Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Peabody Essex Museum

Happy Saturday everyone. It has cooled off here after a nice warm day yesterday, but the sky is blue and it is above freezing so all is good.
Yesterday I took a little drive down to Salem, Massachusetts to visit the Peabody Essex Museum. This is one of my favorite small art museums. It's main focus is on art that relates back to the history of this area. Most people think of Salem and the infamous witch trials of the early 1690's, but Salem went on to become a leading center of trade in the late 1700's and the early 1800's. It has a rich maritime history. On permanent exhibit are galleries with art and furniture from that period as well as some Asian pieces that were brought back to Salem on some of the vessels that sailed from the city. They also have this cool Chinese house and they have some travelling exhibits.
I thought about retouring the Chinese house, but the museum was SO crowded I decided I would wait to another visit. You do have to pay extra to view, but it is worth it, even if this photo of the outside isn't much.
It really isn't all that far from my house to the museum and I should make more of an effort to get there more frequently. I've been there several times in the past but not for the last 2-3 years.
One of the exhibits there now is one about  Georgia O'Keeffe. It  had a few of her paintings, lots of photos of her, many of her iconic clothing pieces and some jewelry as well as a couple of statues. It outlined her career starting when she was in NY in the 1920's up to the end of her life when she lived in New Mexico. It was a very rich exhibit that portrayed the whole artist, not just her paintings.
Here's a little taste to wet your whistle as the cliche goes.
The exhibit was VERY crowded and I spent my time slipping around people.

 About 25% of the exhibit was her paintings, but I did enjoy the exhibit. I did hope for a  little more painting, but I loved seeing other representations of her life.
I will do a whole post and show you more another day.
At the exit to this exhibit was the entrance to a Native American artist exhibit, T. C. Cannon. Most people went back down the stairs, but I went in. It was a new discovery for me and oh man, I LOVED this exhibit.
Cannon painted in the 1960's and 1970's. You can probably tell by his colors. Unfortunately he was killed at age 31 in an automobile accident in 1978. Too bad too because it would have been great to see what else he might have created.
He was also a poet and they had some of his poems on the walls also.
I'll show you more of his art another day too.
And I finally went into American Art gallery. I had never been in there and I wanted to see it.
It was a fun visit, other than the crowds, which were all checking out Georgia O'Keeffe, but the rest of the museum was a pleasure to walk through.

I think when I retire I am going to think about joining so I can visit more frequently.
Hope you enjoy this little taste and will stop back to see some more. :)
Happy weekend. (As well as Happy Easter and Passover to those of you who celebrate.)


  1. I've never been to the Peabody-Essex. Mainly because I was told there is not place to park. Sounds like a wonderful exhibit and an outing for you. Will look forward to hearing more about on some T Day post?

  2. That's a great museum you visited, I think I would have enjoyed myself there, too. Glad you had such a great day. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh boy - YES! I enjoyed this little taste a lot and looking forward to seeing more of your photos in a future post!
    Thanks for sharing - I am a bit jealous - An O'Keeffe exhibtion.... I can imagine that it was crowded!

    same weather here again!


  4. That looks an amazing destination. I think I would be tempted to visit more often, if we were lucky to have such a place close by.
    I enjoyed seeing the photos, i hope you will be sharing more.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  5. My keyboard STILL isn't working properly. Happy Easter. Wanted you to know I stopped by, though. You must have had a PERFECT day there.

  6. Happy Easter for you to and your family hope you have great days

  7. Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Easter with love, light and maybe a dash of color ♥
    xo Michelle

  8. there was an o´keeffe Exhibition a few years ago in munich, i remember it well. her life has been full and Long... sorry the exh. was so overcrowded when you visisted.
    wishing you happy easter days:) xox

  9. Good morning, Happy Easter, Happy Passover and wow Happy Fools day too haha I really enjoyed your post very much. I don't have any place close to me for viewing art like this-I should check out Springfield Mo they must have something to offer-but I don't like to drive that far away.
    This museum has much to offer I will look forward to more posts.
    hugs kathy

  10. What a wonderful museum! Thank you for sharing the artworks and that very poignant poem. My daughter is currently doing a 6 week volunteer program in Hanoi.
    Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter week.
    Alison xx

  11. All the exhibitions at this Museum look fascinating, and thanks for the taster, a very interesting variety.
    You've encouraged me to go and visit our local Art Galleries again.

  12. This looks like a great place to visit Erika. I have never been to Essex so maybe it can go on our to do list

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Wow, just seeing that amazingly beautiful leaf painting from the exhibition made me smile! I can't wait to see more and how wonderful that you got to see some of her artwork despite the crowds 😁. The rest of the museum looked lovely to walk around and explore, and I really like the T.C.Cannon painting too! I hope you've had a lovely weekend! J 😊 x

  14. Georgia O'Keeffe had a fascinating life! I always used to connect her with those large flower prints and was surprised when I first saw some of her other work. I've never heard of Cannon and am struck by his design and colors. What a tragedy for him to died so young. I'm looking forward to seeing more about your visit there. (And that Chinese house, too, when you go back).


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