Monday, April 2, 2018

Come on By for a Cup of Tea

Welcome ladies to another T Day. Time to share our drink related posts over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.
Today I invite you for tea or coffee. Or would you prefer hot cocoa?
Stop by my house and I will welcome you in for tea or coffee, your pick.
I think noontime is a good time for T, don't you?
And if it's cool outside I will put a fire on in the fireplace.
Be let me move this beautiful primitive fireplace screen first.
So pull up a chair and warm yourself.

And let me entertain you with some music while the water heats.
The table is already set and ready for you.
I'm using my best china.
After we drink our tea (or coffee if you prefer),  I will show you my giant model of the Queen Elizabeth II.

And my original N. C. Wyeth painting.

Or perhaps you'd enjoy my antique Noah's Ark set.

My house is really a museum, isn't it?

All photos are from the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts.
Thanks Elizabeth for being our hostess every week so we can share our drink related posts with each other.
And thanks to you ladies for stopping by for a visit.
Happy T day everyone.


  1. Hi Erika, I really really enjoyed your post. I love sitting by a fire, and being so cold here no I will take a cup of hot cocoa please.
    I do love a cup of tea too mid day.
    Happy T Day hugs Kathy

  2. Oh my gosh, I smiled from ear to ear all the way thru this post-right from that beautiful new banner! The furnishings in that museum-to die for. I really love that bench, and the clock, and the chair, and the fireplace,the organ- oh wow, and...
    well, what a great looking museum! Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

  3. Some beautiful chairs from this museum! And I LOVE the tea set and the organ. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. Thanks for a fun trip to the museum again! It would be nice to live in a place like that, if there were enough servants to do the cleaning! Happy T day, have a fun one! Hugs, Valerie

  5. the photos of that museum are just gorgeous! i think it is quite sure i´ll never can visit there, so i really appreciate seeing all those exhibits. thanks for wonderful pictures:)
    happy t-day (coffee for me, please;))

  6. A fabulous post Erika. I loved the story you set as we looked at the photos from your visit to the museum.
    The tea table set with the ornate and fine china looked awesome.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Oh Erika, this is the most incredible and super impressive post. I really LOVED you taking us with you to the museum, but more than that, I loved the way you guided us through "your" house and tale. It was most impressive and I LOVED it. Thanks for sharing this truly unique take on T this Tuesday.

  8. That was a wonderful tea party! So clever!

  9. Thanks for sharing your interesting photos. The musuem was intruiging - would have loved to have played and heard that big old organ especially.
    Have a great week.
    Gill xx

  10. Now _that's_ the way to personalize a museum visit :) Yes, please, to everything! Happy T Tuesday

  11. Erika ! What a fun, unique post! LOVE it! Now you've gone and made it a happy T day! Hugs! deb

  12. I so enjoyed your post today, you sure know how to entertain in style πŸ˜‰. The museum looks an amazing place and I loved seeing all the different items too, and your story realky made me smile πŸ˜€. It's definitely feels more like spring as it was too hot wearing our coats on our walk today. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  13. What a wonderful museum. Very clean lines and bright and open. That's one I'd like to visit someday!

  14. Love your tea party at the museum!! that Noah's ark is stunning, I adore old toys...the primitive paintings in the last shot are wonderful, well-let's just say it's all wonderful! thanks for sharing! happy T day!

  15. What a very elegant museum this looks! Happy T day Chrisx

  16. Very clever post. :) Happy T day!

  17. What a delightful clever T post, Erika! I'm still smiling :D

    I'm late to T again. Sorry! I'll catch up one of these days ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. Definitely space age! It really captures the feel of it all. And oh, I do love the Peabody photos!


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