Thursday, April 12, 2018

Waiting for Flowers

With the lack of a real spring, I have been consoling myself with some colorful pages in my Nature Journal.
I began this page by using remnants of a pretty napkin and some scraps from a book page. Then I put a few drops of some distress re-inker on the page and rubbed it in.  Once dry, I used red paint and used an alphabet stencil to give it a little texture pop.
I added a little strip of paper tape and some trim at the bottom. The tan trim was 
the edge of a thick piece cloth trim I used in another project. I wanted the scalloped edge but not this straight edge on my other page, but it works well here, so why waste the leftovers?  Now for the big pop of color. I doodled my flower, colored it with markers and added it to the page along with a few little metal crafty bits that look like hardware.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey and Allison's fun recycle and collage challenge.
All is well here.  Maybe a little more warmth today, which would be great. I want to get out and do some raking, but it's been rather raw and chilly, and now today, when they say warmer, they say it could rain. Well I might be out in my raincoat raking, ha-ha. Only 1 more week to go before I head out on my big adventure and it is the one thing I would like to get done. We shall see.
Hope you have a happy day.


  1. A very vibrant page. And for those of us in never ending Winter, at least on your journal pages we can see flowers and feel like Spring. At least the sun is out again today. Have a good one!

  2. A fantastic page with clever techniques dear Erika! You are so inventive always!
    I did no raking, I was the clever girl that
    mowed for the first time yesterday and all the brown leaves went into the grass catcher of the lawn mower-yeah!
    Thank you for another fabulous page for Alison's theme at AJJ! You rock again this month my friend!
    Sunshine and warm temperatures are on their way to you - I sent them once again as the first delivery didn't reach yet!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. Gorgeous page with colours to make anyone feel better. I am sure you can't wait for your adventure to start! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow! A beautiful page to cheer us up in this chilly spring weather! It's been cold and misty here today!
    Alison x

  5. This just jumped out at me, Erika. Thanks for the big pop of colour as it has been dull, rainy and cold here all day, and really dull and cold for quite a while now. I wonder where Spring has gone as it seems to be missing in places far and wide. I enjoyed reading how you made this bright cheerful piece too.

  6. Your yellow flower fits in well here where we're having sunshine and an expected high of 79. I hope the warmth moves up to you soon. I'm ready! :)

    You must be so excited about your trip!

  7. I love the vibrant colours you used on this page. The flower looks gorgeous, I can almost think of warmer weather looking at this page.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I adore this. I wish I had gotten here sooner, but life has a way of getting in the way. This is a bold and beautiful journal page. I like the extras you created and you put so much into this. I am truly impressed and simply delighted you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Summer came today in my world. Our high was 89 F. It is hot in my office, but decent in my craft room. Tomorrow the weather person is predicting another HARD freeze. Mother nature has, as my friend Theresa said, gone off her meds!

  9. How exciting that you only have one week to go before you are in Japan - amazing 😁. Your page is wonderful, I love all the layers of napkin and scraps on the book page and the colours are so rich and vibrant too - beautiful! Hope it's warmer today and wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x
    p.s. I'm glad you mentioned your Japan visit as I've been meaning to say if you have the opportunity (not sure as you'll be looking after the kids being a school trip) try the Hitachino Nest Beer - Dai Dai Ale IPA, it is brewed in Japan using some of their traditional sake brewing methods and we recently had a bottle of it, it has the most amazing orange fruity taste. Their White Ale is good too and their labels are so beautiful (I'm planning to use them on an art journal page soon 😉). J x

  10. I would call this a "happy page" because it makes me happy just looking at it!

  11. Your nature journal page is gorgeous. I love all the bright colors.

  12. Oh WOW, this yellow flower is my favorite! A wonderful colorful journal page!


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