Saturday, April 7, 2018

Winter is Back

Happy Saturday everyone. Just got back from a walk. Although the temperatures were cold but not terribly cold, the wind was brutal. The Canadian Arctic wind. Feels like winter is back.  Plus we got a little more than a dusting of snow late yesterday and a lot of the are ground has a dusting of white. It won't take long to melt but with the cold wind, it is look much more like early March than April.
I have a page from my calendar for you today.
Don't you love this image? It's a stamp by Deep Red I have and it reminds me of when older women dressed a certain way. I'm not sure many do that anymore,at least around my world, but I do remember it as a kid it was standard fair for women of a certain age. My Mom is 88 and she prefers her jeans and a sweater not dresses, but I love these ladies with their big purses and their walking aids. I think they have lots of good things to say to each other.
I began by coloring the background the calendar came with, and then adding some details like background dots and white dots and stripes. I used matte media to glue down a scrap of printed tissue paper, then I stamped the ladies on a piece of white paper and cut them out. The quote comes from a set of tags I pulled out of any old FLOW magazine.
As the quote is recycled from a magazine and the tissue paper is a scrap, I am linking up to Try It On Tuesday, where the theme is recycle something.  I am also linking up to Art Journal Journey and Alison's fun theme of Recycle and Collage.
And I have been reading a bit lately. This week I finished 2 books and started 2 new ones.
First of all on audio I listened to 

I remember we read this book in 10th grade English and even though I can't remember my teacher's name, I remember her face and how she LOVED this book. I've been curious to read it again and so I listened to it . It was a great story. I must say I liked it much better this time then when I was 16 years old. 
I can say that Dickens was a great writer and he created some amazing characters those 150+ years ago. I had read a novel back in November about how he wrote his most famous work, a Christmas Carol, and that's what spurred on my interest in reading more by him.
I also read (most of it last weekend) this new book by Amy Bloom.
It caught my eye because it was about Eleanor Roosevelt, who was such an amazing lady. It is about her and her close friend/ lover Lorena Hickock.  I have never read any Amy Bloom and she is a talented writer also.  I think she caught the feel for the time and the characters and I feel like I learned a personal side of Mrs. Roosevelt. Yes it is fiction, but it states that the author did a lot of research to portray people as they were.
And now I moved onto a mystery which I am listening to.
Anne Hillerman picked up where her father left off and writes using her detective characters Chee, Manuelito and Leaphorn of the Navajo police. It is set in New Mexico and Arizona on Native lands. this is her 3rd novel and I am enjoying it as much as the others and her Dad's books. This is one case I am glad someone picked up the characters and continued the stories. I am glad I haven't read all of her dad's book yet either because I am looking forward to still having them to read.
And I am reading the Bird Artist for my book club, but it was already on my wishlist because it is set in the early 1900's in Newfoundland, Canada. The hubby and I are going there for a week in July, so I was curious to read about this place. When  one of the members of the book group suggested it I was a little surprised because it is not a new book., but glad to get a chance to read it for more than my own pleasure. It took my 25 pages to get established in the book, but so far I am loving it and it is a quick read which is great. 
And I have been reading in spurts here and there
It is quite interesting and I am learning a lot, but I am yet to decide if I love this book or not. There are parts that are great, and parts I feel the author strays a bit, so we shall see as I  get further along.
Guess that's all for me today. I should go be productive and finish cleaning out my winter clothes (putting out the spring/summer ones if I can ever wear them), maybe run the vac around the house or better yet, go play with some paints or other media for a while. The day is moving along but that's OK because it's good to be a bit slow for change.
Enjoy your Saturday-or what's left to it when you read this post.
And as always-thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. I love book posts! :) I remember reading Dickens' books. They stay with you, don't they! I'm a huge fan of the original Hillerman Leaphorn/Chee books but have never read the daughter's books. Your encouragement tempts me top check them out.

    I've swapped out seasonal clothes already, but I'm glad I kept out a few winter things. It's cold today with a chance of snow. In _Memphis_! Who'd have thought it!

  2. You find some of the best books to read. I was fascinated that Anne Hillerman picked up where her dad Tony left off. It sounds like a good read.

    Your journal page today is exciting. I love the recycling you used, and I like the focal image of the old ladies. You put a LOT into this entry because I can see you doodling everything around the ladies. It was a fun entry and I'm thrilled you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey. Hope the rest of your Saturday is great.

  3. Forgot to tell you. We got snow and a record LOW for this date in history. It is bitterly cold, windy, and first got ice, then snow overnight. Bet you are glad you didn't get the ice, too.

  4. Your page is just a hit Erika! Adorable! My grandma was dressed in that way - but she was born in 1907- so I think that was the 70ties and 80ties for her.Very few old woman nowadays are dressed in that She always sewed her dresses by herself and they looked nice and cozy and the obligate silver-gray permanent wave -what a pretty Lady !
    Sorry about that weather - here it is much better - but today was also more wind even though it was warm. But not as warm as it was the last days! I had a big cleaning day and am tired now. Will come back to read about your book reviews soon!

    Thank you very much for joining us at Art Journal Journey again with this super page and thank you for joining us also at Try It On Tuesday again! Happy weekend to you! Enjoy it!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. Hello Erika. I always love to see what you are reading. The Hillerman mysteries sound good, I'll look out for them.
    Yes, I really love the image of the old ladies, friends, chatting. I do remember when older ladies and also not so old ladies dressed like that and even today we can still see them here, smartly dressed. They look good against that great patterned background.

  6. Sorry it's so cold over there, it's warm at last here. Great journal page, love that stamp you used. Thanks, too for joining us at TIOT. Enjoy your new books, I downloaded 7 New ones today so I'm all set for the next 2 weeks. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Its a fabulous page with the image of those two ladies of a certain age. They are still around in more rural areas I think, but its good to see this generation being more modern in their outlook and dressing how they want to look, not what convention dictates.
    I should maybe include myself in this group as I am in no way ready to give up my jeans.
    You have read some super books this past week, crafting and reading always come before housework in my home, so enjoy the moment.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx
    Thank you for adding your page to the TioT's theme, your support is very much appreciated.

  8. Such a wonderful page! I love how you coloured the background and that photo of the two ladies is delightful, I can just imagine them chatting away 😉. Such a wonderful quote too and great books, thanks for the reviews! Happy Sunday and thanks so much for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! J 😊 x

  9. I love how you changed your calender page into an exciting artwork! The flowers are gorgeous, and these two ladies are the eyecatcher! They look very amused about their chatting!
    Now you are a busy reader and listener :)
    To read (or listen) a book twice - once with 16 years old and now - must have been a great adventure, because with the years we see many things in another way.
    Wish you a happy sunday! Hugs-Rike

  10. Ooh, very interesting book list (you read a lot at once, don't you?), and I like your older women page. Colorful, and jazzy. :) I hope you enjoyed your Saturday.

  11. Your page is wonderfully alive. i love the two friends catching up with each other. You are a voracious reader! I'm still working on Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon. It's been over a year! I don't seem to make time to read anymore. A friend from Scotland told me about a program on BBC 4 Radio called Great Scot, a dramatization of some of Sir Walter Scott's novels. Scott played by David Tennant narrates the novels and other actors voice the parts. I listened to Ivanhoe one of my favorite stories. Was the first time I had listened to a novel. Really enjoyed it. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  12. All your books sound interesting. I think A Tale of Two Cities was my favorite of the Dickens I have read. Who was the reader on the audio? The Monet sounds interesting but I know what you mean about authors straying -- that can get annoying. I didn't realize Anne Hillerman had picked up where her father left off. That's good to know. What a fun post!

  13. An interesting selection of books Erika! I've just finished Kate Morton's The House at Riverton, which was a great read.
    I love your journal page, that's a wonderful image and quote! Thanks for joining my challenge at AJJ again!
    Alison xox

  14. This is a beutiful page, I like it very much! Thank you for joining us at TioT.

  15. Lovely calender page, I do love the image and I remember old ladies dressing that way but my Grandmother rode a motorbike and was always in trousers !

    Thanks for joining in at Try It On Tuesday


  16. I love this calendar page! I have often looked at Flow magazine but the high price put me off so I'm guessing it is cheaper in the US! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday!
    When I was in my early teens we were given a complete Dickens collection which I slowly worked my way through! I think I would enjoy listening to someone else read them now! Hugs, Chrisx


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