Monday, April 2, 2018

A Little of This and A Little of That

Wow- It's April.  Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a good Easter or Passover if you celebrate either. And now it's a new week. I saw on the news last night that some places got a dumping of snow and it's coming just south of us today. Old man winter really doesn't want to leave, does he? 
Since it is the second of April it is time for Second on the Second over at Altered Book Lover's Blog. I am bringing you back to a post in April 2011. 
I had made a little tag journal using scraps and leftovers, as you can see here.

You can see the original post here: Vacation Wednesday.
Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join in by linking up a previous post. 

And over at Art Journal Journey there's a new challenge for April. This month our hostess is the talented Alison and she's picked Recycle and Collage as the new theme.
I have a collage that I made back in December and have yet to post so I am linking it up as part of this challenge.
I  used some scraps of paper tape, as well as some cut outs from some magazine pages. And finally I added this TH found relative since I thought she looked really good on my page.

And finally today my road, which is dirt, has dried out enough that I can get back to walking. I haven't been able to do that since last November. It was really exciting and thought  I would show you a few photos from my Easter morning  stroll with my husband and the dogs.
You may remember the sugar shack from last week's T Day Post. In just a week we've lost most of our snow  and it looks like the maple syrup making has shut down for the season.
 There's no sap in the big dispenser.
 A sure sign of spring. 
 And down at the farm the little pond is still frozen but there still are some old fashion sap buckets out and tapped into some sugar maple trees. Wonder if they are getting any sap for maple syrup.
 And the beaver pond is still there-only bigger.
 And someone is getting their property logged. There was a skidder parked on the edge of the road.
And the snow was gone from the field and the field was full of flocks of robins. My phone's camera couldn't get the birds in the photo, but robins returning are a sure sign of spring.
And the headwaters of the Cocheco River were flowing fast.

And you would think the stream along the side of the road would be very cold, but that didn't stop Maddie from going for a little dip.
I bet her paws got cold.
Oh yes, maybe there are some signs of spring coming.
Hope everyone has a great start to the new week.


  1. Wow, your page background is amazing! I love the way you put together the bits and pieces of paper and washi tape, those bunny and bears looking out of the window are too cute 😁. Wow, I didn't know that the maple syrup making season is so short and how wonderful to see that spring is on it's way at last! I hope you had a lovely Easter and wishing you a happy and creative new week! J 😊 x

  2. Good morning, i enjoyed the second look of your tags, enjoyed all the photos and brrrr I bet that water is cold
    Happy second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

  3. Love your little tag journal especially the keyhole to take a peek through. Wonderful recycle page. I especially love the "found relative".

    It must have been nice going for a walk yesterday. i had heard on the news this wasn't a good year for maple sugaring. Maybe why the sugar shack closed up early? Maddie looks like she really enjoyed the walk. And I haven't seen a single robin yet. With the snow coming down right now, the robins won't poke a beak out. We went from a dusting of snow from yesterday's forecast to 1 - 3 inches for today. Enough! uncle!

  4. Your little tag journal is worth seeing a second time - lovely made and the page is just gorgeous with all the colors and washi and the sepia calms all down - well done! Great to see it linked to the new AJJ theme Erika! Thanks a lot! Maddie is an all - weather dog. Oh gosh Quinnie wood shake her head when she could see this!
    Here now after the winter weather the April weather arrived- rain in the morning, sun now in the afternoon... we will see!
    I can imagine that you long for spring finally to come!!! Wish you get sun and spring soon!
    Hope your Easter brake was nice my friend!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Love your tag for the 2nd on the 2nd, and the journal page is gorgeous. Lovely photos, too, but I can't believe the dog went for a dip, brrr. But sooner or later it has to be spring. Hugs, Valerie

  6. The revisit to the tag book was interesting, it looks fantastic. Super photos you must be pleased to have the snow going at long last.
    The collage page looks great as well, the found relatives are great to add to our pages.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I love your nature photos! Thx for the continuing story of the maple syrup process. That season doesn't last long, it seems. We keep robins all year here, but we still say "look! the first robin of spring" whenever we see one staring in February lol Hope *springs* eternal.

  8. I have never seen your Second on the 2nd post before, so this was a genuine treat. I really enjoyed seeing the tag book and loved all the embellishments you used with it. It is so different from the art you are creating now, and I really LOVE going back and seeing how much your art has changed over the years.

    I loved seeing the sure signs of spring arriving in your area. I hope the logging doesn't change the flow of the river or the way the trees interact with the environment. Please keep us posted, because there are so many variables that happen, like noise.

    I adore your lovely entry for Alison's theme. It is a beautiful journal page and well worth saving for today. Of course, I really like how you frame your art, something I need to start thinking about, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, and thanks for sharing your tag book with us as your second look on the 2nd.

  9. Wonderful photos Erika! Glad you can out for walks again, it looks beautiful where you live.
    I love your tag book, and your page is simply awesome! Thanks for joining my challenge at AJJ.
    Have a lovely and creative week,
    Alison xx

  10. Your 2011 tag book was great Erika, love the keyhole especially.
    And the collage was fabulous - amazing what left over bits can make :)
    Gill xx

  11. Ah those tags are great! I hadn't seen those, so thank you for sharing those.
    I bet you are glad you can walk the road again, and go for a good walk. Your dog seems to enjoy the walk too.
    Does logging mean they are taking the trees down? If so, you might be having new neighbours when they start building. (I see no other reason for taking trees down)
    Happy belated T-Day,

  12. You've been on a creative streak! Glad to hear your snow is going south. It's snowing here and did last night. Not a big dump but enough to be depressing! We start Southern Exposure tomorrow. I don't think anything will be in bloom!

  13. Great tag journal for your second look! Love the AJJ page too! Hope all the snow disappears soon! Chrisx


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