Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Hello everyone. I wrote this last night (Tuesday) as I half watched some tv. One of the dogs needed to go out and when I put the backlight on, low and behold it was snowing hard enough to make the ground all white. What is this?  I don't think we are going to have any kind of spring at all this year. :(
So maybe my April showers page isn't quite realistic. Or maybe it is wishful thinking on my part.  But here is a recent spread I made in my Nature Journal.
I stamped the raindrops and the quote, and I made the big white and yellow flowers using some cloth and paper scraps that I cut rather randomly. I used these wooden game pieces as the centers. The dark green leaves are cut out of a piece of leaf printed art paper.  I also cut the tall flowers from some scrap paper and added some circles that were die cut from some mat board scraps. I used a crayon to color them red and then I used a Sharpie to put the dots on them.  Finally I painted their leaves.
I am linking up to 2 different recycle challenges. The first one is Try It On Tuesday. The second one is Alison's fun challenge over at Art Journal Journey
So fourth quarter starts today at school.  That means we are into the last 9 weeks of classes. Wahoo. It's always exciting when we get to this point as it means another year is winding down and we are getting closer to summer.
(Of course now we just need the weather to cooperate so it seems like we are getting into the last couple of months.)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day-and as always-I appreciate your visit.


  1. Gorgeous page, even though spring has not visited you yet. I am wondering if we will get snow again! I hope not. Thanks so much for joining us at TIOT with our lovely spread. Hugs, Valerie

  2. The quote is quite right for your weather - it means that you will have many many flowers in May probably :)
    Your cut out pieces, circles and flowers are stunning! You glued them together to a beautiful artjournal page, your yellow flowers are shining although the raindrops are falling down!
    Wish you a happy rest of the week and some sunshine!

  3. Oh Erika, I wish you'd get better weather soon. Hopefully when you return from Japan (cherry blossom time, I hope!) you will have seen the end of snow. Nine weeks of classes -- but less for you!

  4. We had snow flurries all day yesterday. I wanted to cry. I have a feeling we will skip Spring and go right into Summer. Not that I would mind. I just don't want to see any more snow. Not one flake. Fun page you made. The red dots look like cute ladybugs to me. Warmer weather tomorrow. Let's hope the weather dudes are right.

  5. Those happy flowers and raindrops make a lovely cheerful page Erika, and I do hope your snow doesn't last. We had a lovely couple of days, but then cold and rain - but they are forecasting some 'very warm' weather next week -fingers crossed.
    Avril xx

  6. Your pages are so lovely and beautiful made wow - can't believe that you had snow again - that is uncredible! Thanks bunches for joining TioT and AJJ again dear Erika!
    I swear I sent the sun in your direction, where she has gone???
    Hugs, Susi

  7. Those flowers make me happy. I especially love the bingo markers in the centers. I was immediately drawn to them. School will be over before you know it, but first you must work your way to Japan (grin). I was so thrilled you shared this lovely April showers recycled art with us today at Art Journal Journey. Your contribution to this month's entries has not gone unnoticed.

  8. We keep getting Spring only to have Winter return. We're not getting snow, but I'm ready for actual Spring warmth and lemonade on the patio. I'm looking at your art as an inspiration, a hope of things to come. I like the game pieces as flower centers :)

  9. Absolutely love this spread Erika!
    I really hope you get some better weather soon.
    Alison xox

  10. I love your April Showers journal spread and the way you made those pretty flowers with recycled papers and materials.
    Thank you for your support at TioT's and sharing these wonderful pages with us.
    Your countdown will soon fly over, the weeks certainly seem shorter especially when we wait for some better weather.
    Yvonne xx

  11. This is fabulous! Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  12. Fabulous page, love the flowers. Don't want to see another snowflake and I wish I could keep warm, endless winter !

    Thanks for joining in at Try It On Tuesday


  13. Such a cheery page! I love how you used the cloth and pepper to create the flowers and those wooden numbered centres are perfect 😁. Thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! I hope you've had a lovely week and Happy Friday! J 😊 x

  14. Love this! It's such a sunny page unlike your weather! So pleased you joined us again at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

  15. A wonderful page

    Thank you for joining us at TRY IT ON TUESDAY


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