Monday, March 12, 2018

T Stands for a Fun Day Out

Happy T Day everyone. Another Tuesday has arrived and it is time to share your drink related posts over at  Bleubeard and Eizabeth's blog.
I will start today's post with my breakfast photos from this past Saturday.
My husband and I hadn't been to our favorite hole in the wall breakfast place since back before Christmas.
There was a 30 minute wait, but it was worth it.
I started with a mug of their rich homemade hot cocoa. If you're going to splurge and have  cocoa, what's a few calories from the whipped cream?
And for breakfast (well more brunch as it was going on 11) I had their homemade hash with eggs, toast and for my side I had their homemade baked beans.
I can never finish this meal but the hash and the baked beans always get eaten. 
Now it's time to burn off those calories. So it's off to the beach to walk the dogs.
It was windy and chilly, as you can see from this windsock, but that means you walk faster and get your metabolism going!
We were at York Beach in York, Maine. It is a great beach to walk-long, flat and has hard sand, especially at low tide.
(And CJ, one of these days I am going to go stay at the Anchorage some nice winter weekend and eat fried clams too! The hubby and I have talked about doing that for years-he wants to be able to swim in the pool. I wantto walk to beach as much as possible. :) )
There were several lobster traps washed up on the beach. They were pretty battered too.  Probably in the last two big storms we  have had (in the last 2 weeks)  they broke lose in the rough seas and got pushed in from the tide. I am sure the waves kept pushing hem into those rocks.
 They make some nice texture photos.
 And the dog found the smell fascinating.
The town of York is rebuilding their bathhouse. 
And we found some treasures on the beach.

 Maddie found this shell particularly interesting also.

I was playing with the new lens my hubby surprised me with for my birthday last week. Some of you have asked about it.  My new lens  is a Tamron 18-400x. I just love it.
 It also take great close ups too.
And a few more photos. You can see in the bottom photos there was snow near the beach also. (Actually more than at my house.)

Beach walking is such a fun thing to do.  And a good way to escape some snow.  We have another BIG storm on this T day, or at least what they are predicting when I post this Monday night. We could get up to 18 or 20 inches -that's like 46 cm before it wraps up.
I have some photos from the lighthouse near by which I will share next post since I think this post is long enough.
Have a fantastic T Day everyone, and thanks for visiting me. I do appreciate your comments and visits.


  1. I've never been to York during the Winter. Would love having Long Sands all to myself only wouldn't like the cold. I only stayed at the Anchorage when it was a hole in the wall. Not when it went upscale. I can almost imagine the sun shining brightly on the grand old dames opposite Short Sands. Did you go into town? Was the Goldenrod open? Love watching their saltwater taffy machine pull the taffy.

  2. I really enjoyed the walk on the beach with you. wow I have not been to a beach since the early '70s I lived on wrightsville beach, nc back then for a year or so loved it.
    Your hot cocoa looks so delicious as does your breakfast.
    Happy T Day

  3. I LOVE the look of your breakfast/brunch. I used to love breakfasts like that in England, yummy! And how nice to walk along the beach, there must have been some great smells for the dogs to investigate. I hope the new storm doesn't hit you too badly. It's rather wet here, but still mild, so no snow. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I enjoyed this walk on the beach in Maine with you - thank you for taking me with you! I would love to have this brunch now - I am already hungry - had no breakfast yet. I love the colorful photos - keep warm and enjoy the free day with art or something what is fun Erika! Here it is still sun - I will walk the dogs now - they said we get a lot of snow once more... we will see! The good thing about the weather - no human being can have an impact on it - at least not be directly influenced by us.Nobody can buy good weather - some can travel to better weather - as my Dad - he is on his way on a cruise to Agadir just now. But I don't envy him at all - that is always exhausting I guess - not to my taste such cruise holidays. I'd rather come with you to Japan!

  5. I would love a cup of that delicious looking cocoa, cream on the top, why not, say I as well.
    The photos look lovely, its seems a wonderful beach destination and Maddie looked really interested in the shells.
    I hope you don't get all that snow thats in your weather forecast.
    Stay safe and Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  6. i can feel the calories on my hips just by watching this mug of cocoa;) but it´s worth every single one!! your breakfast looks absolutely delicious (we´ll, no beans for me).
    and a nice stroll on the beach, obviously very interesting for maddie, too. the photo of the waterbird legs is a hoot! i also like the mood on the last photos very much, the seagulls and the snow!
    happy t-day and have a great week, not too harsh with snow again...

  7. What a beautiful place York Beach is and it looks like you had a wonderful walk! Your new camera lense is amazing and you captured such great photos too 😁. I'm loving your brunch, hot chocolate with whipped cream is a must in my book and oh how I long for eggs over easy with hash browns and those yummy looks baked beans πŸ˜‰. Happy T Day! J 😊

  8. what a perfectly fabulous day! Love the breakfast splurge especially knowing that brisk beach walk was coming after:) A beach walk any time is just the best therapy of any kind ever in my eyes. Maddie is thoroughly taking it all in too:) Love that last photo-the line of houses (or B & Bs) remind me so much of Cape May.
    I sure hope you don't get so much snow... happy T day!

  9. What great pics Erika! Oh how i miss the beach... Its been three years.. I think i need a little beach in my life now and then. I love the beach in winter... no crowds. I could walk for miles and have to remind myself to turn around before i go too far. Your hot chocolate looks divine! Mmmmmm and your breakfast (brunch) too.. I love eating breakfast out.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. Great photos on your beach walk. Fun finds, too. I love a hard sand beach. Fun to take the turnaround and see the houses with the snow on their banks. I do hope you are hunkered down today!

  11. That's a breakfast I can embrace! And your beach photos always blow me away ;) and I'd love closer access to a beach. Somehow the riverfront isn't nearly the same lol Beautiful photos! Happy T Tuesday

  12. Oh I love all of your beach photos!!! it has been way too long since I have been to any kind of a beach much less the ocean :'( I haven't had the TV on yet today so I haven't heard how bad the storms did turn out to be. Hoping you get much less snow than they predicted.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. Ooh! You're making me hungry with that delicious breakfast Erika!
    Lovely photos from the beach, I hope you're keeping warm in the snow.
    Happy T Day,
    Alison xx

  14. Great post Erika - love your photos, especially the one of Maddie with the shell. What a lovely place to walk.
    Wondering if you got the storm and more snow or its passed you by.
    I tempted fate here thinking spring on the way and now heard more snow due this weekend - a bit far off really so it'll probably be nothing and nothing like your weather of course.
    Keep warm and snug and have a great week.
    Gill xx

  15. I was just about to leave you a comment last night when my internet went down. I tried everything I knew to get it back, so decided to call AT&T. However, when I tried to use the phone, all I got was static, so I knew it was something on their end. It’s very frustrating playing the waiting game.

    Your breakfast looks good, but I am not a hash fan. Of course, I've never fried mine. I like the idea of baked beans for breakfast. HMMM!! Of course, the cocoa is what I would have ordered, too, I believe. It looks so delicious.

    Lucky you to find so many treasures on the beach. I was most impressed. Incredible photos and wonderful art pieces, at least in my opinion.

    Thanks for sharing your time at the beach, your breakfast, and your cocoa with us for T this Tuesday. I hope this is a snow day for you. It sounds brutal.

  16. Your brunch looks delicious - I would have had coffee though! Oh how I would have loved to join you on that beach! It certainly does look windy! In answer to your question last week - the hare stamp is by an English Company called Which Craft from Doncaster and are designed by a lovely lady called Tracy Easson. They are a strong clear polymer stamp! Have a fantastic week! I will have to come back to see your previous posts here too! Happy T day! Chrisx

  17. Thank yuou for taking me with you on your beach walk. I love all the details.
    Your lense is fantastic. I have a Tamron too, but I have 18-200. At the moment it is playing up.I keep getting an error message that I must clean the contacts. (which I have done) but in the meantime it doesn't work. Bother!
    I enjoyed the lovely photos.
    Happy T-Day,

  18. Your hot chocolate and whipped cream looked scrumptious! And, I have to say I wish I had a beach! :) Thanks for sharing the lovely photos! Happy T Day!

  19. Could instantly tell you were at long sands, that beach is hard to miss. Can be super blowy there. Breakfast looks good! xox

  20. There are more treasures to be found on a beach than the mind can imagine. Exploring tide pools is one of life's greatest pleasures.

  21. Your pictures are beautiful! You are a very talented photographer. I especially love the beach with the snow and the ones with your dog. You found some very interesting things on your walk. And your breakfast looks so delicious!
    Belated Happy Tea,

  22. Great photo of the mug of cocoa, Erika. What a wonderful wallking beach. I don't think I've ever seen a beach that wide. Hubby and I used to love beach walking but he can't do it any more (arthritis). So we cherish those memories ;-)

    That last photo is stunning! The color palette and contrast are very strking.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen


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