Sunday, April 8, 2018


Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a very relaxing weekend and other than walking both days, I stayed home the whole time. I managed to get many of my spring/summer clothes sorted out and my bags of winter clothes put away in the attic until fall. I even found time for a nap both days too. Wahoo!
We still have a chilly wind here, but I did notice a bit of green in some of the grass in my lawn yesterday. Now it is just a bit, but it's take a little before the whole thing turns green And there were robins in the yard. Robins are usually one of the first birds back in the spring. :) Hope  the weather warms up this week like they say it will.
Here's a spread from my western journal to link up to the masculine theme at Moo Mania.
I used a lot of paper tape and some left over black die cuts from when I was solar dyeing last summer.
And how about a few more snapshots from my little road trip to Peabody Essex Museum.
Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986)  was an American painter who actually became famous during her life. She is known as the Mother of American modernism (quoting from Wikipedia for that one).  Her fame began while she was living in New York City in the late 1910's and grew when she began her flower paintings and also when she moved to New Mexico and painted some southwestern scenes. 
Last week I went to see an exhibit of her life at the peabody Essex Museum. This is one of the photos they had on display.
Here are a collection of many, but not all of her paintings they had on display.
 This was one was one of the most fascinating to me because it is such an early work and very different than her famous style. 
But that is the only one like this, and then we moved to her later work.

It was great to see more of her paintings even if I was a little disappointed with number of paintings they had. But there were photos of her and some of her clothes which I did enjoy. I will show you those another day as this post is already on the longish side. 
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. The masculine pages in your journal are fabulous. That O'Keeffe exhibition is really wonderful, I hope we get an exhibition of her paintings over here one day. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful journal pages! I'm loving your western pages and the Yippee Ki Jo made me smile 😉. Wow, her paintings are so amazing! I could sit and look at them all day and still find new details - beautiful 😀. Her early work is just as spectacular, don't you think! Thanks so much for sharing your trip to this exhibition, I so enjoyed seeing these stunning paintings! Wishing you a happy and creative new week! J 😊

  3. Your pages are amazing dear Erika - I love how you created the burlap part expecially- that goes so well to the left hand page! WOW! Thank you very much for joining Moo Mania & More with this masterspread!
    Amazing exhibits of this fantastic woman and artist! I am jealous - would love to see her art again, I was once at an exhibit in Vienna - but this was decades ago and I know that I was so impressed with her flowers at those time.
    Happy new week with much sunshine for you my friend!

    oxo Susi

  4. I love her work. Early (never seen that one before!) and late and your photos are excellent. I'm so glad they let us take photos in museums now. Well done, you!

  5. The snow finally melted from the backyard, but no sign of any robins. If we get more snow, you'll be to blame because you put your Winter things away too soon. :-D

    I've never seen an early work of Ms. O'Keeffe. As you say fascinating. I wonder what made her evolve her style?

  6. Your journal spread looks awesome, I love the sense of movement I can see in those galloping horses.
    The photos of the artist's work are super, her colours and style really appeal to me, she was someone I didn't know about until I read your posts.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Ah, yes..I remember my grandmother, and mother making a big deal out of seeing the first robin of the year because it meant spring had come. I remember hearing them talk about it on the phone..because one would always call the other with the exciting news. :) Then, if it snowed again, like it usually did, they'd get so disappointed.

    Love seeing all of Georgia's work. I don't think I've ever seen it in person, so that must have been thrilling.

  8. great collage page,clever idea you used your clothes and give the horses on,wonderful!
    the paintings are beautiful!
    happy weekend.

    hugs jenny

  9. Thx for posting these. How fortunate to have an exhibit of her work close enough to visit. It's so exciting to see works in person, but I'll take what I can get ;) I'm fascinated by photos I've seen of her taken through her life. She had a long, full life.

  10. Your spread from your western journal is beautiful and very masculine, I like the rider (standing) and the cactus and the right side with the horses on the burlap background!
    Wonderful photos of the exhibition of Georgia O'Keeffe! Very stunning paintings!

  11. A fantastic post,

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE


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