays arrived and now I am getting back to finish it off.
Here's a mixed media collage page with some paper tape, some images I cut out of an old atlas, a little paint, some brads, some ink and some printed acetate sheets It's fun to get back to this journal.

And then let me move onto the weather. They are saying we might get another nor'easter snow storm this week. At least last night's weather report said this, but can we believe those weather people? I hope it goes out to sea because here's a photo I took on Friday morning of my backyard.
It doesn't look like spring around here. Yesterday the hubby and I decided the dogs needed a  walk so we took them down to York Beach in Maine for a beach walk. Although there was a cold wind, at least there wasn't snow on the beach.
The dogs were quite excited! 
I like to go to York Beach because back in my 20's, when I started my present job, I spent a couple of winter's there. I rented a condo by the beach in the off-season. The is a long and hard sand beach so it is a great place to walk.
But before we got to the beach we stopped at a rest area and we saw this big truck in the parking lot.
We knew immediately what it was, and you may wonder why there were so many people waiting around the back of the truck.
This truck is delivering dogs. 
Here in the northeast it is very hard to find dogs because we have such a high rate of neutering and spaying so there are very few available dogs. But in other parts of the country they have so many dogs that need homes and end up in kill shelters. So what has happened is that dog shelters here find homes for dogs from the south, and then the dogs get trucked north to their new families. We got our dog Maddie this way in this very same rest area.  She was put on the truck in Georgia and was transported here. Then they brought her out of the truck and we took her home. (I had spoken to the Humane Society where she was in Georgia to find out about her before they shipped her north so I knew a little bit about her.)
Even dogs who have yet to find families get brought up and will be fostered by people until families can be found for them.  That's how we got our other dog Pete. It is just amazing how many dogs make this journey.
We actually parked and watched people collect their new dogs for a little bit.  It was fun to see all the people meeting their new family members.

On our way home, after our beach walk, we stopped at the grocery store. The hubby went in to get us something for dinner, and I went next door to Hobby Lobby. I went in looking for a journal, and I came out with all these bargains.
It seemed like the whole paper arts/mixed media section was marked down.I have been having good luck  finding some pretty exciting deals at Hobby Lobby lately.
 You should have seen the look my husband gave me when I got back in the car with all this. :)
Today I plan on playing with some of these supplies.
And then when I got home I figured out how to clean my washing machine filter so the machine would run again, no help needed. I know it wasn't the most technical repair, but I'm feeling very empowered from that anyhow. It ended up being a banner day for sure!
I have more beach photos to share with you another day, but for now, I am going to say goodbye. We changed our clocks last night, so now it is after 8:30 rather than only being a little after 7:30. Tough in the morning but I love how it will stay light later into the evening.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Sounds like another 4 -8 inches of snow. I think I might cry. I used to spend a lot of time on Long Sands. A friend and I would run up on weekends and stay at the Anchorage across the street. We'd buy our dinner from the clam shack on the beach. We'd go hang out on the rocks at Nubble Light, too. Those were the days.

    Your space journal looks great. What a score you made at Hobby Lobby. Enjoy playing with your new toys. Think you'll get an extra play day on Tuesday? How many days do you have to make up in June?

  2. Your mixed media collage page is just super! A fabolous mix of papers and images! Super!
    I feel with you about that snowy weather! Not very nice - we had a wonderful sunny Saturday and I even was on a deckchair at the patio for an hour - just amazing, but today it is more grey again. I found the first snowdrops in the garden. What a great way to find new homes for dogs! That's genius!
    Oh wow.. that bargains look AMAZING - have fun playing with the new goodies dear Erika!
    I am nearly done with all my spring cleaning... now I am sorting out paper scraps and art materials so maybe soon I can shop some new goodies online as well- we will see, I found already so many things a had forgotten about - shame on me!

    oxo Susi
    And a good start into the new week ahead my friend !

    oxo Susi

  3. Hi Erika. I really love your Space spread, it's fab! And I love all your photos too, that beautiful beach, and so interesting reading about the dog delivery. That's an amazing haul too from Hobby Lobby, and congrats on fixing your machine! Go Girl!!
    Happy Sunday,
    alison xx

  4. Fantastic pages Erika - you always find the right things in the right colours to fit your amazing pages - brilliant! - must be from all the great bargains you get from 'Michaels' or 'Hobby Lobby' - wish we had them here :)
    That was interesting reading about the dogs too and nice to see so many people wanting to give them homes.
    Great post!
    Happy Sunday you. Gill xx

  5. Your space spread is fabulous. And what a great haul you got from Hobby Lobby, enjoy playing! Sorry your weather is still so cold and snowy. Great idea with the dog truck. Hugs, Valerie

  6. I like your journal spread. Space!

    That's more snow than we get all year combined, and we're nowhere near a beach, so our environments are completely different. I've already put some of my potted plants out on the patio lol

    Congrats on being independent with the washer. An inspiration!

  7. As you know, I'm a HUGE outer space fan, so this spread spoke to me. You found a great book to take these images from. Most impressive. I loved it.

    I wish my Hobby Lobby had those kinds of deals. I was shocked at how little you paid for everything. Looks like you might be doing some gelli printing and some stenciling, too. I was also impressed that you bought a dream catcher. My friend Sally gave me one, and I'm waiting to see how you work with yours so I can get some ideas (grin).

    I don't know why, but I have trouble for at least two to three weeks after the time change before my body actually catches up to the new time frame. Hope your Sunday was fabulous because it's half over.

  8. Its a wonderful Space spread in your journal, lots of interesting things to see.
    Your walk on the beach must have been lovely and you got to leave the snow behind for a while.
    It was really interesting reading about the dog re-homing, good that folk are prepared to give the dogs a better chance in life and give them a forever home.
    Your new stash looks great, I hope you have been able to get some crafting time to use them
    Yvonne xx

  9. Another fascinating post Erika.... first up, love your journal page, I am a big fan of collaged journals like this and I love the colour tones with their vintage feel on this page. I was amazed to read about the dog transports too, were your dogs excited I wonder, - did they remember their own journey perhaps? Finally Hobby Lobby, - I am so jealous.... I love Hobby Lobby. I have friends in the US who live about an hours drive from one and when I am over we usually make a trip there, combined with lunch at the nearby Olive Garden. What surprised me in your story was that they were open on Sunday, because the last time I went there with my friend and we drove all the way there on a Sunday, they were shut, - I was so disappointed. Enjoy all those goodies you purchased!

  10. Jolly good for you on the washing machine! I'm very impressed! And good deals on the Hobby Lobby haul, too. That's a lot!

    I love hearing about the dogs. Good for them and good for the people (like you) who open their hearts and homes to these animals. York Beach looks good! I stayed on or near York Beach eons ago (80s or 90s) on a solo road trip. And on some little island out around there. A good trip! I hope the noreaster goes out to sea!


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